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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Down here in the SW, boat prices are very buoyant, however, I have noticed that since the fuel price hikes not so many folk are using them like they used to. As @Saintly Fish has indicated, the cost of fuel is a very small proportion of the total coat of ownership, but a whole lot of folk just do not look at the big picture. The price of fuel will not affect my usage, and once this East wind clears off, I will be out on the wrecks as usual, however, the next trip may well be for Macky as the bait freezer is looking sad.
  2. It is an executive agency, but not privately run, it is sponsored by the dept of transport, therefore all the staff are CS (same as Ofcom who I used to work for). HGV testing stations are privately run, but can only test with DVSA testers, which they pay the DVSA for on a daily rate.
  3. Well done mike.......... My son MOT's HGV's, everything from a donkey box to Fuel tankers and beyond, he also conducts road safety certificates for MOD equipment (a whole new storey !), so being a civil serpent he has no financial obligation to answer to, whereas private vehicle MOT's to Class 7 certainly do. Although there are some rules set out for the tester, 90% of the testing process is 'in the opinion of the tester, at the time of test'. He has said to me that where many new entrant testers fail is by using their own experience, by looking at a component and deciding it will most likely fail within the next 12 months, which is WRONG, because if the component is OK at the time of test, then it meets the current requirement. My daughter has just taken her car in for MOT, I pre-MOT'ed the car and noted that the 2 rear tyres had plenty of tread but were beginning to perish on the outside edge, however, as there was no delamination it was not a fail, but hey would need changing in the near future. She picked her car up this afternoon and the garage had changed the rear tyres without any consultation. I rang them and was told the tyres were a fail, I then pointed out that although slightly perished on the outer 20% of the tread, there was no delamination, so it should have been an advisory. I offered them 2 options, either put the originals back on or supply the new tyres for free. I also suggested that they kept the old tyre carcasses for any DVSA investigation. Very quickly, they have agreed a 75% discount on the invoiced tyre price. ! Unfortunately, and rightly so, there are no hard rules regarding visual testing of certain components, it comes down to common sense, and is it in a acceptable condition ON THE DAY of the test. Brake pipes are a prime example, How corroded is corroded ? .......... I bet you could get 10 grease monkeys's look at some pipes, and they would all have different opinions. Light and horn etc are easy, either they work or they don't, but is 0.1mm of play in a wheel bearing too much, or is some surface rust and general crud on a brake pipe too much ? ........ this is where the system fails.
  4. A common problem ! The normal cause of this is the position of the transducer. It the transducer is placed in turbulent aerated water, then it will not work correctly at speed. Can you post a picture of the transducer mounting position on the boat ? Often the issue is that the transducer is too high for when the boat planes, but it can also be caused by incorrect positioning by lifting strakes or engine, where the aerated turbulence is greatest. Mine will still read bottom at 40knts +
  5. Dream on, faggot ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮
  6. Yes, sort of. They are joined together by a Garmin port expander (GMS10) which is essentially a 4 port ethernet switch, and the master port is connected to N2k. So the plotters talk to each other via ethernet (I guess you could call it ‘Garmin network’), and then the outside world (AIS, Panoptix, Engine, active trim, GPS puck, & Transducers) via N2k.
  7. Yes, I have 2 plotters and they are networked together via a garmin port expander and nmea2k. That way all info can be displayed on either plotter. They can also share transducers.
  8. I asked that question and really didn't get a straight answer. I would assume from the info I gleaned that it is for people that just want the charts and image info, for complicated stuff like relief shading (and maybe bird's eye view), then you have to use active captain. BTW, 32Gb is the biggest microSD that Garmin support in their plotter range.
  9. Generally no, but more info required, like the make and model of transducer, and the make and model of the sounder ? I would expect the sounder to show an error for the transducer, by indicating that it is not present.
  10. No chance, @JonC is in a class of his own, very special 🤣🤣👍
  11. Yes, provided that the chart is registered to your Garmin account, which you can do via Garmin express, or Active Captain. You need to access the charts on your phone / ipad to upload the selected area from active captain.
  12. That will still require you to load it via active captain to get all the options, especially relief shading. Once you have registered it to your Garmin account, it will show on the active captain app.
  13. The Bretagne is at 5Nm and the Glocliffe is at 10Nm. Usually loads of Pout and a few Bass on the Glocliffe, also there is often a pot buoy, but I can't remember if the pot buoy is on the Glocliffe or Grenleen !
  14. I dont know, mine will run without any cards, but I keep one active captain in one plotter and a blank card in the other plotter for screen dumps etc.
  15. Take out each one in turn and IIRC it will tell you on the plotter that you have removed the active captain card.
  16. If it has been there a while, it may well have stored software updates and other stuff. Format it on a PC and then put it back in and recreate an active captain card.
  17. Hah, he doesn't need them, he is a big enough tit already 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  18. He is from essex, so I expect he already has crabs, syphilis, and herpes 🤔🤣🤣🤣
  19. Wot, you forgotten how to use a screwdriver, or is that beyond the intelligence of essex clowns 🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  20. Ok, I have had a meaningful conversation with tech support at Southampton, and confirmed my suspicions. If you have the vision + chart card, you cant just plug it in, because although the basic chart will work, a lot of the other stuff like birds eye view, relief shading, and guidance will not work. The only way all the functionality can be achieved is to load the area of interest via active captain. Yes, Garmin have changed the ‘tiles’ in favour of a ‘selected area’. Both myself and the support guy preferred the tile system. Neil, you will need to register your chart via active captain, or Garmin express, then upload the area of interest to your active captain sd card in the plotter. The tech guy said it is best if you ring them as you may need to delete a file on the Garmin card to make life easier. TBH daily updates on the vision + will be a PITA as you will need to reload the selected area on each update ! However, stuff doesn't change that much so I would only do it every 6 months or so. Hope that helps ….
  21. If you now go to 'download charts (3 boxes inside the circle, and halfway down the menu) you are no longer presented with the 'tiles grid map', instead there is a box that you can select what area of the chart to download. I need to know from Garmin how that relates to the original tiles.
  22. It is difficult to see, but I would guess that you stopped at the 'Rota' which is about 10miles, and then you may have fished the 'meatboat' which is at about 15miles Here is the chart taken as a screen grab off my PC, to give you an idea of the locations. This is the same chert zoomed so that you came see the cluster of large wrecks to the North (about 3 miles) of when you were fishing
  23. Yes will do 👍 I need to ask questions in a specific way in order to understand the relationship of a chart card vs active captain vs plotter, and how all the options like relief shading etc are activated. Then I need to know how the older tile version of down loading retains compatibility with the later selected area down loading 🤷‍♂️
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