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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. I tried to update my vision charts today, and it seems that Garmin have changed the process yet again. I expected to see the 'tiles' on the chart download page of active captain, but now I see that you have to select an area to upload to the plotter, which is mighty confusing. Also, my wife had deleted Active Captain off her phone πŸ™„ and when I reloaded it, I couldn't find how to turn on the relief shading ! I think I also need to speak with Garmin to understand the current process !
  2. GPSguru


    Bad luck Luke, but you still get points for trying πŸ‘
  3. Bad luck, however it was ok for me with just what seemed like a bad cold and lots of coughing. For me it took 17 days to test negative ! JD is a cracking fish to eat, we get a few on the wrecks during the autumn.
  4. Ah ok, so it is effectively g3 vision with a couple more bells an whistles like daily updates and a few more photo’s. I am guessing the only way to achieve this is to upload the tiles from active captain to the active captain sd card in the plotter, as the updates will be automatically downloaded to the active captain app just like the plotter software. It sort of makes the chart card redundant ! TBH, I think I would find that to be a PITA, especially if it requires to reload the whole tile instead of updating a tile, as this has the potential to be not only time consuming, but also frustrating. However, to get it to work, you have to load the tiles from the active captain app.
  5. I can't find any reference to Vision + ? I have G3 Vision and that has the relief shading etc .............but I found it to be a PITA to load as it is very phone fussy. It doesn't want to know on my Iphone 11 pro Max and fails at about 20% on every upload, yet it performs OK using the wife's Iphone 11 pro, provided I switch off everything except Wifi. When I spoke to Garmin they told me to use an Ipad as that is what the system is designed around. Both our Ipads here don't have enough free memory to load the tiles.
  6. Tiddlers then .............. at least 2 of the tiles I loaded for Lyme Bay are over 1Gb each............... Actually, you don't need the chart card. Once the chart is registered to your account, and it shows on Active captain, then you load the tiles to the Active Captain micro SD card in the plotter via the active captn app on your phone, as that is the only way it will work.
  7. Hmmm ....... perhaps not a good idea to anchor in 180ft on a full moon spring tide πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ ....... but you were well prepared when the warp snagged, so well done on that. I know those banks well, and I know of many anglers that have fished them, however, the only fish that seem to be on those banks are dogs and Gurnards. I have drifted those banks a few times when shark fishing, and have never seen a fish on the sounder ! At 26 miles you were within spitting distance (3.8nm) of a line of excellent wrecks , the Regestroom, modavia, Dwyer, rosten, and lord Hailsham. All of these were liable to fish well for Pollock and sometimes Cod. I guess the wreck you stopped at was the meatboat ?
  8. Dunno, I will look into the vision + differences and report back. I know that certain functions do not work if the chart is downloaded to a card. It has to be downloaded as tiles on active captn to work as it should. I had a long phone call with Garmin about it, but I have to say that the guys know their stuff and were very helpful πŸ‘
  9. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ€£ I just happened to drive along to polly steps to meet Bro in law who wanted a hand to load his tender onto the roof of his car. Looking forward to reading your report πŸ‘
  10. Today's earworm .......... brings back happy memories And the feckers are still singing it 50 years on ..........
  11. At about 7pm this evening, I noted that capt @thejollysinker was on his boat at his mooring, however, I didnt see his Discofairy in the car park, so he must be getting sneaky πŸ€£β€¦β€¦ Has he been out today and caught fish ? Are we going to get a catch report ? Or was it just a social visit to the boat πŸ™„
  12. That is a good drift speed for the plaice on the banks. Anything below 0.75 or above 1.5 and they don't want to know.
  13. Here is the latest from billy, with some detail on baiting the hairs with both worm and fish.......
  14. Schnuerle scavenging …….. the inlet and exhaust ports are on the same side. The cylinder is charged from the inlet port by passing high over the piston crown in the form of a loop. I also had a 570, but I had a 3 pot johnson 70 on the back. Nice boats and I sold mine for a lot more than its purchase price !
  15. The land you could see was probably Start Point to Plymouth. Out from Salcombe there are a huge number of wrecks, and they are a good 50 mile steam from Brixham. When we go there it is a 70 mile steam for us, so 140mile round trip before you have wetted a line ! Most of those wrecks are in quite deep water, so I guess you were seeing 200 - 250ft for most of the day. It is still all or nothing time on the wrecks at the moment, but I would expect them to start producing some fish toward the latter end of April, however, if it is like last year, then the fish won't take up residency until mid to late May. Well done on the Gurnard, I have also witnessed (about 2 years ago) the Red Gurnard record caught and gutted before anybody realized what they had caught !
  16. Gilmour really brings this to life, but the reality is still stark, and for me, very sad.
  17. That is what makes me smile about the carp fanatics ! All the action is usually around dusk till midnight and again at first light until just after sunrise. I can assure that short sessions are far more fruitful and rewarding than going on a major camping expedition ! When I rent a property in France with its own lake or riverside, I don't even need to stay near the rods, as my alarms are wireless, the reels are Ultegra 5500 baitrunner spools, and the rods are secured with rod butt clips. However, I did get a surprise one night when a Coypu took the bait ! ....... they are regarded as a pest in France and grow to quite a large size.
  18. I guess you are right, all the main brands are reliable engines these days. I think the move into 4 stroke technology and improvements in manufacturing (mimicking the automotive industry) was a game changer in outboard reliability.
  19. TBH, I have not heard a bad word against Yam engines for a few years now, so I guess they must be fine. A lot of commercials use them around here.
  20. Ah, but that is the fashion Carp angler.......... all the gear and no feck'in idea. The worst of the worst are the clowns that line up their rods to the millimeter and then make sure all the reel handles are in an identical position ............ ffs
  21. Bloody hell, I didn't realise that you knew @JonC that well πŸ€”πŸ€£
  22. I cant remember the last time I did an all night session, probably 30 years ago !, Although I did spend a week at lake St Christopher in France with my son in 2009.
  23. I was fishing for carp and Tench long before it became a fashion statement ! For many years now, I only fish for Carp in the rivers of France, and I also seek out private hidden lakes in France that have not seen a rod and line in years. The last time I fished a French river was 2016. No, I am not your fashion statement camo carp angler !
  24. It is generally accepted that when using a circle hook, for it to work as it should, then the bait MUST be below the hook. The same can be said for carp fishing where the hook is designed to turn as the fish blows the bait, again, for it to work the bait must be below the hook, i.e. hair rig. The only way to get a large bait below a medium sized circle is to hair rig, and there are a variety of methods. Usually I tie a simple hair, often using a small solid ring, but it comes easy to me as I have fished for carp over 50 years (since the late 60's). 'Billy fishing' in Norway has a very good example of how this is done with big fish and worm baits ..... look at 3:17 onwards, although the whole clip is a worthy watch, as are most of his video's
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