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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Spot on .......... DAB is aimed at the areas of populous, thus, coverage is a bit sparse once you get a few miles out. GSM is better, but experience suggests that it starts to get less reliable at 9 -12 miles out. I use the fusion BB100 black box which is integrated with the plotters and also the fusion link app on my phone. Music is stored on the phone.
  2. GPSguru


  3. Yes, that will work OK, A 1nm paddle on a bearing of 90°T will put you on the inside edge of the banks and a little over 2nm on the same bearing will put you on the outer edge of the banks. Try not to veer too much South toward Start point, as you will be entering rougher water where the tide rips start. However, although there are plenty of fish all over the banks, we tend to fish the Northern end by the Sherries Bank Buoy where the number of Plaice on the inside edge of the banks can be quite prolific. This would be a longer paddle for you of about 4nm on a bearing of 59°T. Alternatively, you could drive over to Slapton sands and launch from there, but it would still be a 3nm paddle. My experience suggests that worm baits are generally a waste of time. We normally use a thin strip of fresh Mack, tipped off with a strip of squid. However, my favourite bait by far is a frozen prawn (from Tesco's or Morrisons) tipped off with quid. For tackle, we usually use single hook running ledger rigs, but the hook needs to be strong as you have a good chance of picking up a decent ray or the odd Turbot. My rig is a 5oz watch lead and a 20lb FC hook length of about 18". Hooks need to be a very decent strong Aberdeen style, and we use Sakuma 560 (1/0 or 2/0). Going straight out from Hallsands and anchoring on the outer edge will see you in Blonde ray territory, with fish to 20lb+. Here you can use 6/0 hooks (Sakuma 545 manta Extra) and big Mack baits (whole fillet). When you are drifting for Plaice, always put out a second rod with some tinsels (we use a 4 hook string, of size 4's) dragging the bottom to pick up fresh mack and snakes (Launce). Also be aware that you will also pick up weevers on this rig ! Lastly, during a decent weather spell it is very busy with boats, so please make yourself highly visible. Another thing to look out for is wind over tide, as this creates some quite nasty water over the banks, as does a fresh Easterly. Keep your eye open for us, 'Bluefin', a 5.85m Ribcraft professional. The evenings, just before sunset, after a nice day can be quite spectacular on the banks with Porpoise, Dolphins, basking sharks and even Minke Whales. Unlike the Shambles banks, the Turbot are not there in numbers and are more of a by-catch, certainly not worth targetting. Other species on the banks are Plaice, Mackerel, Scad, Gurnard (Tub, Grey, and Red), Small Eyed Rays, Blond Ray, Spotted Ray, Weever, dragonet, Launce, and Common Sandeel. Fortunately no Dogs and Huss, but they do catch them off the beach at Blackpool sands,
  4. What do you need to know about the Skerries ? I can probably help............😉
  5. As you know, it is a prolific Plaice mark, however, these days the average stamp of fish means that 50% have to go back to grow bigger. Each year I usually get a good number of 3lb+ fish and maybe one or two 4lb'ers, this year I have set my target on getting a 5lb'er. 99.9% of my fishing is on the drift to cover more ground looking for the fish. To stay on topic, I rarely use ground bait, although I have noticed that catches are sometimes better when there are more rods on the boat, indicating that a scent trail probably does have an effect. If I do ground bait, then I use the big lead weight in a large plastic bag method, which is also the method used by many charter boats.
  6. On that mark, 20 is about average, but only if you drift, the best speed seems to be between 0.8 and 1.2knts
  7. Plaice are quite aggressive sight hunters, which is why drifting ALWAYS out fishes being at anchor by several to one ! I can fish the skerries banks at anchor and catch blondes, small eyed, spotted, bass, dogs, and gurnard, but no plaice. Then I go for a few drifts and take 20 plaice with ease.
  8. Valkyrie ( @thejollysinker boat) looks to be Ok when I went to Polly Steps earlier this afternoon. Most of the damage occured at the corner of Back Beach by the Ship inn, as a Westerly wind slams right into that corner of the estuary, with confused waves.
  9. That would be a plus 🤣 anybody would think that I hate transporters and vw’s in general 👍
  10. Chesil, which is open to the SW is taking a hammering, with the live wave buoy showing an average of 6m waves with significant waves touching 13m. The Needles weather station has recorded wind speeds of 110 mph, however, our local wind speed here at Berry head has maxed out at 78 mph. Here is a snap shot of the Chesil live wave buoy, the live feed can be found here .... https://coastalmonitoring.org/realtimedata/?chart=68&tab=waves&range=day&disp_option=1&user_indate=&datum=chart
  11. Hmmm, The MetO are backing down at bit and the max wind here is forecast 57mph @9:00am, however, XC weather are continuing to forecast 78mph @9:00, the difference in the two forecasts is storm force 10 or hurricane force 12 ! The track of the low has altered slightly by going further North which means that the Bristol Channel & North Devon will get a battering. Lots of boats sheltering in Lyme Bay as it is sheltered to the west / SW, it is east or NE that gives us extreme storm conditions, however, I wouldn't want to be fishing on Exmouth or Chesil beach's tonight as they both face SW. The most accurate forecast is normally 'TWO' (The weather Oulook) and this again is 79mph at 9-12 My boat is tucked up in the driveway, and sheltered from the S/SW by the garage........
  12. Yes, it is only a simple job, because they are not expecting tidal stream and leeway to be taken into account as the question is rather sparce.
  13. I feel like I am. On round 3 of the UTI now ! My problem is that I am resistant to most antibiotics, which is a worry. With regard to the chart question, yes it would take me less than 10 mins to plot on the PC. I might look at it later.
  14. Approx 0.5m @2:30pm Looking at the UK Hydrographic Office prediction, the Data for the nearest tide station is too sparse at low tide, therefore a tidal curve cannot be accurately calculated, however the next tidal station gives enough curve information to predict 0.4m to 0.55m at your requested time and place. Even a tidal atlas is not going to help you with that one. 🙄
  15. There's a few in Plymouth, I am guessing Kevin on Crusader, or Malcolm on Sea Angler II Occasionally I launch from QAB, but I think only once in the last 2 years.
  16. Hmmm, I think my chances of both plotters failing, and 2 mobile phones failing, is pretty remote ! Many of us can still plot on paper charts, and done properly an EP it is surprisingly accurate when compared to a GPSP. However, how many on here actually carry paper charts ?, I dont even carry a tide atlas anymore.
  17. GPSguru


    Just looked, and he was last seen 29 days ago, so I guess something is not right, although he was talking about going on a long road trip to western Oz this year.
  18. That is almost as bad as scaffold poles ! 🤣 Those metal bricks are called Ingot's 🙄
  19. Well done bud. I should have gone, but did the right thing staying at home, however, the sea here was perfect with 0,3m @ 14.8 secs, so i guess you had quite a smooth trip in BC
  20. I have decided to give it a miss tomorrow, as I am still on antoibiotics and would rather wait for the hopefully 'all clear' early next week, I pick up the granddaughter from school 3 days a week, this is the view from her classroom. With the school telescope she can see grandad going out fishing ! In the distance is the Orestone, with Flat rock to the right. The headland in the distance is Hopes nose. In the foreground you can see Teignmouth Pier, the Ness headland and the local harbour dredger (Teign C)working in the navigation channel. It was never like that when I was at school !
  21. I usually solder and then use glued heat shrink, the theory being that the glued heat shrink gives adequate rigidity to solve any issues of vibration fatigue at the soldered joint, however, the joint needs to be properly soldered which means not allowing the solder to run back to the insulation by capillary action due to too much heat. TBH, I don't believe there is a lot to choose between either crimping or soldered, as long as the job is done properly with the correct tools. Yes, my crimpers were a little over £500 and that was in 1993 !
  22. I use Spectra braid from ebay. Many years ago a good friend in the ‘line’ trade told me it came from the same factory as shimano power pro. To be fair the colour, feel, and other properties seem identical to power pro and I have now been using Spectra for years with no issues at all. I use 28lb on the wrecking and downtide rods, 20lb on the SPJ rods. I was using YGK jigmaster on the SPJ rods, but my supply has dried up, so now changed over to Spectra.
  23. In all fairness, I was warned by the docs that it could return with vengeance within 48hrs of finishing the antibiotics…….. the doc was right ! This current course of horse pills should see it off in 7 days.
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