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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. It is common in the south west to use the head if a large desert spoon / serving spoon as a flasher spoon. Again, not as common as it was 10 years ago, most anglers now just use 2 fillets of mack on a 10/0 muppet rig with a multi-strand or titanium wire trace.
  2. Both of the rigs are mainly used by the LRF guys, which is why you will struggle to get gear heavy enough for what we like to do. stand up heads are also called triangular heads , so include that in any search. I used to sell a lot of stand up’s but they are all gone now and my source of supply dried up. To my mind this was the best setup for ‘cod hopping’. I used to use all this stuff up until about 2016, since then, for me, most of the above has been replaced by SPJ, which due to its versatility can replicate most forms of lure fishing.
  3. OR do wot I do, just fish downtide and trott the bait well downtide of the boat, that works especially if there are other rods on the boat as the fish find the trotted bait first when looking for the scent source. An even better option is not to fish bait at all, just use slow jigs and plastics 👍
  4. I just hope to get more time on the water. A good number of double figure Pollock would be nice this year, and also maybe that Bass double that has eluded me for years (I have had plenty to 9lb 14oz !). I have lost interest in sharks and BFT (way too much effort), but that could all change if I see plenty of activity out there. Also, a decent JD would be nice, I haven't had one for a long, long, time.
  5. GPSguru

    Just joined

    Does he have a sense of humour ? 🤔
  6. GPSguru

    Just joined

    Kettle calling pot black I think…..🤔🙄🤣
  7. GPSguru

    Just joined

    Exactly what any NORMAL person would do. 🙄
  8. GPSguru

    Just joined

    Because when he saw this, He thought he was going to see a picture of a bloke wearing a skirt 🤣
  9. GPSguru

    Just joined

    Welcome and excellent comment............ 👍 You will fit in here well, Pot Noodle is for the great unwashed and geriatric hippy's 🙄
  10. I have done Porbeagle, Thresher, and BFT. Conger over 100lbs is a tough call, my best is 92lb Mako is a strong contender, I have a feeling we will see more of them in the very near future.
  11. Yes, I was surprised he was given that instruction, but I guess, as is the case with many trainers in all walks of life where statutes are not involved, the verbage is open to 'interpretation' by each individual trainer.
  12. Is that the best you can do, Rentboy ?
  13. Fixed that for you Jon ............ have a nice day ............... 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. This book by Alison Noice https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/day-skipper-for-sail-and-power-9781472944818/ will tell you all you need to know, and it is written in a very understandable manner, with different senario's for both the fast powerboat, displacement powerboat, and WAFI. A relative (not saying who) did the PB2 and gave me a very nice compliment ......... he said he had learnt very much more being out with me, than he did on the course, and the instructor was very surprised at his close quarters handling ability, but, at least he now has a piece of paper (ICC) that allows him to drive and rent a boat in mainland EU. The only issue he had with the instructor was Colregs ........... he was told to power on through as he had the right of way, but instead he adopted what I had taught him .......... unless you are 100% sure of another vessels intentions, then avoid like the plague !, especially at speed. I really should do PB2, I know all the local instructors, and we see and chat to each other all the time when going in and out of the estuary harbour, so I guess it could be quite fun. Brother in law (James) who often crews with me has 'Ocean Yachtmaster' qualifications which he took many years ago when living in Oz.
  15. Willy wonker (Alain @willyhookit) does a lot of Skate fishing in Jockistan. He tows his worrier up from York ................ I used to compete in Land Rover events in jockistan, but these days I would find the trip from deepest South Devon more than a little tedious, not only that, but I also have a problem understanding the sweaty's accent. However, we have looked at rental properties with either a mooring or launching facilities as an alternative to a France break next year.
  16. No words can describe 🤬 ................ https://marineindustrynews.co.uk/car-owner-blocks-in-lifeboat-then-calls-for-help/
  17. A 9m with a diesel inboard makes sense (Redbay, Ribcraft, Halmatic Arctic, Ribtech, Ring, Etc) but a diesel outboard is a heavy lump to hang on the back of any RIB. In terms of power to weight, they are worse than poor .............
  18. Well worth the trip, excellent. I did think about going out today, but it would have meant a dawn start and xmas day was busy with 12 for dinner, so had a lay in instead.
  19. All fixed now. Garmin were excellent and delivered in 2 working days.
  20. Being as you probably came into this country with your trouser rolled up to the knees, I expect this is your xmas tunes 🤣
  21. What bloody shell have you lived under all of your life ?
  22. Well, my new bracket from Garmin took 2 business days, just too lazy to fit it right now.
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