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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. RIP Jethro .......... very funny geezer ........... This is better ...............
  2. If it is a single isolate occurrence, then I would suggest it was a software issue (crash) with either the Simrad or the heading sensor. If this is the case, then I would strongly suspect the Simrad. It needs to happen on a regular basis before you can even think about isolating the issue
  3. That is if Herr Drakeford lets you out !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. They are worse than the bloody french. At least we can understand the french language, not all this yaki dar shite 🤣
  5. Looks like the Cod are running later this year, which probably ties in with the way the year has been. It will be a shame if Drakeford locks you guys down over the xmas holidays and into the new year, having said that, Doris and his clowns are meeting today to discuss England.
  6. Well done dicky, it is good that you are showing the welch gits how it done in their own back yard 🤣
  7. It looks like part of a starfish................ I guess you were able to load the ADM file Ok into your Garmin. If yes, then you should also get the 'notes' attached to each mark, especially the wrecks with size and orientation.
  8. Yes, that documentary was made on the 25th anniversary, but it is excellent. Today is the 40th anniversary. My xmas lights at home will be off for an hour tonight.
  9. 19th December 1981 …. Indelibly etched in my head Tonight the Christmas lights in Mousehole will be switched off for an hour, like they are every year since 1981
  10. Yes, i know that feeling 🤣 At least a decent Cod has graced the decks of Odyssey this year, and that is an achievement 👍
  11. Good report and well done on getting out. No chance here as we had a 1.5m sea ! Whiting are OK and no blank ............ It is just the Pout, straps and dog's that don't count. Did you get chance to look at the house battery charging system ?
  12. I had just come into the 6knt limit, so I was doing about 8knts.
  13. The new mount is designed to bend if you clout the transducer. I already have the same HD mount on the panoptix transducer that is on the port side. Interestingly, the plastic mount for the GT series of transducers is no longer available.
  14. The broken mount is being replaced with the heavy duty mount, which is now on its way to me from Garmin.
  15. Bad luck, you cant 'win em all'............ there is always next time 👍 I went out on both the 15th and 16th, and had 9 Bass, but the reality is that the biggest was pushing 3lb, not a blank but not great either.🙄
  16. I probably saw you on my way back in from the Boma. If I had known you were going out you could have crewed with me out to the 9 mile wrecks (Boma, stewart, & grieffon).
  17. The Bass have been on the inshore wrecks in numbers much, much longer than usual. I suspect they have elbowed the pollock out for a while. It is about time the spikey pot bait should move on the the spawning grounds. I cant see them staying much longer.
  18. Two days of settled weather just couldn’t be overlooked ! As I do the pm school run on those 2 days it meant that fishing was restricted to morning sessions Wednesday the forecast was W / WSW F2 gusting to F3. The sea state was forecast as 0.6m @ 9secs, so not lumpy, but not smooth either. Crew for the trip was James (Brother in Law). Launched at first light (8:00) and we decided to go to the inshore 9 mile wreck that has fished so well for me on the last trips back in November. Fishing was slow, with me being first into a small Bass of about 2lb. James had a couple of Pout and then it went dead for while so we moved to another wreck that was 2 miles further out. This was not a good move as neither of us could find any fish at all, so it was decided to retrace our steps and go back to the original wreck. We ended up with 4 Bass, James had one and I had 3, but he fish were small with the biggest going only 3lb (ish). We called it a day at 12:00 midday and motored back to the slip. The sea was pretty good on the inbound journey, allowing me to cruise at 28knts. Thursday (today) I was ‘billy no mates’ and went out on my own, again launching at first light. The forecast was SE F2 (XC weather) and S F3 (MetO), but the reality was W, veering to NE F2. The sea state was forecast as 0.7m @ 4 secs, which was pretty accurate and the sea was quite lumpy. However, I was able to maintain 24knts, so the trip to the same wreck was quite quick. First drop and I was into a small Bass again, followed by a few pout. At slack I made the decision to move to a wreck that was a little over 3 miles away, however, when I got there it was netted, so I returned to the original wreck. During the late morning the Bass were very obliging and I ended up with 5 Bass and 7 Pout. Unfortunately the stamp Bass was again poor with the biggest going maybe 3lb if you put your finger on the scales ! Again, back in at midday, however, the journey was not uneventful. As I came into the estuary navigation channel, I hit a submerged object (I am guessing a small log or branch), which sounded bad, but the only damage I can find is a broken transducer mount on the GT52. This can easily be replaced. What surprised me was the lack of Pollock. Normally we get some good size Pollock on these wrecks at this time of the year. Unfortunately the sea state on both days prevented me from getting out to the 30 mile wrecks, which is where I need to be for a good Pollock double, or a unicorn. So, the two morning sessions produced 9 Bass and 11 Pout. Not a blank, but not great either. Distance travelled totaled up at 49Nm. When I did the school run this afternoon I noticed that Gary’s ( @thejollysinker ) truck was in the car park and I couldn’t see his boat, so I guess he braved the lumpy conditions and went out. Couple of pics, but not much to show really.
  19. I was out this morning, not so good with 4 Bass and the biggest going 3lb. I will be out again tomorrow morning ...............
  20. Yes, looks like both Weds and Thurs mornings for me ........... however, XC might be a tad optimistic with regard to sunshine, the local and national weather forecasts are for overcast with a 10% chance of drizzle. @Andy135 I will send you some pics if we strike lucky, depending on if I have service from a vodafone signal as the wreck I will be fishing is 12 miles, on Thurs if the sea permits I might go to a 30 mile wreck where the unicorns often set up home ...........
  21. Another reason why it may have been disconnected is due to a faulty battery, that has probably now been sorted. Batteries with S/C cells, or H/R plate coneectors cause all sorts of issues with charging systems.
  22. Good plan, but other symptoms of a faulty unit could be strange instrument readings and also misfire at high revs or under load. This would be due to the R/R putting out a substantial AC ripple onto the DC line. However, looking at the picture, it would seem likely that reconnecting the earth was missed during routine servicing, or other engine work.
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