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Posts posted by GPSguru

  1. 13 hours ago, Captain Sensible said:


    Prob just need to buy an Aqua bell with massive diesels and get it done 


    IIRC twin Ford Mermaids. Cracking engines, old tech and simple, a bit smoky, easy to fix.

    However, finding a decent Aquabell will be a challenge.


  2. 5 hours ago, JonC said:


    could you please try to keep this one on topic, Luke has posted to tell us about some guy that sells tackle and you have completely ruined it by telling us about your poor little foot. It serves you right anyway for stamping on the Christmas decorations like some pound shop Grinch. 

    Yeah, but the bloke that sells the tackle is a miserable old bad tempered bast’id. 🙄🤣😇

  3. 30 minutes ago, jonnyswamp said:

    How the fack didn't you know that was in there

    Interestingly, the podiatrist said she has removed Golf Tee's and self tapping screws from feet and the people involved just thought they had a thorn in the sole of their foot !, so I am not the only thick bast'id in the village. 🤣

    She told me I was lucky that it missed some important stuff as it went in.😲

  4. 7 minutes ago, jonnyswamp said:

    How the fack didn't you know that was in there

    Well, I couldn't see the wound without mirrors, but I dressed it with iodine and a very tight bandage to stop the bleeding (there was lots of blood). After a couple of days I took the bandage off and got the Mrs to look at it, and she took out a small obvious piece of glass.

    I would be OK in the morning, and it would get progressively more painful as the day went on, but the wound was refusing to heal, and over a month had passed since the injury. The Mrs was getting worried about infection setting in.

    I went for a routine blood test at the surgery and the nurse looked at it and decided I was high risk due to being immunosuppressed and mild type 2 diabetic, so she sent a message to Podiatry, who rang me within 24 hours and arranged an appointment for a couple of days later. The podiatrist quickly saw the issue and did the business, although she did offer to send me to a surgeon, I told her to get on with it.

    She gave me a bollocking ! , which I probably deserved.

    It feels heaps better now.

  5. 6 hours ago, JonC said:

    The big leg drop is the best finisher in the game. 

    I wont be leg dropping anything for a while.

    just before xmas I stood on a glass bauble thing whilst  putting up lights in the conservatory, and sliced the heel of my left foot. Lots of blood and cursing, but up until this week it was still painful to walk on an just would not heal. So I got an appointment with the hospital podiatrist and she proceeded to dig this out from deep in the wound. It is better to walk on and should now heal.🙄


  6. 1 hour ago, Odyssey said:

    Looks like I’m going for the xSonic Airmar M260

    Itll be the shoot through hull type…. Just need to sort a temp sensor now 🤔

    Sounds OK, get on with it 👍

    Remember Luke, regardless of what system you go for, the technology is all the same, that is the nature of the beast.

    It all comes down to the way in which the GUI (graphical user interface) is presented, and ease of use, and what works for one person, might not work for another, it is mostly personal preferences and interpretation, BUT, the technology behind the screens is all the same.


  7. 2 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    Any recommendations? 

    I’ve got a nice set which are more suited to beach/chilling out than working on a boat. 

    Im after a set of polarised ones which don’t cost the earth (in case they fall overboard) but need to work and not fall apart… any recommendations? 🙂 

    RayBan Aviators.

    Been using them for over 20 years, but had to replace them a couple of years ago when I lost them over the side on the Skerries ! They didnt fall off, like a prat I left them hanging on the A frame and went around for another drift, and then they were gone 🙄

  8. 1 hour ago, Saintly Fish said:

    It was cold, it was a lovely sunny calm day, I got a new speed record of 25.4kts. I caught 3 dogs and a small huss. The end. 















    Well done for braving the cold.

    It might not be what you want, but its not a blank, which is ok in my book 👍

    was that salt water ice, or did it have a fresh water content ?

  9. 1 hour ago, JDP said:

    Yes thats how I have posted videos in the past but I just didn't want poorly filmed phone video on my YT account. You get to many protesting vegans having their little tantrums if you kill, release, use fuel, own something not made out of hemp etc etc!!!!!

    On your YT account, upload the video and then tick it as ‘unlisted’

    Then only folk with the link can view it, as it won’t be listed on the YT site. If anybody views your channel, the video will not been seen by them as it is effectively hidden.

    🤣 @Andy135 beat me to it, for some reason I didn't see his post on my phone.🙄




  10. 6 hours ago, Rog Hill said:

    Yep the Marquesa 12, annoying isn't it. An excellent bargain.

    The reel is fitted with a sprag (one way) bearing. Sprag bearings have been known to slip under extreme tension, but that is mainly in industrial applications, and it will probably never happen on the MA12 as the max drag is only 23lb.

    However, as a backup to the sprag bearing, Fin Nor fitted an anti reverse pawl, which a lot of users find the noise annoying.

    The pawl is easy to remove, undo the 4 torx screws and remove the case. Just under the spool you will see the pawl and spring, there is no need to remove the spool, carefully slide a small screwdriver in to remove the 'C' clip, then using a screw driver release the spring and carefully prise the pawl off the spindle. It is quite tight for space but very doable. The reel then becomes silent. All mine are done that way (5 of them) and I have never had the sprag slip.

  11. 2 hours ago, JonC said:


    I had whiting from the weekend for dinner last night, not nothing to fancy, dipped in egg, rolled in flour then shallow fried. Very nice. 

    Years ago I did some and it was very bland, but it seems a lot of folk rate it as a good eating fish. Kyle cooked his exactly the same  as you and he told me he prefers it to pollock, so maybe I will try it again sometime 👍

  12. On 1/14/2024 at 12:16 PM, jonnyswamp said:

    Update for those interested

    Picked up a 2nd hand Garmin 18HD radome this week and fitted it Friday morning

    Didn't have time to give it a proper test as I had a few jobs booked in, so left it until the Saturday

    When the mfd's are switched on, none of them showed the radar option, checked power cable at radome end and it was dead

    However, the heading problem I had after removing the knackered radome had been resolved, result !

    I thought it was a couple of degrees out, so opted to carry out a factory reset at sea

    Bad choice as all 3 plotters were then 180 degrees out and we appeared to be going backwards

    Tried the recalibration procedure on the fluxgate compass a few times and got it back to 90 degrees out again

    Got up on the roof and unplugged the network cable, left it a minute or so then reconnected and it was OK again

    Which was a relief as we had to navigate some shallow water to get back in and it gets a bit confusing when your boat doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow

    I couldn't trace the power cable as some panels need to come off, but will get it done as soon as I get chance

    Also noticed something that never happened before, when at anchor and I switch the 2 older mfd's off and leave the newer one turned on, I get a message saying that the heading sensor has been lost ?

    I'll get power to the radome first, then go from there 

    But, I may need the services of a teenager, they're usually pretty good with tech stuff

    It looks like you might need to think about an electronics rewire, as it seems to me that bits and pieces have been added ad hoc in the past and although it works, it may not have been the best way to do it.

  13. On 1/9/2024 at 8:12 PM, Rog Hill said:

    Thanks for the replies guys, had a good look at the ugly sticks but am veering towards the Daiwa Tournaments.



    Yep, Ugly sticks are a bit 'stick' like. I prefer a decent tip action with some grunt in the butt, so all my rods are Daiwa Kenzaki (6 -12, 6- -16, 12 -20, 20 -30, and 30-50) coupled with Fin Nor Marquesa reels



  14. 2 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    Stunning forecast on weekend but Saturday it’s doing a refit on downstairs loo, Sunday it’s SCBI AGM in London so no fishing again 😞 

    Certainly a decent forecast for Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday here.

    On Saturday I have to take grand daughter to horse riding, but hoping to get out on Sunday, and if the forecast holds true it will be a trip to the skerries after some winter Turbot.

    However, it is a monster tide (top of the springs) so drifting the skerries will be challenging, also coming back into port at low tide will require some bum clenching careful maneuvering, as with 0.8m there is no room for any error. Normally I like the tide to be a minimum of 1.5m to get on the slip, but I will probably land at the all tide sand slip, but it will still be very tight

  15. 1 hour ago, mike farrants said:

    wow what a day - non stop action from the first drop to the last........

    Forecast weather window for the weekend had northerly 15mph on Saturday - northerly is off the land so 15mph is just about do-able.  Small tides so expectations were low.

    Met at Tims boat for 7am to get out before sunrise - no messing about trying to find bait- straight to the 5nm mark with frozen baits in case the wind strengthened. Target - Whiting on the small gear- rays on the big stuff. 


    dropped the hook, wind and tide not quite aligned but was ok bit bumpy an swinging a bit - dropped the small rigs first while the boat settled and was straight into the fish - literally as soon as the lead touched down. 

    We had so much action on the small rods it was hours before we put the big ones out - Pout, Bream, Whiting, scad, dogfish. I have never put back so many decent bream - we must have had over 20 to the boat - all decent size. Some of the pout were bigguns too - great non stop fun!




    eventually we tired of that and had we already had 2 decent bream and 3 big whiting for the table - so we put out the big baits only to find the Pout, whiting and bream hitting them too - Tim had a big Bream on a 6.0 hook and mackerel fillet!! - these fish were ravenous, either stripping the mackerel baits or hooking themselves!

    I put down a mackerel head hoping the bait would last long enough for something bigger and I was rewarded with a big angry double figure Bull Huss.


    I also managed a Scallop on the big rod - must have taken a fancy to my muppet...... 🤣 perfect for a starter!



    On the way home we were escorted by a pod of Dolphins - always amazing to see. 



    Bream and Scallop for tea,


    with the whiting done in chunks for sunday lunch fish wrap!!



    a pretty special day afloat to kick start the year - I was knackered though - combination of cold and all day action on a constantly moving boat really tired me out - I must be out of practice! 😜

    Lets hope this is a good sign for the year ahead!

    Well done  Mike, excellent.

    Sea was a tad too rough here to go out, however, if the weather holds then a trip to the skerries is on the cards for next weekend after some winter Turbot.

  16. 16 hours ago, mike farrants said:

    Not much going on at them moment so i'll share this. 

    I took part in the 'Small Boat Sea fishing' groups species hunt and did ok - the rules are simple - small private boat or charter boat (but cant be a mix), no kayaks, the fish are on a list (only fish on the list count), photo the fish with your card to count - no min size)

    I ended on 23 species, and came 19th out of over 100 entrants - my prize was a lure bundle from Lureshed UK - soft plastics and jig heads! some very well made lures!


    my 23 species were....

    Mackerel, Garfish, pouting, conger, Ballan, Corkwing, pollock, poor cod, dogfish, scad, whiting, smoothound, spotted ray, thornback ray, blonde ray, undulate ray, tope, red gurnard, tub gurnard, black bream, cuckoo wrasse, bull huss, thick lipped mullet.

    Notable species for me this year were a few firsts - first ever undulate, bull huss and thick lipped mullet - and I always enjoy a cuckoo wrasse



    I missed out on a few relatively easy fish that I've had in the prior year - they just eluded me! - Bass, Launce, Turbot, Grey gurnard and small eyed ray - would have seen me on 28 and in 10th! 

    I should also be able to get plaice, spurdog, brill. so I must try harder next year!

    the winner was Jake Davison from Muscle fishing (youtube channel)  and he had 38 - he was fishing from a tiny Polycraft tuffy and was able to travel the entire country with it on the roof - from Cornwall to Scotland for the Skate. 

    thoroughly enjoyable to take part through the year as it makes you try for species you might not normally target, and with a wealth of prizes - over 30 this year - there's a real incentive to keep on it!






    I have had a look Mike, and I finished the year on 31 species, which is about average, however, I tend not to take part in competitions.

    My most notable and unusual species this year were a streaked Gurnard on the Skerries, and a small (mack sized) Bonito off the orestone during the early Sept heat wave. However, I still didn't get my Wreckfish (Stone Bass), perhaps 2024 will provide for me .........................

  17. 1 hour ago, mike farrants said:

    thanks ian - so 3oz ball lead, portland rig,  at 2knots

    redgill type lure? soft plastic? 

    Usually a 115mm red gill, in blue/white. Fiish minnows (or a lookalike) in khaki also work, especially over rough ground as they are weedless.

    if it is a very bright day the maybe silver pearl, if it is a darker day then black can often work well.

    we also troll feathers to find the mack when thay are thin on the ground.

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