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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. How many times have you been bitten off in your fishing career ? I have been 'bitten off' a few times over the wrecks and most times that would be an unexpected Ling, once 'bitten off' we beefed up the tackle and went on to catch Ling !
  2. Similar teeth to a Pollock, and we catch plenty of doubles on the wrecks with a 25lb FC snood.
  3. Not really. Conger are like pikey’s, they steal the bait and then turn nasty when they are caught ! Both Dogfish and Pout are just a waste of space.
  4. How anybody could pay to catch stink’in slimy conger is beyond my comprehension. 🙄
  5. We use 50lb FC for Cod, and I have never been bitten off.
  6. Generally I only fish pennels on hook lengths up to about 40lb. These snoods will generally be memory free like amnesia, blackout, etc. I have never been bitten off at 40lb with Rays, or Hounds. On heavy hook lengths for Conger (we don't get Tope) I tend to use a larger single hook (10/0).
  7. GPSguru


    Well done luke, an excellent trip, but I guess a bit sad as it is the end of your shark season.
  8. Take your own carefully preprepared baits, that way you get more rod time in the water. Also take some frozen prawn (for tipping) , and Razors, coz they ain't got any, and it might give you the edge 👍
  9. Glad it went OK, and hope you feel better for op Steve. After my eye operation I was told not to drive for 3 days, however, everybody is different and if I can read a reg clearly at the statutory distance then it was Ok to drive. I drove after 24hrs !
  10. I have never been bitten off from a cod, but we mainly catch the larger fish on lures off the wrecks. Had plenty of Bite off's from cuttle and squid though. A cuttle bite is a long slowish pull down, and then you get a couple of tentative kicks once it knows it is hooked. The kicks are when it applies the water jets to escape.
  11. If it was just a weight with no kicking, then I would guess a Cuttle, or a decent squid, once they have taken a bait to the beak the cut off is always going to happen. When you fish for them with squid jigs, the jig is designed to catch the tentacles before they bite with the beak. This time of the year the Cuttle are coming inshore to spawn, the squid follow a little later. We get hordes of them along our coast, and this is the time of year for the Brixham trawlers 'black gold' harvest. This is what you are up against, there is only one winner .........
  12. I thought this section was for ‘CATCH’ reports 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ll get my coat 🙄
  13. If they could have confirmed it be 100% glaucoma, then the op would have been cancelled as the risk would be way too high. Apparently the immunosuppressant drug that I am taking is known to mimic all sorts of issues.
  14. Agree. still grounded here. I had the eye surgery yesterday, which wasn't without drama as the registrar surgeon found classic symptoms of glaucoma in my eyes, however, as I have no history of glaucoma the symptoms maybe a side effect of the immunosuppressant drug that I am on. Just for @Andy135 …. The anaesthetic is administered by needle. You are given eye drops to numb the injection area, then told to look upper left and in goes the needle into the corner of the eyeball. Once they press the plunger you feel lots of pressure behind the eye, but it sounds a lot worse that it is. You can see the syringe but cant feel the needle. I seems like the op was successful, but I wont really know until tomorrow. Also I have to go back in a month to check out the glaucoma issue.
  15. The orange should be ‘International Orange’ and is a colour used by most RIB builders as it is a ‘standard’ for rescue boats.
  16. Mask off just a small area around the chip with the blue masking tape, and then fill the chip. 👍 white is easiest, probably followed by international orange. Other colours can be a nightmare to get right.
  17. Take a 6-12 & 12-20. Reels loaded with 30lb braid and cannon ball leads of 8oz, 10oz, & 12oz Most of the time a zip slider will be ok, but when the tide is running you may find a tube boom ( aka guys boom or wrecking boom) easier to be tangle free. Use a 50lb hard mono rig body and 20-30lb fc snood.
  18. Using 30lb braid you will probably be ok with 8oz leads.
  19. In my last catch report, I mentioned that one of the stern wobble rollers locked in the vertical position and took a decent chip out of the Gel coat on the top lifting / spray rail strake. The problem with the wobble roller was the wobble pivot bolt had rusted, which made the assembly very stiff. To fix this issue I have changed all 8 pivot bolts on the stern rollers to M10 Stainless Steel A4 bolts, washers, and nyloc nuts. I did this by jacking the boat from the transom keel which takes the weight off the rollers. On reassembly, I have plastered them in 'Fuchs Aqua 2' which is pretty much saltwater proof grease. This is to ensure that the pivots will be well lubricated, and also the grease will form a barrier to help prevent electrolysis of dissimilar metals. My son was going to do the Gel coat repair as, although he is now a government HGV inspector / AI, his actual profession is vehicle body repairs, and he is apprentice served with 20 years experience as a painter. However, he managed to catch this nasty cold bug that is flying around here, and it put him in bed for almost a week, but he is OK again now. So, using his advice, I decided to tackle the job to take my mind off the forthcoming eye surgery ! The advice was, A) Carefully grind the chip edges to at least 45 degrees. Degrease with acetone B) Mask off the area and fill in the chip with multiple layers of Gel coat, using acetone to degrease before each layer, and force the layers to harden quicker with a hair dryer. C) Sand down to the correct shape with 100 grit wet / dry. D) Fashion the final shape with 320 grit, and then carefully finish with 400, 600, 800, and 1500 grit. E) Final rub with Farecla G3 cutting paste and then a final shine with either hard Diamond wax or Mer. and the final words were, F) If you fcuk it up, then I will come and fix it properly when I am better ! Here is the chip, The Tool I use a lot - Blue Point (Snap-On) air die grinder The finished result. The top of the picture is a reflection of the tarmac drive and airline on the polished hull.
  20. Yes, I can understand that. You would need to make your timing perfect, against the tide and you might be going backwards, going with the tide at more than 6knts, then keeping steerage might be an issue.
  21. Cant you go around using the inside passage hugging close the the Bill ?
  22. I always have, but sometimes you let your guard slip. I had just finishing grinding the welds on a replacement mini cooper floor pan and lifted the goggles to inspect. I noticed a 'nib' that I had missed and just tickled it with the grinder, it came straight off and embedded itself in my eyeball !
  23. You were lucky, I bet @suzook12 has been there like I have ! I had some metal shrapnel stuck in my eye from grinding, and in those days they actually injected an anaesthetic into your eye, a tad worrying when you see that needle about to poke your eye out ! ......... when it is all done the doc sits you down and dishes out a severe bollocking. This was back in the mid 80's at Exeter eye infirmary, which is now a hotel. These days they put drops in to really blur your vision and the anaesthetic is also drops, so 100% less stressful !
  24. NO, no, didn't you mean this pic .............
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