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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Agree, a loaded waggler, anything from a couple of BB to a couple of AAA. Use a hook trace of about 6lb mono to a 14 hook. If the bites are shy, and you want a more natural bait presentation, then use 4lb - 6lb braid in a moss green colour as a supple hook length
  2. Mine is always mounted on the top of the A frame, I religiously mount it every time before I leave, however, the 7 is well known for its 'wake up' bugs and because of that I tend not to use it too much because of the faff, which gets in the way of the fishing.
  3. Hmm ........... that would make it two channels then .........😉
  4. As a general thing, losing weight massively helps the pancreas to produce insulin correctly. when I was diagnosed, I lost 3 stone and my HbA1c returned to normal (37). But once you are on the diabetic register, your name stays on it forever !
  5. The wrecks at 20 - 40 miles out have been stuffed with Bass for at least the last 3 weeks. I was going out on a friends boat 2weeks ago, but had to decline at the last minute due to a covid scare. He came in early, they went to 8 different wrecks after Pollock / Ling and couldn't get past the Bass, all of which were a decent size.
  6. Is Patrick your stalking and online dating name ? 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Yes, I missed that one. Sausage fingers on an Iphone missed the ‘r’ 🤣
  8. Cant see the error, I used ‘you are’ which is grammatically correct 😇
  9. I expect you get you children to read it for you 🙄 I was going to post a picture of a retard, but I cant find any pic’s of you 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Yes, I will be careful, 🤣 Being as you are a retard and have difficulty in reading the queens english I will try and make a picture report 🙄😇🤣
  11. I might sneak out weds morning for an hour or three 😇🤣
  12. Looks lovely out there Mike 👍 Yes, there are a good number of Mack around at the moment and experience tells me they will stay in numbers until December time.
  13. Some nice fish there. The sea looks flat 👍, same as in Lyme Bay today with F1/F2 all day, but I was unable to get out due to other commitments.
  14. Using a mangle with the left hand and a multi with the right hand is just sooooo natural, even for a left handed tw@t like me ! left handed multi’s are for wrong’un’s 🙄😉🤣
  15. Left handed multi's, I can understand why you need one @jonnyswamp 👍 But FFS, @Andy135 AND @Saintly Fish are wrong'un's 🙄 🤣
  16. I think they are 5”. CK side cutters always have red and yellow handles. probably either the 140mm or 160mm will be ok.
  17. From my perspective the anger is completely justified. I don't do farsebook and never will 👍
  18. That is something you should really learn to do, Mike. If the shit hits the fan and something is going badly wrong with either the engine or steerage, then dropping the pin can give you valuable time so sort out the issue, or call for assistance.
  19. Don't bother with fishing on the first time out, just get used to operating the boat and concentrating on what you are doing.
  20. I saw that you were out on Sunday, but the sea looked a bit lumpy and the visibility was not that good for me going to the wrecks, so I gave it a miss. The motor getting hot can only be caused by it drawing too much current, that is why Yam fitted the safety cut out. As the motor is still working, drawing too much current can only be caused by, a) corrosion in the armature bearings, meaning the motor is under continuous load. b) the motor still having power applied AFTER it has reached its limit stop.
  21. One of the reasons why Ribcraft did not mount my engine dead centre. It is fitted about 35mm to the starboard side. I guess they must have a calculation for that distance being as my boat has been manufactured since the late 80’s Even under full throttle acceleration the boat runs as flat as a witches tit.
  22. I notice that NONE of those pictures has a cushion or curtain in it which you must fine galling, blood and fish guts are fine by me 🤣
  23. They go well enough with twin 140’s on a pod. Loads of deck space. I still don't like the way they slam though, they tend to land a bit heavy.
  24. Funny you should say that. Because of the horseshoe moustache I am often asked if I am an American tourist when we are abroad ….. bloody cheek 🤣
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