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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Tomorrow (Thurs) looks promising for a morning's fishing, I might go to try and find some Mackerel as the bait freezer is looking a bit bare for fish baits, but got loads of quid, Hermits, Peeler, Sandeels, and blacks. I might just try a wreck to see what is about though 🤣, i have a few lures to try as Red Gill sent me a load (a feckin great box full !) of their project lures that are no longer required, and all my new Red Gill clothing for the boat has arrived.👍
  2. Bloody hell ffs .😇 -10 🤣
  3. I assume it is the mercury binnacle mount like this ?
  4. On the binnacle mount, the button is on the pivot point and disconnects the gear linkage from the throttle, allowing you to use the throttle with the gearbox in neutral.
  5. Even on an old Merc, you should not be able to do that as there is a safety neutral interlock switch that operates and only allows you to start the engine in neutral. I assume you are using a side mount remote, and it sounds to me like it is either the wrong remote or the cables are incorrectly connected.
  6. GPSguru

    Spinning rod

    I use a HTO lure Game 10-40g and regularly drop 160g shads, then bounce them off the bottom in 150ft, no problem
  7. Salt water is your best friend, it stops the bleeding and helps sort out the bacteria. just dunk the wound straight in the sea.
  8. Hmmm, done that a couple of times. I use CK side cutter for hooks up to 4/0 ish and small bolt cutters for hooks like 8/0 & 10/0. CK side cutters are a premium brand so not cheap, however they last a very long time. I have one pair from when I was an apprentice (50 years ago) and still use them for electrical jobs. IIRC 5” CK side cutters will cut a 2BA bolt. City Electrical Factors (CEF) are stockists of CK.
  9. Well, you can't take it with you when you go ............ you don't see too many hearses towing a trailer 🤣
  10. I use Bushnell with a built in digital compass an inclinometer. similar to these…. https://www.photospecialist.co.uk/bushnell-marine-7x50-with-compass?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpLi01aiu8gIVTu3tCh1dJAAFEAQYAyABEgJiEfD_BwE
  11. I use Quicksilver Quickstor, which is a mercury product and stocked by most chandlers. Andrew ( @Clinker) uses the same stuff.
  12. Well, that is better than all the hairdressers running around kissing each other !
  13. With E10 being to only available standard unleaded fuel here in South Devon, and judging by what I see on the slipway etc, I can't really see a lot of boaters taking much interest in this change, so it will be interesting in April/May next year ! I have spoken to a good friend in the local boatyard, and he has told me that they are gearing up to be able to rapidly pump out tanks of up to 1000L. I mentioned that in the event of phase separation and accumulated water in the bottom of the tank, would it not be easier to just pump out the water content ? His reply was that once separation has occurred, then the fuel octane rating will be way too low for a lot of engines to cope with, although modern Mercs will run happily on a minimum of 91 octane. My engine and fuel system are designed for E10, so I will just use an additive (which keeps the fuel good for up to 12 months) as a precaution. I tend to use my boat at least once a month in the winter.
  14. Wot, bloody bunch of over paid hair dressers kicking a ball around a field 🙄 Now, if we are talking about an odd shaped ball that you pickup an run with, then that is ok. Proper MANS game.😎👍
  15. I only had to read it once. These Essex folk must be well educated, they all have masters degrees in being a plank. 🙄😇🤣🤣🤣
  16. Danforths are well known for being difficult to set and breaking out as the boat swings in the tide. However people use them because they are so easy to stow. I dont like them because the bastids always try to take my fingers off on the folding blade 🙄🤣🤣 I have found the Bruce to be a reliable anchor.
  17. Sounds like the Idle control valve (ICV)..... it sets the idle speed as directed from the ECM It also detects whether you are in troll control mode and also the current being drawn from the alternator and if the current is above a certain threshold it assumes the battery is partially flat and increases the idle RPM to charge the battery quicker. The ICV is controlled from the ECM (Engine Control Module).
  18. Yep, that translates to F4/5 on Sat and F5/6 on Sun ........... too windy for me to be in an open sea a few miles out where there is no shelter as you have lost the lee of the land. The boat would be fine, but I don't do being tossed around like a cork !
  19. When I sold grip wire lead weights, which are a PITA to package, I used to cable tie them together in pairs, probably using a 2000 cable ties per annum, but yes, I only used to fit them ! I don't sell leads any more as they are such a PITA and the fully costed margin is not great (compared to other products)
  20. True. Yes, I use RS and also Farnell. Does the anchor shaft have sharp edges ? Edit, looking at the picture it seems the bar section has quite pronounced edges, whereas most Bruce anchors are cast and have rounded edges on the shaft.
  21. That will be plenty, probably OTT Most folk just use 1 cable tie that goes around twice and crossed over itself, even that can be tough to break out in anger.
  22. Why not just shackle to chain to the end with a smallish suitable shackle and then cable tie the chain to the shaft, leaving at least one link of slack. That is how mine is rigged.
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