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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. GPSguru


    Not really, most monkeys and apes can do that !
  2. Wait till you get to the meet and I am sure that @Andy135 or @Saintly Fish will be able to guide you though putting 'Navionics' on your phone, which will give you both charts and plotting. If you only use it when the RR breaks down, then you must use it a lot !
  3. If you have a smart phone (Android or Iphone) then use that. I have checked my Iphone against the plotters, and it is equally as accurate.
  4. Go for the Super Kenzaki 6 -15, it is 8ft long and has a cracking action ..... https://www.veals.co.uk/acatalog/Daiwa-Super-Kenzaki---SKZB8015-BU-7795.html#SID=28
  5. Where is the YouTube link for the vid ..............🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
  6. Oh, it works OK, and is very addictive ! After you 1st double you will be reaching for the SPJ rod a lot more often.
  7. That was a single car (Audi) RTA and the passenger was killed, the driver was arrested at the scene. Sounds like you had a good day, the wrecks are still very hit and miss at the moment. Yes, I always start on a 250g jig on the mid channel wrecks and adjust as required.
  8. Nah, that grows worse than weeds ........ The problem is extreme fatigue.
  9. Hmm, unfortunately medically grounded at the moment, whilst the boffins sort out some treatment side effects .........☹️
  10. Yes, take slow jigs. In lymebay you can fish jigs for most of the tide, even on springs. Take heavy jigs and fish a minimum of 1g per foot of water. On the 200ft wrecks I would fish 250g and PE1 braid (20 - 25lb).
  11. I personally don't like big springs on the skerries, the plaice will need a motorbike to keep up with the bait ! Alan (mate with an Offshore 25) went out to the 25 -30 mile wrecks 2 weeks ago on spring tides and found Pollock to 14lb and Cod to 9lb. The fish were taking dark lures instead of the usual Blue / Whites.
  12. It is working fine on Firefox 64 (89.0.1) and Windows 10. I wish I could say the same for my broadband, now down to 12Mbit and a very high BER, waiting for Vodafone to get those lazy BT gits to fix it. Currently, got my iphone plugged into the PC and using 4G
  13. That is RIB weather ! I guess you were having issues climbing one wave and then surfing into the next and trying not to stuff the bow, throttle control is key ! Well done on the Pollock. At least you have a nice clean engine bilge with all that water sloshing around and cleaning it !
  14. Get a bobbin from Terry at Jigabite and follow the instructions or look at one of the many vids on youtube. TBH the use of the bobbin is pretty foolproof once you have the tension correct, and the knot is the same as an FG, incredibly strong, and can be tied in seconds with a little practise.
  15. Use a Bobbin to tie a PR knot ..............
  16. Fusion are owned by Garmin. IIRC, ALL Fusion units are NMEA2K ............... I use a BB100 https://www.fusionentertainment.com/marine/products/stereo-units#featured.special.desc!collection=all
  17. Nothing on the telly tonight, just a bunch of sweaty heathens from jockistan, and a bunch of hairdressers from englandshire chasing a ball around a field πŸ™„
  18. Trouble is, the extreme tiredness makes me a bit tetchy because I try to carry on as normal, and then get feck’in annoyed when I cant πŸ™„ Also weight loss is another side effect (7kg in 2 weeks), but I have a real estate surplus that can cope with that 🀣 The only other problem is the headaches which are right behind the eyes, but dosed up with paracetamol, I can live with that. However, I am pleased to say that early signs show that this treatment may be working, but being a biological drug, it is a slow process πŸ‘
  19. A hospital visit yesterday for more injections and blood test, pretty much to confirm that I now have zero immunity to anything. I just hope it is worth all the effort, bad temper, and tiredness !
  20. On the RIB β€˜A’ frame, all the wiring for the nav lights and antenna is run inside the tubes. They have even left a pull cord (mouse) in there in case I need to run more.
  21. GPSguru


    Does Ian still use his Raider ?
  22. The guy I normally blag mine from is off on long term sick leave, but a really nice guy and I wish him well following a cycle accident. These came from Baits R Us (Andy’s Baits) in Portsmouth. Always good quality and these guys have never let me down. TBH, I find no difference between fresh peeler and frozen peeler, it all works.
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