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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. The boat is rated by Orkney at 14knts with an absolute max of 22knts. There are a lot of Strikeliners here locally and not many guys get more than 16 - 18 knts even with a 30 on the back and only single crewed ! If your boat is propped correctly and the hull is clean, then you have an engine issue, which usually means it is running way too lean at high rpm. Take it for a run at max rpm, stop the boat and pull the plugs, if they are white, then it is too lean. Also remember that with a displacement boat, your speed will influenced buy whether you are running with the tide or against the tide.
  2. As a semi displacement hull, with 25hp they will do about 14 knts, some people fit 30hp, but I think the hull is only rated to 25hp The reasons for not getting the revs, could be wrong engine size, or incorrectly propped ...........
  3. What you gonna sign it as ........... 'The Chuckle Bros Gofer' 🤣
  4. An ego the size of a planet, pretty impressive for a fugly plank 🙄🤣
  5. The spray is done on purpose to catch very small dust particles from entering the engine. Years ago ‘wet gauze’ filters were common place, but not so much today with improved emission controls and paper filter tecnology.
  6. I just didn't want to mention excessive bore wear …😇 It is probably just general tractor engine oil migration up the dipstick.
  7. Some do and some don't. Some have a O ring groove near the top of the stick, some just have a small rubber washer at the top and others have nothing. You need to refer to the parts manual.
  8. Welcome, the plaice will be on the skerries until at least oct / nov. It is not worth targeting the turbo’s as unlike the shambles, there is not a huge population on the banks. However the Rays are always obliging. I launch out Teignmouth and often go to the skerries.
  9. Both wrecking and shark fishing eat up the Nm, so it means having to get yer wallet out more often.
  10. Another option would be a FRIB, not the cheapest solution but one of the best as it is a half way house, http://foldablerib.com/product/f-rib-360/
  11. I only have 5 miles max to the slip !, but I have to stop at Tescos to fill the 90L tank on also every trip 👍 Josh, a good Tuna will be yours this year. As you well know, most are lost in the last part of the fight when the fish starts pinwheeling. The secret is to just keep a medium pressure on the fish and try to recover about a foot of line on each pinwheel, ideally at the same point in each pinwheel. Also taking the boat to the fish in the early stages, ends the fight a lot quicker.
  12. TBF, and this is not critique of the chuckle bros 🤣, Josh puts in a lot of road miles, sea miles, and time, into his fishing. The results of the extra effort that he is able to muster is clear 👍
  13. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍
  14. @Andy135 it is worth a look here https://www.rib.net/forum/f50/ Some very knowledgable folk on there who use them for journeys that you wouldn't even dream about, sometimes 100's of miles a day
  15. I would avoid the ali floor option, just make sure you inflate the keel to the correct pressure. The ali floor just adds extra weight. Also get an electric pump to make life easier. My tubes are only 2psi, and I use an electric Bravo pump. I lose a lot of air as all my chambres have over pressure valves, so warm days and cold nights can see a big pressure difference. At 11pm the night before a trip (or 6am on the day of a trip) I bring them up to pressure which slowly gets leaked out as the temp rises during the day 👍 During the summer when temps are more stable the rubes are fine.
  16. Loads down this way mainly Honwave and Excel. My son’s experience suggests that for one or two adults and 2 kids, you will need at least 3.8m and at least a 9.8hp engine, preferably a 15, both of which a heavy and become a chore. Once you have the packed boat on the roof (I doubt it would fit in a roof box) and 10hp of finest merc in the boot, there is not a lot of room for much else. He used to leave his company astra est at home and borrow my V70 ! most of the places you mention have hire boats at reasonable rates.
  17. First thing to do is disconnect the throttle cable from the engine and ensure that the engine throttle linkage is free. Then operate the throttle with it disconnected to see if it is still stiff, if yes, then carefully inspect the cable run for cable damage, kinks, and sharp bends. It could be the side remote causing the issue, but that is very unusual, to test it, disconnect the throttle cable at the remote and then operate the throttle to check for stiffness. Some side remotes are PITA to pull apart, and you need six pairs of hands for reassembly. It is really a matter of elimination, however, if you identify the cable as stiff, then don't mess about, just replace it.
  18. Well done. We get very few Bream here. A few on selected wrecks in the autumn, but they take some finding and the pout become a pest. There is a reef near Dartmouth that yields a few, but I never seem to have time there when fishing the skerries, as plaice are far more important to the crew 🙄 Very close to us is an underwater feature known as ‘Bream Rock’, but you cant anchor as the pick always gets snagged, and it is off a headland so the tide run is fierce and any fish would need a motorbike to keep up with the bait on a drift.🤣
  19. Well done, boats are selling quite quickly at the moment, and seem to be going for strong money. What part of the SW is the new owner from ?
  20. You might need to rethink that statement 🤣 Are you this good ?
  21. 12m is quite a long throw 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. Yes, that is the way I would go ............ a Dixon Bate adjustable rated at 3.5T
  23. Corrected …..😇
  24. You can space out Delta Couplings with commercially available spacers .......... This is my Ifor, and the spacer is a factory fit,
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