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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. It usually occurs when the fish population on the wreck is quite small. I often wondered whether it it is due to lack of competition for food and to catch the lure colour and lure action has to be exactly spot on. I have continued to fish these sort of wrecks rather than moving, and you often catch some more fish but you get a good many blank drifts inbetween catching. On densely populated wrecks 2 or 3 fish per drift is the norm. I have never noticed fish spooking over the wrecks when fishing in 60ft - 300ft. Fish scientists have confirmed that sonar pings also do not effect or spook the fish.
  2. That is not good to hear Jon, I hope she improves over the next 24hrs ............. You didnt get any side effects as it doesn't seem to effect OLDER people 😜
  3. 15 wrecks ! ........... that is a long day πŸ‘ I used to do that, but these days I just concentrate on 3 or 4 at a time. You have found the same as us, just the odd fish here and there and about the same stamp of fish. The Plymouth charters have been fishing the wrecks to the west of Plymouth with some quite reasonable results. The charters out of Brixham are now heading to the west and fishing the Salcombe area wrecks. They have found some decent fish in the last week, so it is only a matter of time before the wrecks to the east become populated.
  4. Leo wins the day AGAIN ! Well done bud πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
  5. Well done Andy πŸ‘. The more folk we get vacc’ed, the quicker we get out of this nightmare.
  6. Excellent, sounds about right ! .......... the pump probably failed when you primed the system during the service. Is the pump part of the housing or can you get the pump as a separate item ?, most are part of the housing. If there is a long delay for a new filter housing then you could easily plumb in a temporary filter (Racor, Quicksilver, etc)
  7. The amount you have been out, any air from doing the service will have gone through the system long ago. Check for any slight weeping, especially the unions around the filter and the filter bowl. If you don't have a manual primer pump then the best way to purge the system is to get an outboard primer bulb and connect it to the fuel return off the pump. Connect it via a longish clear hose and into a plastic container. Keep on sucking the derv through the pump until there are no visible air bubbles, then reconnect the return pipe to the tank.
  8. We are finding that the spring / summer pollock are late this on the reefs and wrecks this year. The smaller fish always appear first quickly followed by their bigger cousins. Now that the 5lb fish seem to be established the doubles will be in residence in the next couple of weeks. This normally happens in mid to late March, so at the moment the cycle seems to be a little over a month late.
  9. Uck. I don't eat pout, they always stink when fresh out of the sea. They get thrown back, but suffer from barotrauma and the seagulls usually get a good feed. However, the pollock was nice last night, beer battered with chips and peas. Next Friday is beginning to look good for another morning session. I need to try a wreck at 30 miles.
  10. Yes, I often go out alone, especially during the winter. So, that is launch and recover a 5.85m (19ft) RIB on my own. You will find anything is possible if you plan ahead ! With a RIB I have to handball the anchor every time as the Alderney method brings the rope across the tubes which I try and avoid, but I only use a 3.5kg Bruce and 12mm warp, so it is childs play.
  11. A short tide window to get out on the wrecks again today. A big spring tide so launched at 7:45am and needed to be back on the slip at 1:00pm. The weather forecast was good with sunshine, wind NW F3 veering ESE F2 by lunchtime. The crew today was Brother in law (James) and the plan was to fish the 12 mile wrecks. Once out of the estuary we were met with a wind over tide chop which meant the trip out to the wrecks was down to 20knts, however, still plenty fast enough to give us some good fishing time. I knew that once the tide changed and the wind veered more to the E, then the sea would be flat. Got to the first wreck, to find Peter from Exmouth in his 20ft Orkney (Petrel) already fishing the wreck. He reported that there were plenty of Pout and not a lot else. We did several drifts and yes, we caught several pout, but the Pollock and bass were alluding us ! After a few drifts, both of us decided to head west onto the next wreck. This is a large wreck in 150ft of water, so plenty of room for 2 boats. Our drift showed that we were crossing the wreck at almost a right angle, so I decided to drift the down tide end of the wreck hoping that the Pollock were holed up out of the tide. First drop and James was into a Pollock that went about 5lb, and then we had a run of 3lb’ers, together with a Pout or 2 on every drift. So it looks like the wrecks are finally coming to life, and I would expect a better stamp of fish next time we go out. Unfortunately the Bass didn’t read the script and failed to show. We left at about 12:30pm to get back on the slip for 1:00pm ish, whilst Peter decided to fish another wreck on his way back to Exmouth. The sea was flat (ish) so an easy trip back in at 28knts. I heard from Peter this evening that he had a 10lb Pollock from that wreck, which is excellent news. The only picture today from the gopro ………… a Pout !
  12. I will be going out in the morning, catching the tide window, so launching at 7:30 ish and back on the slip by 1:00pm. Hope to be wrecking at 12 miles, Red Gill have given me some new lures to try, 178mm Evo's in Electric Candy and Cherry Bomb, however, I suspect much of my time will be spent on the jigs πŸ˜„.
  13. Yes, and yes ! Another vote for Echomax. On the A frame I have a EM230 midi base mount, and testing with another boat shows that it provides a massive target ............ https://www.echomax.co.uk/em230-midi-original-and-basemount Forget the cheap tube reflectors as they are not 100%, an octahedral (rain catcher) works, but best used on a rag and stick, where you can get it high up on the stick.
  14. We have a curved screen Samsung 55". Great for the corner position and does indeed improve the viewing angle.
  15. Weather is looking better, so might go out to the wrecks on Friday morning. I only have a short tide window so an early start an back at lunchtime
  16. Nah, but it is way more cool than the hat you were seen wearing 🀣.............. and you wonder why they call you dickhead 🀣
  17. Nah...... it was 35mm in '73 ..... and that is not 1873 (don't get me mixed up with Geoff 🀣)
  18. It is often mentioned in this household ! She was a firm follower of 35mm film and glossy pictures. I was a digital convert from the late 90’s onwards. The β€˜I told you so’ crops up quite often. sad for me is the pictures of billfish (marlin), rainbow runners, monster sharks, and roosters that were lost.
  19. I caught it in 2008, and yes I did have a photo at the time, however, I guess it has touched a bit of a raw nerve............... In 2012 I formatted the wrong hard disc after a PC rebuild 😒 and completely lost all my pictures and videos, including those from when we lived in Oz, our holidays in the Rockies, USA, Chile, Cost Rica, Caribbean, Reunion, Maldives, Seychelles, Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde, Europe etc, ............. to say I was unpopular would be putting it mildly ! I honestly believed that they were backed up to DVD's, but sadly that didn't seem to be the case, however, even after all this time I keep looking if I find an old DVD Back then, my PC had 4TB on 4 drives and I used to disconnect everything except the system drive when doing upgrades, but for some reason I disconnected the wrong drive and never checked before formatting, I can remember it like yesterday. Now, all my drives are SSD (6TB) all my photos and business records are backed up onto the cloud.
  20. My daughter did ours, she is a lead nurse at the surgery !
  21. Had my 2nd dose of AZ today, and all is well.
  22. No snobbery, they are just nasty slimy turds. I also live in a big conger area. The uk record came from the Rota which I fish quite often (Vic Evans RIP). My 92lb fish came from rough ground off of Exmouth.
  23. They are trouble on ANY boat ! you need to mind your feet and ankles, I have seen some nasty bites in the past.
  24. Swimming backwards is cheating ! Also once on deck they are unpredictable and snap at anything within range ! Big slimy turds !
  25. Excellent fish. Well done. I dislike conger, but I know that I will never beat my PB of 92lb, so I don’t bother them too much these days.
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