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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Your report pretty much sums up what everybody else has found over the last month, that the wreck fishing is very patchy. Was the Guernsey boat 'Les Vagabonnes des mer' ? ......... if yes then they are from Teignmouth, but the boat is still registered in Guernsey. I know exactly where you were, that is my usual fishing grounds on what we call the Gateway Wrecks (did you fish the Gateway ?) The 'Murree' was a cargo ship that went down in 1989, it is a big wreck and about 152m long and right in the middle of the shipping lanes. I guess you might have stopped to fish the 'Rota' on the way out. If the weather holds, then I might go out on Tuesday and have a go at the 12 mile wrecks.
  2. Yep, that will work. When you fit the drums just tap around the drum with a lump hammer to centre the shoes.
  3. GPSguru


    just for @Andy135 🤣
  4. The sea temp is cold and there is also a lot of inshore bloom about. Most of this month fishing has been very patchy, even out on the wrecks Today is the first time this year that our local sea temp has risen over 10C (10.7 at 6:00pm this evening). The rise in sea temp will soon see the summer species arrive in numbers.
  5. Well, I think the boy with the proper hairstyle walked all over you today Neil ............. very well done Leo 👍
  6. Can you run a flap wheel around the inside of the drum ? you only need to remove the high spots, and rust is easy to remove.
  7. A little less than 2 cubic metres, about a mornings work with a decent mixer. I used about the same amount for my raised decking footings.
  8. If the drums are corroded that badly then fit new drums. Normally it is just the corrosion ridge on the outside of the shoe area. That causes the futting problem, use a half round file to remove it.
  9. Terry, I totally agree with the stock situation. I am really struggling with everyday stock like hooks, swivels, and lures etc. The expected delivery times are now shocking. Sakuma are bringing in stock by air from Japan, and Eagle Claw are doing 2 week deliveries by air from the states. Rods and reels from the likes of Shimano and Diawa have now have huge lead times.
  10. I checked with Alan (my mate) who went out on Wednesday to the wrecks in the east of lymebay at about 45miles out. Fishing was very patchy and not a great deal to show for their efforts. I am guessing you will head out to the west wrecks, but again, it may be difficult fishing.
  11. Looks like you need a good curry to show you what your arse is for ...... 🙄
  12. I am told that he also advertises his services on male model websites, and that his missus describes herself as a major youtube and Instagram influencer, so I guess the both have ego’s the size of a planet !
  13. Having lived in Oz, and spent time in a number of hot countries, I always wear sunglasses if the sun is shining, regardless of winter or summer. I already wear a lanyard for the go-pro remote, and another for the line clippers. However, I have never been able to get on with the type of lanyard that is used for glasses. On the boat I tend to put them on the offshore 105 compass, which is a bit like the shape of a bald head ( l guess reminiscent of @Andy135 who seems to be well on the way to a chrome dome 🤣). There was no excuse to lose them, on the A frame are 2 large dry boxes !
  14. I didn't know runt was spelt with a capital C and silent R ........ 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Ordered a new pair today from Ray Ban UK, however, delivery will be about a week as I have specified Zeiss glass polarized lenses. The pair I lost were 20 years old, I bought them in Florence at the Ray Ban shop on the golden bridge, so they have certainly given good service.
  16. Yep, I am not keen on the pr!ck either.
  17. Sounds like a fuel issue, probably high pressure pump or pump filter ......... certainly something that is common to all cylinders. Could even be simple like a split hose, or sucking extra air ............. A diagnostics check will soon sort it out, or put you on the right path to the fault.
  18. Yes, I heard the same whispers, but as yet, I have not seen any Cod on the wrecks we fish. I would assume that the cod are on the deeper wrecks to the west of Brixham.
  19. As of today, the weather for the weekend has improved considerably, so I guess you will be good to go. Shaun was out in the bay today taking out the Dolphin watchers .........so I'm not sure whether you are going wreck fishing or Dolphin watching 🤣 Here you go ........... https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/20-dolphins-play-alongside-boats-5300063 The dolphins often turn up on the wrecks when we are fishing, but they don't seem to affect the fishing.
  20. Unfortunately, familiarity breeds contempt, but I won't make the same error of judgement again in a hurry ! I only normally go through that channel 1hr either side of high. Here is a zoomed pic of my track, I must have passed between the rock pinnacles on the finger ............ TBF, when on the plane I only need 15inches of water for the prop and skeg, as the hull has a massive planning pad at the stern end of the keel.
  21. A cold day on the cards, but the sun was shining and the sea was forecast flat (ish), so an early trip to the Skerries banks was deemed to be a good idea. The weather for the day was sunny with a max of 10C, the winds were N veering SSE generally F2 with a max of F3. The sea state was indeterminate but expected to be 0.2m with a trough range of 5secs to 14 secs. High tide (mid springs) was at about 8:00 so that seemed a good time to launch and with low tide a 2:30pm we would have enough water to get back on the slip at 4:00pm …… perfect We launched at 8:30am, with an air temp of 3C and a sea temp of 8.4c, so a bit chilly in an open boat. The crew for the day was the wife, Kyle, and me. Once out of the estuary we were met with a lovely sunny morning and a flat sea, so I powered up to 25knts and took a route through the cruise ships moored in Babbacombe Bay, and passing the time of day with the local safari RIB, Whistler, who was out bright and early. The 20Nm trip down to the banks was uneventful and not too cold with a light NW wind on our starboard quarter. There were a few boats (not many) spread out along the banks, so deciding where to fish was going to be down to experience. I decided to drift the eastern end and within minutes Kyle was into his first plaice of the day, a bit on the small side, so it went back. Our bait was frozen Mack, frozen Squid, king prawn, and a pack of frozen blacks. I dropped down a set of tinsels to see if any Launce (snakes) or early Mack were around, but there were none to be found. After a couple of long drifts and also going down to the western end of the banks, it was obvious that the eastern inner bank was the most productive, and with a drift of 0.7 -1.2knts we were soon catching a lot of quite decent fish, with the biggest going 3lb ish. I noticed we were also joined by ‘Outlaw’ (Owen Mallia) who was also making similar drifts to us. We had decided that we only needed to keep 10 fish, however, we ended up keeping 14 and we put back another 17 fish, so in total 31 plaice for the day. Also I had a couple of decent whiting, and my wife had a very nice Grey Gurnard of about 1lb. At about 2:00pm the tide was picking up and the wind had veered SSE so we were getting a 1m (ish) chop of wind over tide across the shallow banks, but nothing the boat couldn’t handle. At 3:00pm I called for rods in and we made our way back into Teignmouth. It was the early flooding tide so normally I would go on the seaward side of cod rock, but familiarity got the better of me and I decided to go between the Mewstone and Cod rock, as we passed cod rock, the sounder alarmed and I glanced over the side to see that we were in 2ft – 3ft of water covering the rocks, and we were travelling at 20knts ! …… A close shave indeed ! A round trip of 50Nm and a really pleasant day. The only downer was the fact that I lost my Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses over the side, as I left them on the A frame when we motored back for Another drift ! A decent Plaice Big baits were needed, Whole king prawn tipped with squid
  22. WD-40 addresses the myth on its website, saying: “While WD-40 can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion, WD-40 Company does not recommend using it to attract fish.
  23. Yeah, I struggle with these big and very important decisions 🤣
  24. Yes, tomorrow and Wednesday are good fishing days with F2/3 wind from the N and veering SE. Sea state is forecast as 0.2m @14secs, so effectively flat. I shall go out tomorrow but undecided whether to go down to the skerries or out to the wrecks.
  25. Yep, I’m old school, even though I have a spike protector ! With me it is usuall habit to disconnect the battery before I do anything major on a car. Howver, I do find welding very therapeutic and satisfying !
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