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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Can you not get a replacement loom section from a commercial breaker ? ........ it would be quicker and more preferable than splicing. If you were welding then you would have (should have !) had the battery disconnected, so damage to the ECU is unlikely.
  2. Not looking hopeful at the moment, Saturday is the worst day for the coming week with NE winds, F5 gusting F6 and a 1.2m sea ............ Plenty of time for it to change for the better ...........
  3. When I get time Andy, I can add to your article with some excellent links to you tube tutorials, and explain the side scan water column black line in more detail. To explain why, in simple terms, how the different frequencies are used is not easy, as it is technically quite complex.
  4. Yeah that figures, @JonC always tries to hide from the tag of 'mammary' 🤣
  5. You cant post this with no catch report. We need to know that your dad showed you how it is done and that you blanked 🤣
  6. Nah, I am mouse coloured. It jumped a generation !
  7. I didnt necessarily include you, my son and Kyle are both Red heads, so I know the unrelenting abuse that you Duracell's get, and I have a good understanding / respect of red heads. The biggest urban myth is that all reds are bad tempered, which is not true, as Kyle is extremely placid and has the patience of a saint. My son shaved his head in his mid 20’s and has been a chrome dome ever since, so you would never know he was a red.
  8. Well yes Geoff, I also really included my self in the same post 👍 We seniors have to keep the middle aged numpty’s in check with their loose tongued cheek !
  9. Yes, but Geoff is old and senile, so what is your excuse ? 🤣
  10. I would have been out yesterday and today, but not been feeling too good so gave it a miss, hopefully if the weather holds, then I will be out next Tuesday.
  11. On the Pink Floyd theme .............. This has to be one of the best for lyrics and will be pretty close to home for a lot of us ............. next time you post, think about it !
  12. Hmm, probably would have been better with Bob Marley, however, it falls into insignificance when compared to the original .......... You will need to follow the link for this one as Youtube does not allow embedding of this video Pink Floyd live ............... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiF-q2h7tSA
  13. Trim it right in to get up on the plane. Once on the plane, then trim out a little and increase the throttle to cruising speed , then trim out until the bow starts to porpoise, then just trim in a touch to stop the bow porpoise and that is it. If you consider that the trim range is the first 10% of the complete trim / tilt range, then most boats only require about 3% to provide the correct cruising trim Get in to the habit of trimming in whenever you come down off the plane to displacement speeds ............ it saves you looking like a tw@t when you move off again, and it won't get up onto the plane 🙄🤣 What year is the mariner 90 ? ........... if it is after 2016 then you can fit 'Mercury active trim', which looks after your trim automatically for you.
  14. Nah, I will be fine. It is you that he painted the target on 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Nah, it is spelt like that because I cant get proper reading glasses until the left eye has been fixed, and I am too feckin lazy to make the text bigger 🤣
  16. Yep. Seems to be fishing well at the moment.
  17. I am doing 60sqm of raised decking around the conservatory. It is 1m high going out to 2m high (garden slopes). I am using Trex composite from the states. Not cheap (10 per linear metre) but has a 30 year no quibble warranty. I will also be fitting a full glass/ stainless bakastrade.
  18. No, I tend to avoid the slip on bank holidays as it attracts all the complete muppets, however, when I looked yesterday, it seems it was not too busy. I could have gone out with Alan (mate), but I decided to carry on building the raised patio, which is going quite well, and I am now laying the 7m Joists (41 of them) ready for the composite decking The next nice day will see me going down to the Skerries .................
  19. Just spoke with my mate who went out plaice fishing on Sunday and they had 20 ish between 3 of them and the biggest went a little over 3lb, but the average was 2.5lb.
  20. Look on the bright side Steve, if you can walk out of A&E, then it was a good landing ! No, kids don't bounce, but they are far more resilient than us wrinkly's .......... All the best to the boy, his bruises will soon fade as will the dent to his pride ...............
  21. #saintlytheclumsybastid 🤣🤣🤣
  22. Live prawn is a killer for wrasse, hook through the 3rd segment from the tail. I usually pick them up on the way out by stopping at some pilings or the commercial quay and use a fine mesh net. Kyle is good at that stuff and also catches a few hard backs on a handline at the same time. Sometimes it is just good to be out and the fishing seems almost unimportant ! ............... well done on catching a few, anything that puts a bend in the rod is Ok by me.........
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