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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Yes, I will do the same. I notice that a lot of the parts for my MIG are now discontinued, however, a lot of MIG parts are pretty universal apart from the electronics I quite fancy an ESAB AC TIG of about 200A
  2. I don't think it does affect us for the following reasons, 1) I think that possibly 25W is probably OK, most of the material I have read would indicate that the Radiated RF power would need to be 100W (or more) to even be close to the minimum standards in the guide lines. Also, you can't really take the antenna gain into consideration as many small boat users have very inefficient antenna systems. 2) The end user cannot be expected to measure the radiated field strength with any accuracy. Many factors come into play here, like the power loss in the coax and the efficiency of the antenna in its mounted position. 3) most end users will be clueless the understanding what radiated field strength is all about and how it is measured. TBF, even some communication professionals will struggle with it 3) The information is international GUIDELINES, not a mandatory requirement. 4) It seems to me that Ofcomm like to be seen to be doing a good job and disseminating the information they are provided with, however, they need to do this in a way that can be understood by the user base, and not just using copy and paste ! 5) If is also about Ofcomm covering their own base, so if there was any legal action by a member of the public against a licensed radio user for radiation damage then Ofomm can say they provided the information. I think this scenario is more remote than any of us getting 6 numbers on Saturday !
  3. Here you go...... I more or less do it the same way, but I dont mark the outline of the wreck, I use the wreck info of which direction the wreck is laying. On the RIB I don't use an Alderney ring, it is easier to hand-ball the anchor (3.5kg Bruce) ...... I carry 220m (126fathoms) of warp)
  4. John Locker finds a couple of nice fish on a slow jig ............
  5. Another absolutely shite job ! I think I bought mine in about 2007 / 8 The beauty of Synergic is that I just set the polarity and rough power setting and the welder does the rest. It is sort of the 'tarts' welder as you would have to be really bad to get an iffy looking lump of seagull shite, although I can manage that when I forget to turn the gas on 🤣 Mine is identical to this, but 350A
  6. I thought it was just the ponce from Essex that only did pictures ?🙄 I thought you and Andy were educated ........🤣 Anyway, look at the slide show in the link 👍
  7. Marine band transmissions will never be of long enough duration to cause body tissue warming, if it does (which it won't), then you have mega verbal diarrhoea 🤣
  8. I guess it is more about Ofcomm seen to be being proactive in publishing the current guidelines, note: these are GUIDELINES. To me this is really entering the international school of nanny state and snowflakeism I think the burden will be placed upon manufactures to adhere to them so we might see a max power of 20w in the future for marine Band equipment. However, for the user, I strongly believe it to be unenforceable as the user has no way of measuring the effective field with any accuracy Let me stress at this point, I have been involved with high EMF all my life in working with RF and very high power radio transmitters (100's KW). All I can say is that 99% of the people I know in the industry have lived to a ripe old age ! Go here and watch the 'Bright Player'. Presentation at the bottom of the page .......... https://www.icnirp.org/en/activities/news/news-article/rf-guidelines-2020-published.html He is the study PDF .............ICNIRPrfgdl2020.pdf
  9. True, I I was referring to attempting small vehicle repairs using a stick welder, which by even the best standards is very agricultural ! 🙄
  10. Heated gas is a heater that is on the gas outlet to the Mig. I use it for both argon and argoshield. Because the SIP is synergic, I always push weld as the machine electronics takes care of inconsistent gun / hand movements by automatically altering the wire feed and power. The only time I ever pull is on very awkward vertical welds. On Steel / Stainless steel I use a parweld 5m gun, but on Ali I use a parweld 3m with a teflon liner. Yesterday I was welding some 8mm plate to 6mm box section for part of my decking footings. I know what you mean about trips. My garage is my workshop and has a separate 16mm feed via a ‘D’ curve 63amp breaker which just about copes with the MIG on full power. 350A is about the biggest I can run on single phase and I power it using a Blue industrial plug (commando plug).
  11. I have been hobby welding with Gas, Mig, & Tig all my life, my father was a precision engineer and coded welder, he taught me to gas weld at 9 years old .......... My current MIG is a 350A SIP Industrial synergic, and my TIG is an older Miiler .......... Getting a row of pennies on Ali with a TIG is an art form ................ these days I tend to MIG both Ali and Stainless, 316 responds very will to MIG using heated Argon. However, well done on sorting out the Iveco, welding rusty cars is not a favourite passtime !
  12. Kin'ell, that is like to repair a Swiss watch with a lump hammer ...........
  13. I was 'on loan' to Telstra and ABC ..............
  14. What do the Sharks feed on in the deeps if there are not many Mack ? .......... I would guess probably Whiting, because they like deep water during the summer and Autumn
  15. We tend to start off the same chum from the stored Mack in the freezer (about 30 - 50), and then we generally catch enough mack when drifting to keep us going all day.
  16. Looking at the pictures reminds me of the 5 years we had in Brisbane and Cairns ............. sort of makes me wish we had stayed !
  17. 200kg ............ roughly 400lb .... which equates to around 600 Mackerel ........... About 5 hours fishing for us ............ 😛
  18. For those of us that go out a fair distance, sometimes to mid channel, the Channel Light Vessel observations are really useful.......... if you get the point where you can clearly see the light ship, then please remember you are crossing the traffic separation zone and should adhere to its navigation............always cross it at 90 degrees to the traffic flow https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/specialist-forecasts/coast-and-sea/observations/162103
  19. also is widely known as Mr Nice guy .............. the only other person I can think of that might do the same is ed shitface
  20. Steven Tyler wrote that tune when he was 14 years old, he is now 72 ! IMHO some of the old rockers are by far the best performers !
  21. Is this not political ? .............. then wrong that it is here 🤣 We should be discussing this sort of stuff ........ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-56201231
  22. There are some good days coming up next week, but I am reluctant to go out as my eye surgery is at thee end of next week and I don't want to put that in any doubt. I looked today (as I do most days), and the sea is clearing nicely here now. I stopped by the slip a couple of days ago and spoke to a couple of guys that had just come in with a Nord Fisher, and they said the fishing was very hard going with only a bucket of Mack to show for their efforts ...............
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