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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. This 50 year old tune was going around in my head today ............ Steven Tyler must be close on 75 now ..............
  2. In the UK the definitive answer is 240L, but I doubt that you will find many places that allow more than 5 or 10L due to local policy. If I want more than 10L, then I use pay at the pump in the late evening or early morning.
  3. I don't do facebook , so cant log on, but the headline ad indicates 1989 - £123k ? However, without logging on it is difficult to identify the price. Cobra ribs are good, but not that good. Looks like a couple of 2 smokes on the back........ probably £3k to £6k max. Unless it has new tubes and very recent engines, even then £15k -£20k
  4. It is always useful to have the real time weather when going out on the boat. An excellent source for this is the Local NC! lookout, as most of them have active weather stations with an internet feed.......... they are also good for a voice radio check Here is HENGISTBURY HEAD, covering Christchurch, its harbour entrance at Mudeford, the coast round to Hurst Spit, the Isle of Wight and The Needles, the two bays, Bournemouth beach, Poole Harbour entrance, Studland Bay, Old Harry Rocks, Swanage, Pevril Point and Durlston Head in the West ........ https://hhnci.org.uk/weather2/ Here is my local site ....................... http://www.teignmouth-nci.org.uk/live-weather All National Coast Watch Stations (NCI) can be found here ............https://nci.org.uk/station-map
  5. Most boat anglers use a T bar ............ the parker T bar makes an excellent knot puller
  6. I asked as there are not too many about and there used to be one in Brixham circa 2010 ish and I sort of know who the owner was........
  7. Do you have any history relating to the previous owners ? ........ If yes, was it bought new, or nearly new by somebody in Brixham ? .......
  8. ACDC at the River Plate ............ a stunning performance from a 50+ Angus Young
  9. Probably would have been massive today if he hadn't blown his brain out .............
  10. Yep, the distances I gave were from Teignmouth. From Brixham the Modavia is 18Nm. My insurance covers me anywhere in the English Channel from Brest to the River Elbe ..........this is what the small print says, Cruising Range: UK Coastal & Inland waters extended to include continental waters Brest to the River Elbe
  11. No, never tried it, I am happy with a 4 or 6 turn grinner, which works well on FC line...............
  12. March is a strange month for fishing, so you probably won't miss much. The Plaice will just begin to fatten up a bit, the winter species will have left the inshore waters, but the summer species won't have arrived in numbers, and the wrecks can be very 'hit n miss' during March and early April ....................
  13. Experience tells me all those wrecks will be 20+ miles. I regularly fish the Modavia (19.5 miles) and you can expect that stamp of fish. There are line of wrecks there (Lord Hailsham, Dywer, HMS LCT, Harstad, etc) and one of them will hold a decent stamp of fish. At this distance you also stand a good chance of a summer Cod. We class inshore wrecks as being those that are up to 10 miles out, on these the stamp of fish is generally smaller with 5lb - 7lb Pollock being a good fish, however, most of the inshore wrecks hold a decent head of Bass to 8lb or so. There are also a lot more Pout (spinners 🤣) on the inshore wrecks This is a 10lb Pollock from an 8 mile wreck (Feb last year)
  14. It would have been a good day out there today with light winds and 0.5m swell @13.4secs, however, I stayed at home today (apart from the school run) as my eyesight is not brilliant (roll on 2 weeks time) and the sea clarity is still very poor after the Easterlies that have just gone through. This morning I finished putting in the last of the 27 footings for the decking and this afternoon I took the cover off the boat as the weather was really sunny. So, every thing is all now checked over, I ran the engine for 5 mins (or so, to bring it up to temp) to put some fresh fuel through the EFI and I also adjusted the throttle friction, as last time i was out I had a tiny bit of throttle creep. I like to set the friction at a point where it just holds, which does mean I have to adjust it a couple of times a year. We should start to head into some better weather now, so fingers crossed.
  15. If you are happy to do the miles out to the 20 - 40 mile wrecks then that is the stamp of fish on them .............. sometimes you need to visit a few to find them though .........
  16. I use this method ............ probably because I was first taught to tie the FG in Oz (2005)
  17. You form a taut triangle of the braid with your thumb and 2 fingers, then wrap the FC over and under on the longest side.
  18. Sausage fingers ! 🤣 ......... I use the triangle method with thumb and 2 fingers.................
  19. Here is another one from the @JonC music library 🤣🤣🤣
  20. It certainly is. I timed my knot tying, and it takes me 8min to tie an FG, 1.5min to tie a Yucatan, and after a bit of practise, about 45secs to tie a PR with the bobbin.
  21. The WiFi on these is quite limited, the only thing it allows you to do, is to create a WiFi network to connect your phone or tablet and upload / download tracks and charts etc via 'active captain'. It also might connect via Wifi to Homeport, but I have never tried it, I tend to use the micro SD card facility.
  22. No, not just you. I really feel the need for a SPJ wrecking session. The weather has been shite and there have only been one or two doable days since mid December. Even on some of the nicer days, the sea has been quite snotty, and I check the sea state twice a day, every day Just waiting to get my eyes fixed, and I will be out there on the next weather permitting day, however, my mate has offered to take me out wrecking if the eyes don't allow me to drive etc.
  23. That was meant to be NWA from a different platform, but for some reason it posted the @JonC gay anthem 🤣 I will fix it later 🙄
  24. It is a proper ear worm and you will be singing all evening.
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