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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. This, I wholeheartedly agree with, I know we are into the fringe of politics here, but as a nation in comparison to the Middle East and Asia where they had already been through SARS, we were woefully unprepared, hence our larger death toll. However, I think our Westminster incumbents have done a reasonable job................
  2. Give the end of the parallel key a sharp tap with a pin punch, if you see any movement at all, then pry it out with a screwdriver ........... you might need to tap the end 'upwards' with the pin punch.
  3. Agreed, although both you and I know the difference, most folk wouldn't know what a parallel key is and why it was there, say the word 'woodruff key' and most will understand. My eyesight is not good enough tonight to see Neil's picture clearly ........... BTW, I have had a lot of issues with worn keys in the past ........ annoying expensive sounding knocks on diesels, and wandering cam timing on petrols !
  4. Yes, I know, but they are a bit like vacuum cleaners that are all called Hoovers ! .......... .🤣 .......... all keys tend to be called woodruff keys !
  5. I am the same as Steve, but also on standby as a 'call-in' for 'no show' unused phizer jabs ............... TBH, I am quite impressed with how the government have handled this element of Covid ........... especially with Boris calling Ursula Von Upsy Daisy to inform her that if the EU blocked contracted supplies of Phizer to the UK, the blame for any resultant deaths would be their responsibility ............... I now see that the EU have completely backed down and all the UK contracted vaccines will be able to leave the Belgium factory 👍
  6. Originals are still available, I sell hundreds of them. The yanks love them as teasers for the stripped Bass. I tend to use the 115mm (original Rascals) on the wrecks, I just change the hook for something a little larger.
  7. Yes, tap out the woodruff key carefully. Not all woodruff keys are half moon shaped, it depends whether the shaft key slot was milled or broached, some keys are long and square, especially where a lot of strength is called for. They have a habit of flying out suddenly, but it is not a problem if you lose it as they are standard sizes. Also check the woodruff key for wear !
  8. What were the Redgills ....... Originals (Flasher, Rascal, or Raver), Evolutions, Evostix, or Vibroshad ?
  9. It is a shame Andy doesn't work for the constabulary ........... you could call him Duracell 🤣
  10. I guess this is the 'bit' on the helm dash ? ............. I sure it will be fine with Geoff involved 👍
  11. Nah, he wants his boat done in camo like the Carp tw@ts ! 🤣🤣🤣
  12. A very sad state of affairs. They have also broken the rules as set out by the brexit agreement by including NI in the export ban, fearing it could be door for the wider UK. Boris now needs to take decisive action and AZ must continue to tell them to feck off !
  13. Yes, not looking good at all, the only positive sign is that no wreckage at all has been found or spotted.
  14. Good starting point, but all tide races are different ! , and it also depends tidal stream and wind diection. Portland : there are 2 safe gateways around Portland, the inside channel and the outer pass. I have never been on the inside channel, but apparently you stay really close to the shore and the water is relatively calm. I have always taken the outer route and gone about 6- 8 miles out to clear the 'Bill' and then made my way in, well east of the shambles. Start Point Overfalls: In a decent boat it is never really an issue. Yes, it goes from calm on the east skerries to 'kin rough on the west skerries as you come onto Start point. The wave formation here can only be described as 'washing machine' with waves coming from all directions, but never more than 2m (ish) high, but a worrying amount of 'white' water. The boat skill required is 'drive on the throttle' and try to avoid the 'beam slammers'. I have drifted there for Bass, let us just say it is an experience and you must have total confidence in your boats capabilities !
  15. Today I had a phone call to confirm a pre op appointment on the 5th Feb, with a view to the op taking place the last week of Feb / first week of March. It is strange, but i am quite excited about it. The wife mostly drives now, as early last week we were out (me driving) and I said look at those 3 idiots crossing on a bloody green light ......... erm, it one person crossing the road, forward of the lights and my wife was horrified that my eyesight was that bad !
  16. Is this for a second transducer or is the thru hull B744 faulty ? As already mentioned by JDP a transducer will not work through air or foam ( it has air in it).
  17. 10/10 excellent ............🤣
  18. The wife's driving is fine, but I am not letting her tow the boat 🙄
  19. It is nice to see them rigged properly Jon, with twin rings ..................
  20. When wrecking just the top. A lot of jigs come with twin assist, but I often change them for single assist. How many jigs have you got, as I might have something useful !
  21. My eye surgery will be a day surgery done with a local anaesthetic. I will admit I am a tad concerned about my reaction to being attacked in the eye with a laser and scalpel, but having had a local and metal dug out my eye a couple of times, I think I will be OK. They only use a full anaesthetic on those that can't keep still or are frightened by the process. Wife's sister has her eye surgery booked for the 28th Jan at the same hospital, so I am keeping a close watch to see if it gets cancelled .......... so far so good. It needs to be done as I am only just about day time road legal and cannot possibly drive at night, this has gone from 20/20 vision in just 2 years ! The wife drives our Jeep, but has yet to drive the Volvo S90, I think I will make her take the wheel next time we go out.
  22. Great news Geoff ............. the more that are stabbed, then the better it is for all of us. I am waiting to hear from the hospital about a date for my eye surgery, and if it is before the end of Feb, then i might just jump the Vac queue.
  23. I would have thought that cricket was a bit too upmarket for you Jon, I had you down as Olympic standard welly boot throwing, or maybe ironing board skating 🤣
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