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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. I would have thought that most of the radars were 'programmed' not to react to 'close by' reflections (reflections within a few metres)? ......... I don't have radar but my echomax is mounted on the side of the A frame and only just above the tubes. We have tested it with another boat, and he could see me at well over 4 miles away .........
  2. That makes sense, as it will give a secure fixing during the erosion process.
  3. I would probably use a button head as it would look a lot neater and have less surface area for an underwater garden to grow .......
  4. If we could get Wreckfisher (Steve) to come onto here, I am sure he would be happy to take you out the shambles on his cheeta ........... he catches multiple turbot & brill almost every trip .........
  5. GPSguru

    Some PBs

    Dog tooth tuna are the hardest fighting fish I have ever caught, once hooked they head straight down and there is no stopping them ............ I only probably landed 1 in 5 of the fish I hooked ........... a day on the dog tooth and you ache all over for a week !
  6. No, never had an issue with tangles, however, the selection of lead type and size is critical for trotting back in the tide. We tend to use cannon ball leads and quite stiff short fluoro hook lengths. TBH, the tactic is very effective if there are a couple of rods fishing vertical, as the fish find the trotted bait first. The only casting I do from the boat is lure fishing for Bass on the estuary sandbar, and for Pollock on a couple of shallow reefs.
  7. Here is Lyme bay we don't uptide, never seen anybody using that method. We normally fish in 60 - 80ft of water and if I want to fish away from the boat then I select a lead that will hold bottom but also trott away from the boat downtide which is usually about an ounce or two less than a lead which keeps you vertical fishing.
  8. When I was working, that is what you do when you go home for lunch 🤣
  9. Ah, Ok, I understand now, I don't normally get involved with the under carriage, my work is usually the oily bits inside the boat where there is lots of swearing and skinned knuckles ! ............... put a pod on the back with twin Verado's 👍
  10. I thought the cone on the back of the nut was the prop anode which I assumed to be either a clamp or interference fit over the back of the nut 'land'
  11. You will be able to tell by examining the exposed thread at the back of the nut ...... look at the point where the thread starts and does it go clock or anti-clock ?
  12. I guess this thread is now straying into politics 🙄, which is bad news, as this forum is great because it is nice to get away from all that crap ..........👍
  13. There is a huge difference between not knowing the rules and enforcing what is published and clearly written into statute law. 99% of law is quite clear as often precedents have been set in courts to clear up to odd anomalies. It is often the case that law advisors apply the basis of precedents to new laws in order to understand their implications. For me, this is a black and white issue, with the overriding question of ‘Has a law been breached ? If yes, then the breached law including the ‘act’ and ‘paragraph’ should be quoted and the appropriate penalty issued. FFS it is not rocket science.
  14. Well yes, but I would expect the chief Police officer and his advisory team to take advice on what was passed into law and apply it accordingly. Pretty poor show of Police leadership IMHO.
  15. Interesting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-55587460
  16. Indeed, however I can reassure you that the crackdown will be aimed at gatherings, business non compliance, and social distancing, as some of those in London and the SE are still choosing to ignore the very necessary rules. 🙄
  17. It is shocking when people of authority have to be told how to do their job 🙄 The Guidance issued by the NPCC is potentially a game changer for you Andy 👍 In a statement, the force said further guidance issued by the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) had "clarified the policing response concerning travel and exercise". The guidance said: "The Covid regulations which officers enforce and which enables them to issue FPNs [fixed penalty notices] for breaches, do not restrict the distance travelled for exercise."
  18. Ok, so a new development, and an admission of over zealous policing ........... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-55594244 From the article the important 'U-turn' wording, Derbyshire Police initially said driving to exercise was "not in the spirit" of lockdown. But it now says new national guidelines mean it will review its position. In a statement, the force said all of its fixed penalties issued during the new national lockdown will be reviewed. Back peddling big time as you can't issue a FPN when no law have been breeched ..............
  19. Yes, it makes huge sense in the public eye for them to be clamping down on large gatherings, and folk that travel huge distances to holiday homes. Let us hope that common sense will prevail ............ it is a good job that @JonC and @Saintly Fish are not Police officers 🤣
  20. Particulary for @Andy135 and @Odyssey Tonight has been an interesting development. I would think that the NPCC (National Police Chiefs Council) and ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) have briefed their membership following the BBC article and questioning the validity of enforcement. The D&C Police chief was on the local TV news this evening saying that his officers will Police by 'engagement' and offer 'words of advice' where appropriate. He also added that enforcement will be a last resort to those that have clearly breeched the lockdown laws put into place by the government. He went on to say that the job of the Police was not to alienate or antagonize the public as this loses public respect for the Police, and they rely on that respect to do an effective job, not only now, but also in the years to come ............. strangely enough, he didn't mention anything about dogfish !
  21. Unfortunately, in the Uk the process of law is quite slow, by the time this was taken through a court of law and then went through all the appeal processes, Lockdown 3 and probably COVID will be well into the history books ! I will be travelling 5 miles to launch my boat, but I also have good reason for being there as part of a support bubble ............ I hope common sense prevails from both the Police and public perspectives.
  22. I guess there are 2 sides to every coin. The Police are there to uphold the law, and if 'local' and 'distance' have not been defined and placed in law on the statute books, then the Police force is enforcing law by interpretation, which is wholly unacceptable and open to challenge. This very same thing happened in the mid to late 80's with regard to the HMRC customs and the Uk being within the EU and customs union. The HMRC officers were 'interpreting' quantities of tobacco, wine, and sprits for 'personal use' and then seizing cars etc at the point of entry. One court case later, and the HMRC were forced to pay millions of pounds in compensation as they had overstepped the mark and were acting beyond their authority. Policing by 'interpretation' and not 'statute law' is a slippery slope and one that the National Police Chiefs' Council and the Home Office will probably sidestep away from.
  23. Hmm ............ the issue of travel and distance is not defined in the lockdown law that was passed by parliament this week, so I think there might be a re-think by Police forces on how they handle this, This makes good reading ........... Guidance issued by the Cabinet Office states that people can leave their homes for exercise but should not travel outside their "local area". However, the actual legislation does not specify a maximum distance that people are allowed to travel for exercise. Both the guidance and legislation state people can exercise with one other person, as Jessica Allen and Eliza Moore did. Human rights barrister Adam Wagner said: "There is no law against travelling to exercise. The guidance is not legally binding and the police have no power to enforce it unless it is reflected in the lockdown regulations which in this case it is not." Derbyshire Police said: "It is up to each individual officer on a case-by-case basis to decide what is reasonable as the legislation does not proscribe a distance." The BBC contacted the Cabinet Office, Home Office, College of Policing and National Police Chiefs' Council to ask for clarification over what they define as "local area" in relation to exercise. None could clarify this. However, the College of Policing said: "In overall terms police officers across England and Wales will be using their discretion and professional judgement about whether or not someone has a reasonable excuse for travelling for exercise and being outside the place where they are living."
  24. On a more serious note, if the Boris vac plan comes together and folk adhere to the current restrictions, the the virus will squashed from two sides so I can see the ‘’R’ falling quicker than you might expect, so it might be that restrictions are eased a bit by the middle of Feb ....... fingers crossed.
  25. 1.5hr drive 🙄, so defo not local ........ Exeter also has the lowest infection rate per 100k in the country, where I live (Teignbridge) we are the 7th lowest.
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