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Everything posted by GPSguru

  1. Yes, I think I am OK, as we are a childcare support bubble with my daughter who is a nurse, and she live less than half a mile from the slip 👍 However, there are not many slipways in Berkshire 🤣 @Andy135
  2. It not about harm, it is about complying with the law as set out by government, now i neeed to wade through loads of tripe to find a definition for 'local', but as I launch 5 miles away from here, I think it will be OK
  3. If you assume that the SS will be the anode, then It really depends on what the cathode material is, however, if the SS becomes the Cathode then it will cause a whole bunch of other materials to corrode as anodes .......... As a generalization 316SS is more positive than most other metals used in boats, so it will be the last to corrode, but may be the cause of corrosion elsewhere. That is why bonding and sacrificial anodes are so important
  4. GPSguru

    Jig Heads

    So basically a Texas rig, but if there is a trace between the link swivel and lure, then it becomes a Carolina rig ................
  5. Most of the believable science I have read seems to point to an ultra violet light image in the fishes eye . Both universities near me (Plymouth & Exeter) major on marine and I haven't really had an answer when talking to the 'fish geeks' Some of my best info has come from the shark trust boffins at Plymouth ........... but nothing seems conclusive It is a crazy world .......... we know more about the moon and Mars than we do about what fish 'see' and what is in our oceans, including the topography.
  6. Here is what we see ...............
  7. A question that I have not been able to answer, nor can I find any conclusive evidence anybody else has either ........... From the human eye perspective, we all know that water absorbs light wavelength so colour to us below 100ft or so is almost non-existent apart from ultraviolet ........... but what do the fish see ? ............ Some say it is movement that attracts them, others say the silhouette changes with lure colour. I will pose an example .......... Fishing over a wreck in 150ft of water with a Blue / White 115mm Red Gill Evo produces no bites in 3 drifts. A change of lure colour to a Cherry Red 115mm Red Gill Evo immediately produces bites and hooked fish on the next 3 drifts ....... WHY ? ....... what can the buggers see ? ........ is it colour ?, is it shades of grey ?, is it colour that bears no resemblance to what we take for granted ?, is the most likely answer shrouded in the mysteries of ultraviolet ? Changing lure shape and size often brings results, but that is not about colour, it is matching the hatch to the current feeding pattern, easy to 'ring' the changes there. It's just changing colour that interests me and over the years I have not been able to quantify what our quarry have in the way of eyesight Discuss ...........
  8. Sorry Andy, but it's a bit like Tom & Jerry, and you are Spike 👍
  9. Well this is the gist of the conversation as I see it ............. Neil has been busy lubing his shaft ready for Jon's arrival, hoping to get pulled 🤣
  10. That actually looks pretty good for a season in the drink, so obviously you have the right antifoul on there. Local to me during mid October, 16 boats were taken out (as they are every year) and there were plenty of barnacles and mussels on them, yours I would say is 90% better. One of the biggest problems locally in the estuary is small mussels blocking the engine intakes. Interestingly the boats here come out in Oct and go back in just before Easter. They are taken out on a huge hydraulic trailer from the slipway, and 50% of the slipway carpark is tuned into a hardstanding area for the winter ............ £1000 per boat .
  11. Dont forget Tim Harrison with the 'Legend of New Quay' (used to be 3 fishes) who is pretty much 99% charter lure fishing in West Wales , him and Robin Howard of Brighton inshore fishing (BIF) were pioneers of the art. Interestingly IIRC, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden is also a keen lure angler and co owner of the BIF boat .............
  12. TBF, early March is usually very hard going for fishing, so mid March will be fine by me 👍 Plenty to do, I am building a 60sqm raised composite decking all around the conservatory and also I need to fit an electric winch on the boat trailer.
  13. Yeah, I was planning on going out tomorrow, but at least I stay in the warm now 🙄 ............. I am thinking March before we get out again.
  14. TBH, I think that is probably fair given the acceleration of the virus Jan usually gives some good fishing, especially on the wrecks, but Feb and March (more so March) start to fall flat as the winter species move on and the summer species have not yet arrived in numbers ..............
  15. Ah, ok .......... yes, that is what you need to do, but also fit a new roof gland for the cable ............. I assume you can use the old roof gland position for the strut mounting etc .... I know it is a PITA but it will be the best job .............
  16. Yes, you can join it as long as it is inside the cabin roof. The most streamlined joint will be a male / female BNC ............ using PL259 male/female will create a heavy bulky joint. The joint should be wrapped with self amalgamating tape and further wrapped with PVC tape to protect the rubber tape. BNC plugs are not the easiest to fit for the less experienced ! Personally, I would see if there is enough slack in the existing cable run to move the antenna ............ if not then I wouls probably run a new cable.
  17. Nah Neil, he is from bloody Essex so dont let your expectations get to high 🙄🤣
  18. Did you start the engine to fill the filter, and check for leaks ? Then recheck the oil level.
  19. IIffit hangs vertical, then carefully fill the new one with oil before fitting ................. if it is horizontal then half fill with oil (otherwise it gets messy), remember to smear the sealing ring with fresh oil before fitting ...... it stops the ring from 'crunching' and also makes sure that the filter is easier to get off. By doing the above the oil pressure will build quicker when you start the engine as the pump doesn't have to fill the filter first.
  20. I would completely finish the job and refill with new oil ............. it is bad practise to leave an engine empty of oil. Once you have run the engine to get the oil warm, then leave it for 10 mins to allow the accumulated oil within the engine to drain back down to the sump .............. BTW: changing the oil on inboard boat engines is a shite job ............... be sure to have a bag of oil soak up granules to hand, of a load of dry rag ........... Is the oil filter a paper or a screw on can ?
  21. Because I am a nosey bastid when it comes to boats and fishing 🤣
  22. Oh, as part of my ‘watch fleet’ you are in good company with the likes of the Northwestern, Wizard, Summer Bay, Pinwheel, FV Tuna.com, and Hot Tuna, plus about 20 local boats......
  23. Well done on getting out. Your AIS notified me on the PC so I could follow your progress 👍 Tell the lad that Bass beats stink’in pout and nasty slimy snakes by a country mile 👍 Great to see him at the helm. I started Kyle at about that age and now on the boat I would trust him with my life.
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