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Posts posted by GPSguru

  1. 3 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    It may or may not be disappointing to some people to know that I have decided to leave this page, I am sick and tired of the constant criticisms and  remarks about things that have nothing to do with anyone else but me. I am disappointed in several  members....
    Okay... So I like dressing-up in rubber clothes. So what? And, my culinary tastes might seem strange to some people... but I have particular liking for cucumbers. Which brings me to the matter of my sexual preferences, which I know might seem strange to some people, but group sex with dwarfs, and pygmies is only a ‘small’ perversion compared to the other matter... And the magistrate was particularly understanding when I explained that running naked through our local park wearing crotchless fluffy underwear on my head and brandishing a dildo in each hand is an ancient pagan custom and...
    Oh shit ! Wrong group!
    Please ignore all of the above.
    Happy New Year 😁


    You forgot to mention the SHEEP 🙄

  2. 1 hour ago, Odyssey said:

    It’s stories like this that keeps me going to get one on my line 😁😁🤗😍😍

    Well Luke ................... a CFL (Curved Fork Length) of a little over 109" is the number to beat .............. you can work out the weight 👍

    I was going to go out today, but I have a minor cold and I need to be on top form for my hospital eye surgery assessment  in a week or so time................. however, I had 2 phone calls from boats that were out, (one was a charter) telling me that the Tuna were smashing the Whiting at 3 miles out  ............. the charter offered to come in and pick me up, but I unfortunately had to decline as I need my eyes fixed el pronto ...............

  3. As the year draws to a close, I will share with you all that in the late summer I caught a big fish, it was a feck’in monster of a fish, and probably I will never catch one of that size again in my lifetime.......... I don't normally talk about any of the big mackerel catches and we never ever share pictures or video footage ......😉

    Roll on 2021 ....... 👍


    My mate came in late evening during last winter with his offshore 25 and as he was loading the boat onto the trailer he slipped off the draw bar and smacked his face into the winch post .................. it knocked him senseless and his son / crew had to finish loading the boat which is stored in a compound beside the private slip .............

    The same evening his sight deteriorated, and he was taken to A&E, where the diagnosis was a detached retina ............ after 2 op's he is Ok now, but he tells me the sight is still not what it was ............... TBH, if I had been there, I would have taken him straight to A&E .............

  5. 10 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    But the reservoir on his engine is unpressurised, so can only be a catch tank I.e. the flow is only one way (out of the pressure cap valve and into the tank) not two way like in a pressurised expansion tank situation.

    So . the 'bottle' , not 'expansion bottle' , is on the 'blow off' outlet from the pressure cap ?  ............. if so, is that a special cap (similar to the older petrol Fords) that blows off into the bottle and then sucks the 'blown off' coolant back in once the system has cooled and the coolant has contracted ?

  6. 4 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    The expansion bottle on the cooling system of an engine is there to catch coolant if over filled and it expands ? Yes or No? 
    If yes, why does it have a min and max line etched on it? 
    If no, is it a top up reservoir ? And if it is a top up reservoir and the level drops, where is the coolant going, if not found in the bilge?

    If you have a closed circuit cooling system then there will be a pressure cap somewhere in the system, but it might not be on the expansion bottle (as an example, some cars have them on the Rad) ............. I assume that you have a closed circuit cooling system, and it is cooled by a raw sea water heater exchanger ?

    As a heating engineer you will know that water (or coolant) expands when hot, therefore somewhere is needed for that expansion to go , hence the min / max level ......... on other engines min / max would be cold / hot ............

    It you are seeing a drop in coolant level on a closed circuit system, then you have a leak and the leak will be worse when the system is up to pressure (i.e. the engine and coolant is hot) ............. generally it is just a weep from a pipe, but in some cases it can also be a head gasket failure ............ or in the case of Mercrusiers with the 1.7L Vauxhall derived engine, a cracked head.

    Firstly look around the cooling system pipes for discolouration around pipe clamps etc, as that is a sure indication of a weep ............... also run the engine up to temp and again look for any wetness on the cooling system pipework ..............




    Ivor Cutler .......... for those of us old enough to remember the John Peel late show on Radio 1 .............where Peel would often play excerpts from 'life in a Scotch living room'

    Cutler humour is dry humour, very dry humour .................




  8. 53 minutes ago, suzook12 said:

    Ok guys, my boat refurb has ground to a halt somewhat as need a better dust mask, 1 day of grinding is resulting in a week of breathing issues (asthmatic and COPD), so something better required that is comfortable with glasses. Blamed it on other things to start with but soon became obvious that everytime I was grinding on the boat, these issues would occur....

    Any suggestions? May have to consider an air fed mask, I am guessing that would require far more filtration?


    TBH Steve, with COPD you should NOT be doing any sanding ! 😧

    Can't you find any child labour ? ............... My grandson (Kyle)  is helping me build a 60sqm raised deck, I pay him 5 rupees a day 🤣

  9. 1 hour ago, Andy135 said:

    Turns out the old pump had blown the fuse - guessing it ran dry and seized but will inspect it in the morning to find out the cause.


    The supersub (as with most small bilge pumps) is not designed to run continuously, so I suspect it overheated and took out the fuse, which is a whole lot better than setting fire to your boat ! ..................

    We have certainly had plenty of rain along the coast over the last week !!!!

  10. 3 hours ago, Odyssey said:

    Quiet in here....

    You all out fishing? 

    Hoping to get a few shark rigs made up later, new gear not arrived so can’t play with it yet....

    Still in lockdown.... fed up of it now 🤣

    With 53k new infections today, I suspect we will go into lockdown from tomorrow night !

  11. 1 minute ago, Jon cook said:

    @GPSguru- looking to update my ageing boat rods in anticipation of getting afloat so im the market for new rods.

    I see you recommend the Aphex, is that limited to the 8-15 or all 3 classes in the range?

    Well, they are not produced any more due to a naming patent infringement, but thay will be reproduced uner a different name using the same blanks in the coming spring.

    The range was, 8.5 -15, 12 - 20, and 20 - 30 ...............

  12. 4 minutes ago, Jon cook said:

    Hope.all goes well with the op @GPSguru


    On the Xmas front, only fishing thing I got was ' A Bass Anglers life', by Robin Bradley.

    Been perusing the Sales for new sea outfits....  what with Covid this years sales seem a bit lack luster which is understandable.


    The book you really need to read is by James Batty from Cornwall .......... The Song of the Solitary Bass Fisher

  13. 20 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Good to know. My thinking is that I'll only really need voice commands, and will use the app for editing video rather than controlling the camera.

    I find GoPro Quik to be limited and clunky, also, it will not process 4k video (not that I use 4K very often)

    On the PC a better solution is the free version  of DaVinci Resolve by Black Magic design ........... this is a free version of a very successful commercial product, easy to use and is fully supported by Black Magic

  14. 5 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    I've just pressed the button on a GoPro Hero8, with Protective Housing (waterproof to 60m) and rail mount.

    I did consider a Water Wolf but with a GoPro I can get HD video on land and on the boat as well as underwater, plus the GoPro has loads of mounting accessories that make it more feasible to shoot video hands-free on demand (voice activation, controlled and edits by mobile app), so standby for lots of blurry footage of a rusty pile of scrap underwater plus the obligatory victory shots of a vanquished whiting or two.


    You might need to do some research ..............


    I have a Hero 7 Black and remote operation is a well known glitch that may, or may not have been fixed in the 8.

    The GoPro is woken up on blue tooth, but then any commands are sent and received over wifi direct, however, if the camera is left for more than a few hours it will not respond to a wake up command from a phone or a remote ........ the answer is to manually switch it on first and then the remote works OK.

    The issue goes a lot deeper than that .......... if the GoPro is left inactive for a few days, it forgets the 'paired' remote (phone or remote) conpletely, and it has to be paired again, which is a complete PITA as you need to reset the GoPro 'connections'

  15. Christmas day evening, in central London, a Policeman on horseback is sitting at the  traffic lights and next to him is a little girl on her shiny new bike.

    The officer says to the little girl, "That is a nice new bike, Did Santa bring that to you ?"

    “Yes, he did,” she replied sweetly.

    With a smile on his face, the officer says "Well, next year, tell Santa to put a rear light on that bike,” and he proceeds to hand the girl a £60 FPN.

    Before the officer rides off the little girl says "By the way, that's a nice horse you got there. Did Santa bring that to you ?"

    Playing along the officer says, "Yes, he did.”

    To which the little girl replied,

    “Well, next year, tell Santa the dick goes underneath the horse”

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