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Posts posted by GPSguru

  1. 4 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    Unless this is a state secret of the Jon le carre stylie, why has this gone to PM ?

    Because I needed to know where to send a package to the welch needy as they have suffered badly with this virus due to lack of social distancing standing in the queue to shag the communal sheep tied to a lamp post in the town centre  🤣

  2. 1 hour ago, Ivan Tuna said:

    Terry Smith at Jigabite on the south coast have reasonably priced jigs. 

    Slow jigs have come down a lot in price now that there is more availability .......... I have found that generally colour is not important, it is the movement that attracts the fish and jig selection regarding shape and weight is determined by the depth of water, the tidal flow, and the boat drift .......... the jig must stay more or less vertical and avoid it streaming away from the boat ..............

  3. 28 minutes ago, Odyssey said:

    I’ve used running ledgers, I gave up for tope and hounds. 

    Ive had them hit the bait so hard the lead ends up on the mainline stuck behind leader knot. 

    I’ll use a paternoster rig, but don’t like crimps. So looking for a STRONG 3 way swivel or any other way that won’t tangle. The old way of a blood loop will tangle too much....

    PM incoming ...........



    Luke (@Odyssey) will soon be enquiring about  helicopter rigs, Chod rigs, 360 rigs, snowman rigs, in-line drop off rigs,  and Zig rigs  ....................:classic_ninja:

    I have been known to hair rig a Joey or Whiting livebait ......... they last longer and are more active ...........

  5. On 12/13/2020 at 7:06 PM, Andy135 said:

    This is a favourite with our kids who prefer the higher ratio of batter to fish that nuggets offer compared with a battered fillet. You will need:

    2-3 whiting

    1 can Brewdog Punk IPA

    3 tablespoons plain flour

    3 tablespoons cornflour 

    500ml groundnut oil



    First, make up the batter. Pour the flour and cornflour into a large bowl and whisk to aerate. Then season with S&P to taste.



    Add enough Punk IPA to give the consistency of thick emulsion, between one third and half a can. Whisk well.



    Leave the batter to stand for 10 mins or so, and in the meantime fill a shallow pan to 1/3rd full with ground nut oil. Bring to a low-medium heat, around gas mark 3.

    Slice your whiting fillets into chunks about 3 or 4cm square and mix into the batter.



    Fry for around 1 minute, maybe a little more if your whiting chunks are on the large side, then drain and serve, seasoned with S&P.



    Of course I like to check the quality of my cooking before serving to the kids, so here's a gratuitous greasy finger shot... 😜



    That looks really nice Andy .......... but I am not a great fan of whiting, I find them to be very bland ............... the only fish I eat are Plaice, Bream, Mackerel, Pollock, Cod, and JD's ..................

  6. 5 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    I love fighting a decent conger, they give a proper fight. Especially with being able to swim backwards. I’d like to catch a 50+ er

    40 - 60lb is not too difficult. Most reefs will hold fish to that size.


  7. 1 hour ago, suzook12 said:

    Not heard of conger coming out from this part of the world, not saying they haven't, but there certainly don't seem many around



    One of the wrecks I fish still holds the British Conger boat record of 133lb ....................... I had one of 92lb a few years ago from a rough ground mark .........

    I have to say .......... not my favourite fish in the world !

  8. 9 hours ago, Jed Stone said:

    Not many people anchor wrecks up this neck of the woods, i am gonna be different, used to do it all the time when crewed a boat out of Cornwall. what rigs have you found best ?

    any other ideas to help get back in the swing ?


    I use a simple running ledger for most of the fishing, but tend to use a portland if putting down a livebait ..........

    I generally only anchor wrecks in the summer for Bream & JD's ............. anchoring at any other time only encourages the spawn of satin (Congers) and I can well do without those slimy nasty gits ...............

  9. 2 minutes ago, Andy135 said:

    Nope. And that's my point. By the time you've navigated your VHF's MMSI menu and found your target station's MMSI entry it's just quicker and easier to raise your target on 16.

    If the VHF manufacturers paid more attention to the usability of their menu functions it might be different, but users will always take the easy option, not necessarily the technologically smart option.

    I guess for most folk, it is there for the emergency function ............ it certainly saves speaking the position 3 times !

    I tend to use DSC to call Falmouth and Solent CG .............. A small group of us also use DSC to request a voice call, a bit of privacy is nice at times without going via 16 ........

  10. 3 hours ago, SiDfish said:

    Hi All

    I've got doel fins on my 15hp Yam.  They really do push the stern up from a standstill and give stability at speed.  I have seen people call them dangerous here and a couple of other places, why?  I've had great service from them on twin 70s, 90s and 225s, a single 15, 25 and 40.

    Yes, they work on some boats but not others ............... I had them on my Shetland 570 with a Johnson 70, and they worked great, but I have been on other boats where doel fins have made the handling more than a little 'iffy'

    The problem occurs as you go into a turn under power and the stern 'digs in' causing the boat to take on quite a pronounced and sudden list to port or starboard, backing off the throttle and less steering input fixes the problem, under those circumstances the boat feels quite unstable as the 'shift' is very sudden and pronounced ....................

    It doesn't happen to all boats, just some ..................


  11. On 12/8/2020 at 10:16 AM, Odyssey said:

    So I’ve spoken to my mechanic.

    He had to change a seal on the gearbox. Didn’t call me first as didn’t want to trouble me. He’s only charging me 30 mins Labour even though it took much longer as he wanted his apprentice to get some experience. He’s had it all pressure tested etc so it’s safe.

    He didn’t like the gear oil that was in there, sent some to his oil supplier who have looked at it and have suggested a higher grade of oil. No extra charge for this. 

    He maybe a main dealer but im really impressed so far. He has kept all the old parts and won’t invoice me until I have inspected them to make sure I’m happy.... Apparently this is standard for commercial guys. 

    So not all main dealers are a rip off! 🙂 

    The oil comments are interesting are interesting thoigh....

    I use Tony at Bridger Marine in Exeter for all my engine work. Mercury and Honda main agents, not cheap, but they do an excellent and thorough job.

    As an example, I mentioned that it rattled at idle in gear and was clunky going into gear...... Tony straight away advised it was probably prop rattle from the gearbox due to the heavy 4 blade SS prop and the answer was to fit an ungraded Mercury solid prop hub with titanium torque rods. Not a cheap solution but it fixed the problem. They also show me all the changed parts after a service. TBH, I don't mind paying a bit extra for high quality service and product knowledge.

  12. 5 hours ago, JonC said:

    Are you actually promoting going against RYA guidelines? 
    Gps is an experienced  operator of boats, others reading may not be. 

    The RYA guidelines are exactly what is on the tin ........ Guidelines .............not mandatory, not a COP, just guidelines............

    The bottom line is, and I say this to all open boat users.............

    1. Wear a Kill cord ........ it will save your life and the lives of others

    2. Make sure the kill cord is in good order, and the kill switch is tested at each annual service.

    3. Make sure it is SECURELY fixed to the wearer, and the wearer will always be the helm

    4. Make sure that it cannot get tangled and interfere with the safe operation of the boat


    A rescue / safety boat helm should never fail to wear a kill cord ............ and you have met that criteria 👍



  13. 18 hours ago, JonC said:

    It is amazing to see how many of the older sailing members don’t attach the kill cord when at the helm. 


    Anybody that does not wear a kill cord on an open boat is just asking for the day of judgement !

    I always wear the kill cord and often it is 2 connected together as it gives me a bit of leeway to move around the boat and still stay connected. Also, it provides a spare in case one breaks (Merc cords have a habit of breaking the ring) ............... I don't wear it on the leg .......... I clip it to my LJ  recovery loop............


  14. 2 hours ago, JDP said:

    Out of interest how long do most run their engines for on an average trip, for me it would be the entire trip most of the time, yesterday being around 7hrs. Petrol or Diesel engines started and run short distances to fishing grounds would barely be getting warmed up.


    My engine gets between 2 - 4 hours on the average trip, however, for safety reasons I always kill the engine when drifting or when I am not at the helm. In an open boat it is far too easy for somebody to accidentally knock the throttle, which, if the engine was running could have dire consequences.

  15. 1 hour ago, JDP said:

    To me it simply isn't worth the risk, I buy genuine line from reputable suppliers.

    It isn't a risk if you know a little about the manufacturer etc .......... being in the trade, I probably am able to source this info easier .

    28lb spectra with a 30lb Sakuma  copolymer leader and a 92lb conger is a fair test ........... 👍 ................ 80lb Spectra and a large Bluefin is also a fair test, TBH I was more worried about my bimini top shot knot and the Aussie plait leader knot than the braid 🤣

  16. 10 hours ago, Andy135 said:

    I've been using Daiwa J-Braid pretty much for ever on my boat reels. Whilst I have no particular complaints about the J-Braid, it is expensive for what it is.

    What other braids are people using?


    @headlight, I'll save you the effort of posting to add that I already know about your chinese Spectra braid 😉


    Another vote for Spectra in green  ............... IIRC it is made in the same factory as Powerpro .............

    I buy direct from china and there has never been a problem .....................

    I use 28lb for general wreck and bottom fishing, and 80lb for sharks and other stuff .........other stuff can be counted as fish weighing 100's of lbs !


  17. On 12/4/2020 at 2:26 PM, Andy135 said:

    Do I need an excuse for more kit...?? 🤔

    The only thing stopping me is the fact that our style of fishing is so different to the US lake fishing for freshwater bass that this kit is aimed at. Could be good for targeting European bass in shallow estuaries or harbours, or perhaps for checking out what's on a shallow reef system, but I'm yet to be convinced it's £1400 well spent.

    What do the Outlaws think? What other applications can we see for live sonar in the UK? Scouting for bream nesting areas maybe?


    I use Garmin 'Livescope' and find it very effective, especially when over a wreck as you can see exactly where the fish are in relation to the wreck, however, most of the time I use it as forward scanning sonar and it is not only useful but very effective ........... however, not a cheap option, and I am always aware that i have a £1100 transducer hanging off the transom !

  18. 23 minutes ago, KennyPowers said:

    Is it generally considered a modern 60hp 4 stroke outputs enough amps to recharge two battery’s at once? 


    Yes and no .......... depends on your engine run time , a Merc 60 only outputs 18A max ...............when I had a Merc 60 EFI on my last boat with a single battery, I used to 'smart charge' the battery about 4 times per year ................

  19. 1 minute ago, KennyPowers said:

    It will automatically switch from primary battery over to secondary when the primary reaches full capacity in charge, as opposed to me be using the primary to start engine and motor out, then switch over to secondary 

    I generally leave mine on both, unless I am at anchor for a long period (over  5 hours), then I switch to battery 2 as the house battery ...........

  20. 13 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    I find that much of the electronic stuff sold in this country originates in China, Vietnam etc., whatever whatever the brand. Geoff.


    Whilst that is true, there is a huge difference between a 'managed factory' product and a 'knock off' product ! , unless of course it comes from the same factory as the 'managed' product , and a good example of this is Spectra Braid and Shimano Power Pro braid ..... Spectra is a fraction of the price but equally as good, mainly because it is produced in the same factory, but without the fancy branding

  21. 1 hour ago, KennyPowers said:

    £180 for the blue sea add a battery vs a generic switch for £20 🤔you will get away with that in Alabama but that’s classed as rape in the UK🤣🤣🤣🤣

    A decent 1, 2, Both, Off switch is £60 ish ............ mine is a BEP rated at 600A continuos, 800A peak ............. be very wary of cheap Chinese switches as their load contact rating is not that high .........



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