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  1. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in LED deck lights / work lights   
    Finally managed to fit the new light last night. Not bad at all.

  2. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from thejollysinker in Hi everyone, glad to be aboard   
    That was today's intention, but at first light I got out of the navigation channel to find the wind from the NE which is usually OK, but the sea was coming from due South, so the wind over tide made for a very choppy and confused head sea right on my port bow and @20 knts it was an uncomfortable and wet ride, so I turned south by 90 degrees and headed for the Orestone ..............which put the sea comfortably on my port quarter ...............
  3. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from thejollysinker in Thursday 26th November   
    Yes, hopefully I will be out on Thursday  morning ......... no crew so billy nomates will be on his own 🙄
    Sea state forecast is marginal, but hope to get to the wrecks.
  4. Like
    GPSguru reacted to thejollysinker in Hi everyone, glad to be aboard   
    My name is Gary and I have an Orkney 590tt and am moored at The Polly Steps on the Teign.
  5. Disagree
    GPSguru got a reaction from suzook12 in True weight of a rod.   
    Yes, correct. Most boat rods are J curve. Most coarse rods are C curve.
    But yes, UK boat rods vary by a huge amount.
  6. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to Maverick in Am I missing something.   
    The level wind parts are easy to service/replace.  Remove the screw on the bottom of the line bar then remove the pawl (as said above) order a new pawl online then fully clean and reinstate the bar pawl and screw thingy.  That should do it failing that find a decent plumber/bathroom fitter to do it for you 

  7. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from JonC in True weight of a rod.   
    True, perhaps I shouldn't tell you this, but most fishing gear is based on a 45% Margin and that is before any quantity discounts are taken into account ........... it is not difficult to achieve a 60 - 70% Margin by careful buying and paying the bills on time .............
  8. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Andy135 in True weight of a rod.   
    True, perhaps I shouldn't tell you this, but most fishing gear is based on a 45% Margin and that is before any quantity discounts are taken into account ........... it is not difficult to achieve a 60 - 70% Margin by careful buying and paying the bills on time .............
  9. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to headlight in Another guitar post!!   
    Do you have any money left over ?
    If so will it stretch to a pair of shoes for him ?
  10. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Geoff in Thursday 26th November   
    Yes, hopefully I will be out on Thursday  morning ......... no crew so billy nomates will be on his own 🙄
    Sea state forecast is marginal, but hope to get to the wrecks.
  11. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Thursday 26th November   
    Good luck Luke.
  12. Thanks
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Thursday 26th November   
    Also good luck.
  13. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Needles   
    I have this issue as well. The way I get round it is to very slightly edit the photo before uploading it to the site. Just click edit , then bring the side of the photo or the top in by a mm. Click done then it will be fine . 
  14. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in Needles   
    As Neil has already said, the quick fix is for the user to edit slightly before posting. I don't know why this seems to happen for some iPhone users or what Apple have done to their photo orientation settings on the 11.
    Outlaws is on a cloud-based "forum-as-a-service" platform so we have no access to Invision's servers for a script to run on, meaning a solution would instead have to involve a change request to Invision to implement across all their cloud-based fora. No telling how long this may take, or even if it would get implemented at all. I'll ask them if they have a fix in their backlog already but I'm not holding my breath... 😖
  15. Agree
    GPSguru got a reaction from Josh in Needles   
    Today's challenge for the technical admin is to write a script that ensure photos are correctly orientated when posting from an Iphone .............it must be something about the way apple pictures are formatted because I have had the same thing happen when transferring for iphone 11pro max to a PC ............
  16. Agree
    GPSguru got a reaction from Josh in Needles   
    Well done Josh, some decent fish there , but congers are not fish .............. they are the spawn of satin !
  17. Agree
    GPSguru got a reaction from iowspence in Needles   
    Well done Josh, some decent fish there , but congers are not fish .............. they are the spawn of satin !
  18. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Josh in Needles   
    First trip out the mouth of the west side
    after the last trip being improvised becuase of a bung plug situation.
    newly done we headed out this Sunday out the needles
    a First for me and a little nervy. was grateful to have a quicksilver  gunning its way behind then past me to steam through which gave me added confidence as the swell was quite up going through there. Which I did fail to account for with the previous days wind. 
    anyway once we were through we anchored up knowing there wasn’t much tide left before slack then instantly into congers and then when we finally went slack we upped anchor and moved a little further west for the flood and continued with congers all day great sport best going 34lb. Live pouting or flappers as the ground was littered with them.
    All in all a great day out came in the Solent to try for a cod for the last hour but not to be ! Always next time.

  19. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in How many fly fishers are there amongst us?   
    Any chance you can re type that lot in queens English ? 
  20. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from iowspence in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    Hmm ......... your list is not complete Spence .................
    The short finned Mako Shark, (better known as the Mako skark, is closely related to the porbeagle and can lift its body temperature to higher than the water it is swimming in.
    I have caught Mako's (NOT in thUK) and they are nasty unpredictable barstewards (a bit like a few on here 🤣🤣🤣) .............. so I reckon they are related to Congers !!!!!!
  21. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to headlight in Penguins (Best Joke of 2020 (honest 😉))   
    The boating unfriendly weather getting you down Luke 😂
  22. Agree
    GPSguru reacted to Odyssey in Scottish rod builder   
    He’s slow.........
    Try angling ambition South Wales. Or legacy rods 🙂 
  23. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in Camberwell, Sandown Bay and Dean Tail   
    Well, this was meant to be a report stuffed full of monster wreck conger and double figure cod... but clearly the fish and the weather missed that particular memo.
    @Saintly Fishand I set off from Gosport this morning full of anticipation and enjoying the calm conditions to the east of the IoW.

    But we arrived at the Camberwell to find a nasty 1m swell rolling in from the SW which made for a couple of very uncomfortable drifts. We gave up on the idea of anchoring the wreck and instead sought shelter in Sandown Bay. We had a quick chat with @iowspence on the way in and he suggested a mark for us to try (Thanks Spence 👍). We dropped the hook and within moments we had a pout on a worm bait, followed by several strap conger - blanks avoided!

    Just as the mark seemed to be warming up the bites dried out, so instead of waiting it out, we headed back east to Dean Tail to a favourite mark of mine - I call it the Kennel. No sooner had our baits touched the bottom than we were into a pack of dogfish... I was in seventh heaven! 🐶
    To punctuate the dogfish, and to our surprise, we both reeled in spider crabs, a few casts apart. Could even have been the same crab, as they both had two missing legs.

    A couple more strap congers each and we called it a day. A bit underwhelming, frankly, but let's face it... a day on the water is never wasted.
    @JonC, it was a shame you couldn't make it (he stood me up for a better offer), but you didn't miss much. We looked for you as we passed Blockhouse this morning but I'm guessing you were still tucked up somewhere snug with @Tadpole??
  24. Like
    GPSguru reacted to jonnyswamp in Clevedon cod   
    Still without a definite idea of where we intended to fish, we called up the barrage and booked a spot in the 7.30 AM lock out
    As today was the first fine and flat sea forecast, all 3 locks were full and it resembled the wacky races when we got through the other side
    Out of the 25 or so boats that went through the locks, around 20 headed west so I headed back up the channel towards Clevedon
    Got the pick down and rods out by about 8.30 and it was a full hour until anything showed an interest in any of our baits
    Soon the dogs (few) and congers (many) were seemingly suicidal, with the eels going to around 16/18lb and the dogfish going.....well dogfish size
    We were close to a charter that two friends were on and they had picked up a small codling since they had been there (7.30) and not much else, so moved a bit closer in to Ladye Bay
    We stuck it out and I was rewarded, after dropping a couple of fish, with a plump 3lb plus codling that was stuffed with prawn
    Thinking that there may be a good shoal coming through, we stayed up until high with no other cod coming over the gunnels, but plenty of the previous species
    After speaking to one of the 2 mates on the charter, we moved out to the English side of the middle grounds and dug in on a rough bit of bank
    With it being a small tide, we had to wait an hour or so for a bit of a run of tide and as soon as it started, so did the fishy interest with a constant stream of conger, just the odd dog, a couple of small whiting and a nice few thornies to about 10/12lb
    While thinking about a run down to the foreshore for the last hour, I noticed a rod give that slow pull down, then a bit of a bounce
    With a good flow of water and the rod bent over (it's only a cheap outfit that lives on the boat for mates that don't have any gear) The rod holder, ex miner, quite small, 76 and has chronic COPD, was struggling a bit and went to hand the rod over
    Knowing he'd only dropped straight down off the back and in about 30ft of water, I explained he only had about 10ft of line to reel in and to keep at it
    With the line coming up directly behind the boat and the fish trying to stay deep, it could only have been a decent cod and when it surfaced I wasn't wrong (for once)
    One knackered old fella and one fat 9lb cod on the deck (that had a small flattie in its guts) and that was pretty much the end of our day, as I wanted to get the 3.45 lock back in before the Armada started jostling for position in the dark
    Talking to the other boats in our lock and there were quite a few good doubles caught today, everywhere from Sully (and probably further west) up past Clevedon
    So they are about Luke, get them twins fired up and back to Cardiff
    Over and out
  25. Thanks
    GPSguru got a reaction from iowspence in What's on your fishing bucket list?   
    I knew David and it was a sad loss, in more recent times the skipper of the Madeline May out of Falmouth ............ David passed from prostate cancer in 2018 ..........
    His website for the Madeline May still lives on ..................http://www.cornishsharkfishing.co.uk/about-us/
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