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    GPSguru got a reaction from Dicky in Out again today - 30th July   
    Last night the wife asked about sea state and tides for today, as she decided, with it being the hottest day this summer, that it would be nice to get out.
    So, I asked where she wanted to go, wrecks, Skerries, or something else, and she wanted to go Mackerel fishing, and, TBF she is bloody good at it.
    I was happy with that, but warned her that we would be having to work hard for just a few, as they are a bit thin on the ground.
    Due to some medical issues this was her first time out this year, we launched at 08:30 and made our way out to some of my 'banker' mackerel marks.
    Soon we were beginning to catch, only ones and twos but they were very decent sized fish.
    TBH, it was very hot today, calm mirror sea, almost no wind, so that made the fishing a bit harder.
    I went to 5 marks, and we ended up with 34 Mackerel, so not too shabby, and she also managed a Pollock of about 3lb off a rock mark.  Most have gone in the bait freezer, but 4 were jumbo sized and are in the fridge for eating.
    Came back in at 4pm, the temp here in Lyme Bay was 29C, so quite warm !
    A decent trip of 25 miles, but it was great to be out there again, and I quite enjoyed our maccy bashing session. I did fit in a visit to one wreck, but it was netted 🙄
    No pics, coz we all know what the average mack looks like 🙄
  2. Informative
    GPSguru got a reaction from RogB in Out again today - 30th July   
    The sewer buoy, correctly known as the 'special purpose buoy' was one of the marks that failed miserably, the mack came from the Orestone, Outer Livermeads, Long Quarry, and the Parson & Clerk.
  3. Informative
    GPSguru got a reaction from daio web in Out again today - 30th July   
    The sewer buoy, correctly known as the 'special purpose buoy' was one of the marks that failed miserably, the mack came from the Orestone, Outer Livermeads, Long Quarry, and the Parson & Clerk.
  4. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Out again today - 30th July   
    Last night the wife asked about sea state and tides for today, as she decided, with it being the hottest day this summer, that it would be nice to get out.
    So, I asked where she wanted to go, wrecks, Skerries, or something else, and she wanted to go Mackerel fishing, and, TBF she is bloody good at it.
    I was happy with that, but warned her that we would be having to work hard for just a few, as they are a bit thin on the ground.
    Due to some medical issues this was her first time out this year, we launched at 08:30 and made our way out to some of my 'banker' mackerel marks.
    Soon we were beginning to catch, only ones and twos but they were very decent sized fish.
    TBH, it was very hot today, calm mirror sea, almost no wind, so that made the fishing a bit harder.
    I went to 5 marks, and we ended up with 34 Mackerel, so not too shabby, and she also managed a Pollock of about 3lb off a rock mark.  Most have gone in the bait freezer, but 4 were jumbo sized and are in the fridge for eating.
    Came back in at 4pm, the temp here in Lyme Bay was 29C, so quite warm !
    A decent trip of 25 miles, but it was great to be out there again, and I quite enjoyed our maccy bashing session. I did fit in a visit to one wreck, but it was netted 🙄
    No pics, coz we all know what the average mack looks like 🙄
  5. Like
    GPSguru reacted to RogB in Out again today - 30th July   
    Glad you found some. "Thin on the ground" is an understatement! I was beginning to think it was just me..
    9hrs afloat July for the Teignmouth airshow, 2 of us fishing quite inshore out of the wind for 2 gurnards. Last weekend 4hrs out on the kayaks for 6 on sat, 3 hrs on the boat out a mile or two for 1 scad (from the sewer buoy "reef" 🤮) on sunday over HW. Even the mackerel boat followed us 3 times, as if we knew best😂
    Shore fishing the Ness beach was much more productive for a few evenings but that soon dried up. Anyway the ones we did have were good sized.
    Keep up the reports, I was inspired by your short videos and managed to shoot the typhoon at the airshow from the back of our tub but need to work out how to YouTube it.
    Cheers, Roger
  6. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in Out again today - 30th July   
    Glad you both had a good time out. 34 is a very respectable tally - great work 👍
  7. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from mick in Out again today - 30th July   
    Last night the wife asked about sea state and tides for today, as she decided, with it being the hottest day this summer, that it would be nice to get out.
    So, I asked where she wanted to go, wrecks, Skerries, or something else, and she wanted to go Mackerel fishing, and, TBF she is bloody good at it.
    I was happy with that, but warned her that we would be having to work hard for just a few, as they are a bit thin on the ground.
    Due to some medical issues this was her first time out this year, we launched at 08:30 and made our way out to some of my 'banker' mackerel marks.
    Soon we were beginning to catch, only ones and twos but they were very decent sized fish.
    TBH, it was very hot today, calm mirror sea, almost no wind, so that made the fishing a bit harder.
    I went to 5 marks, and we ended up with 34 Mackerel, so not too shabby, and she also managed a Pollock of about 3lb off a rock mark.  Most have gone in the bait freezer, but 4 were jumbo sized and are in the fridge for eating.
    Came back in at 4pm, the temp here in Lyme Bay was 29C, so quite warm !
    A decent trip of 25 miles, but it was great to be out there again, and I quite enjoyed our maccy bashing session. I did fit in a visit to one wreck, but it was netted 🙄
    No pics, coz we all know what the average mack looks like 🙄
  8. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in First mullet   
    Down in Cornwall for the week and we headed to Lantivet to take my son snorkelling. As we reached the headland we were greeted with a stunning vista.

    Heading down to the beach itself we were looking forward to getting into the crystal clear water.

    After an hours' snorkelling together Tom headed back in for lunch. We'd seen some amazing ballan wrasse amongst the kelp. Both cocks and hens, proper fish the size of piglets, plus plenty of sandeels, spider crabs and a sneaky brown crab in a rocky hole that we couldn't quite tease out into the bag.
    I stayed out and loitered over a submerged reef for a while, having a suspicion that bass would also frequent the same spots as wrasse. Of course I'd taken my speargun out with me. As if someone had flicked a switch I found myself surrounded by schoolie bass, with a huge mullet cruising below them. I took a shot but missed, the spear bouncing off the rocks below. Cursing my luck I reloaded the speargun and floated motionless above the reef again. Didn't take long for another shoal to come by, again with a mullet in tow. Another shot and success! A golden grey in the bag.

    He tasted great on the barbecue with lime, salt and pepper - very much like mackerel.
  9. Thanks
    GPSguru got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Definitely, if you ever want that info then just drop me a pm 👍
  10. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Dicky in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Definitely, if you ever want that info then just drop me a pm 👍
  11. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from daio web in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Yes, a few clouds but they were very high, and generally over the land mass.
  12. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from mike farrants in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  13. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from mick in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  14. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  15. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Andy135 in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  16. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Saintly Fish in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Yes, a few clouds but they were very high, and generally over the land mass.
  17. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Josh in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  18. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Dicky in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Nice one hope to get out when I get home in a couple of weeks 
  19. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from daio web in Skerries Banks - 28th July   
    Solo trip and early start due to a major rowing race taking place and all the gigs use the slipway 🙄
    Absolutely flat sea and arrived on the skerries at 08:00. Straight down with my Plaice bait, and I also put down tinsels for snake / mack, and a large fish bait for Turbot.
    The first away was the mack tinsels, with a steady stream of single fish, but a good size.
    The  next bit is for @jonnyswamp who was told the fish were small. I fished from 08:00 to 13:30 and had 9 plaice, with 3 keepers. The MLS is 27cm, but I don't keep under 35cm. I measured all the fish (just out of interest) and the keepers were just over 35, the rest were 27 - 30.  I don't use worm, only fish baits, usually whole king prawn tipped with squid, or mack strip tipped with squid. I was getting a lot of bites that didn't connect, and that could have been postage stamp fish as I tend to use a 1/0 instead of the size 2 that a lot of folk use.
    Also in the mix was loads of finger sized pout on the tinsels, and 4 good sized grey gurnard on the plaice rod.
    My Turbot baits went untouched all day, not even a dog.
    Got back onto the slip at 1:45 pm, a loverly day, not a cloud in the sky and quite warm., but the sea was great so an easy 50 miles.
    We had the plaice for evening meal, and it was excellent.

    Just one pic, coz we have all seen plaice before 🙄

  20. Like
    GPSguru reacted to jonnyswamp in Sunday 28th July Bristol Channel   
    Cracking forecast and good tide, be a fool not to go
    The future sons in law mentioned a week or so ago that none of them had ever been boat fishing before (2 had never been sea fishing at all) so I said anytime you all want to go, we'll get something sorted, also I never asked you as I never thought they were interested
    Jeez, we've been waiting years for you to ask us, they said in unison
    So today was the day
    Got the 8am lock out to a flat sea and sunshine, didn't want to punch the tide and head West (would've preferred Aberthaw area, but hey ho they were happy to be out) so settled into a mark out on the coral
    Can usually guarantee fish here (except for 3 trips earlier in the hear when not even a bite was found on all 3 days)
    Anchor down and set them all up with a downtide rod each, did a short baiting up and dropping off the back demonstration (the trotting back in the tide would be lesson 2)
    I set up 3 uptiders and got them in the water, nominating 1 for myself and the other 2 being pool rods which would be taken in turn whenever a bite materialised
    Bait was a 5lb box of Calamari and some frozen local caught mackerel from a few weeks ago
    2 Metre  Jack was first in with a small dog, followed by a small Spotted Ray on his next drop, both on his own rod
    To say he was buzzing would be the understatement of the year, 1 for actually catching a fish and 2 for beating the other 2 for the first fish, not necessarily in that order either
    Next up was Owen with a small dog, also on his own rod 
    After couple of missed bites, Justin got his first, a strap Conger that he thought was huge
    I had a dog or 2 in between baiting up, netting and casting out (none of them fancied casting, as they were getting the odd nest just dropping down)
    Mission accomplished as they'd all caught and had turned into excited 7 yr olds 🤣
    It went a bit quiet and as the tide had eased a bit, I thought I'd try and get them on a some Blondes
    Anchor up (from inside the cabin I might add, as my invention is still doing the business) and we moved up to the top end of a large sandbank a mile or so off Cardiff that usually produces some good Rays
    Good move, as no sooner were the baits down, Jack was into what was obviously a nice Ray
    It was indeed a Ray, but only around 8lb and it came in tail wrapped
    This was the story for the rest of the morning/early afternoon, with the size of them getting steadily bigger
    Ran out of bait and got the 2.45 inbound lock to make it home before 4 👍
    Having 2 and 3 fish on at a time kept me busy and even my rod turned into a pool rod as they were just loving it
    Watching them get the bug absolutely made my day and they're all good blokes as well, which is a massive bonus these days
    Don't think I'll ever be short of crew now
    A couple of pics of a great day
    Owen with his first Shark
    Justin, Jack and Owen with 3 decent doubles
    Jack and Owen in sync
    In amongst baiting up, casting, netting and making tea
    I did manage a few
  21. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Help with sonar / fish finder   
    Snob. I quite like the "all inclusive" colours!! 
  22. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    Same here, I'm away til 2nd August when UK hurricane season will no doubt start! 
  23. Informative
    GPSguru got a reaction from jonnyswamp in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    If the weather holds, I will be going there on Sunday.
    Usually the keepers vs returns works out at about 70 /30 for us, but we don't keep anything under 35cm
    Those that use worm and small baits tend to get the smaller fish, we use large cocktail fish baits
  24. Agree
    GPSguru reacted to Dicky in Come on then... who's out at the weekend?   
    It will. I'm in France for the next 2 weekends so light winds and sunshine. I will be back Thursday 8th and no doubt will blow a fucking gale 
  25. Like
    GPSguru reacted to JDP in Just finished the last smoked tuna   
    I was left doing duties helping out transport for old people I somehow ended up volunteering for 😐
    While once again my daughter headed off in search of some more tuna for smoking. I bet the wind will blow its bum off when I get chance to head offshore. Hopefully some big tuna heading up the coast behind the first run of smaller ones. 


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