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  1. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to JDP in Saturday 13th - unlucky for us.   
    Looks very comfortable in the cab. I like the way you put the rods upside down so people don't give you a hard time about being a lefty. 3m of water sounds crazy shallow, did you burley the area to try and bring the fish to you.
  2. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in Saturday 13th - unlucky for us.   
    It took me quite a while to get my first bream, Andy was the first with success so I had pressure to perform. Turned out that I had nothing to worry about though with a final tally of 2 - 8 in my favour😎. Although his first was the biggest 
    Even the boys fished for themselves this time, baited up and everything!! 

    A great bbq was had that evening, we only had butter and lime on the boat, but the fish was delicious!! 

  3. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in Saturday 13th - unlucky for us.   
    The plan was to hit the same mark we'd had good success on a few weeks ago for stingrays and smoothounds. We had the boys along chauffeuring us to the mark.

    Lovely conditions gave a smooth ride out. 

    We dropped the hook in less than 3m of water, and with clear vis we could make out rocks, cables, abandoned anchors and even starfish on the sea floor.
    What we could not spot however, was fish. No stingrays, no smoothounds, no nothing. Neil had a decent run, typically on a scratching rig, which snapped him off after a couple of minutes. But other than that it was a desert. We moved into slightly deeper water where we rustled up a few bream.

    Unfortunately we had a rather negative experience next. Not far from our mark, what seemed like the entire Solent population of WAFI's were having their annual Teddy Bear's picnic, and decided to use Tarlach Too as a marker buoy to see which of them could pass the closest to us. We must have been buzzed by over 10 yachts at least. I lost a rig to their idiocy and several bouts of fruity language was deployed as they passed within a gnat's whisker of us. Truly disappointed by their navigational behaviour.
    We decided to head back in, somewhat salvaging the day by a high speed blast back that saw the boys reliving their antics from when they were a good few years younger.

    Amazing to see how much they've grown since they first met on board TT, and no matter that they're now almost "too cool for school" they still enjoy a faceful of sea spray on the way back home 😀.
    Despite the lack of target fish and poor form from the yachts we still managed a good few giggles and some lively worm-related banter with the boys. Thanks as always to @Saintly Fish for hosting us 👍.

  4. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Josh in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  5. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from jonnyswamp in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  6. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from mike farrants in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  7. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from mick in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  8. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from JDP in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    Totally agree, luckily we don't get big seas here very often, but it felt OK to be out in a 15 -20ft (5m) swell fishing the wrecks last autumn.
    We have been plagued this year with a 'short sea', meaning the time between the swells / waves is often less than 3 secs, and that just makes for uncomfortable fishing, so I give it a miss. I am generally looking for 4 secs plus, and if the big Atlantic swells are forecast, then 7 t0 10 secs.
  9. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from daio web in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    Totally agree, luckily we don't get big seas here very often, but it felt OK to be out in a 15 -20ft (5m) swell fishing the wrecks last autumn.
    We have been plagued this year with a 'short sea', meaning the time between the swells / waves is often less than 3 secs, and that just makes for uncomfortable fishing, so I give it a miss. I am generally looking for 4 secs plus, and if the big Atlantic swells are forecast, then 7 t0 10 secs.
  10. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from JDP in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  11. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Dicky in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  12. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from willyhookit in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  13. Like
    GPSguru reacted to daio web in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    nice going bud your on them again top dangling 👍
  14. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from daio web in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  15. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Saintly Fish in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    Nice one Ian. Good to see some nice bass. Hoping to get out tomorrow if Lord Andy isn't too late as per usual!! 
  16. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    Nice session! Well dangled. Shame about the big bass - next time! 👍
  17. Agree
    GPSguru reacted to Andy135 in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    Don't worry, I'm sure your uninvitation is in the post 👍
  18. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from Andy135 in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  19. Like
    GPSguru got a reaction from JonC in A mornings wrecking - 11th July   
    The weather has improved so a solo trip to the wrecks with Bass as the target.
    launched at 7ish into a flat sea and hauled my arse out to a wreck at 15 miles in 200ft that normally holds bass. 
    There was already a rod line/ potter commercial on the wreck, but also very friendly which is good. Surprisingly it was at least a fish a drift, pout, coalfish, scad, pollock, and Bass.
    I had a few bass and was playing ‘change the bucket’ to keep them alive to select the biggest and I kept 2 at 53 / 54cm.
    Annoyingly, I hooked and lost (after a decent fight) what I suspect to be a largish bass, experience suggests 8lb plus, but the hook pulled. The fish were only taking small 115mm lures, so small 2/0 hooks.
    spent 3 hours on the wreck, then I noticed the swell was increasing and shortening, so time to come back in. 
    A very pleasant morning ………..and it was nice to see a coalfish, even though only 2lb ish
    couple of pics
    A 53cm Bass

    A tiddler Pollock

  20. Haha
    GPSguru reacted to captin slows old outlaw in humm   
  21. Like
    GPSguru reacted to jonnyswamp in Friday 5th July Bristol Channel   
    A look at the tides and weather Thursday swayed me towards a trip heading West towards Nash for a crack at some Bass
    Just myself and Nipper onboard and was through the lock with hardly time to tie up as it coincided with high water
    The forecast was chance of a bit of drizzle and 6/7 knot winds early on, dropping off in the afternoon
    The sea started off choppy and by the time we got to Barry we were down to around 12 knots as the swells were getting worse
    The wind was supposed to be N Westerly and light, they were closer to 20 and from the West, which wasn't pleasant and against the now ebbing tide
    We got as far as Fontygary and gave up on Nash as it would've been pretty much unfishable
    We tucked in out of the wind and drifted for a while, picking up half a dozen small Scad and a few Mackerel
    After about half an hour or so, the wind buggered off and the sea flattened, so back to plan A
    We tried in tight, out wide and every where inbetween, nothing, not even bait fish there
    Made our way back up the coast, stopping for a drift here and there without much success, then saw a small Wilson type in close pulling up a string of mackerel
    We picked up some Macks here for the bait freezer, then headed up to the Coral to anchor up for the last hour
    Here we had 3 Blondes to 14lb and a shed load of dogs, Nipper had the Blondes and I had the dogs (pretty much the story of my teens) and got the 3.15 lock back in
    So no luck with the Bass, have they followed the bat fish out to deeper waters ?
    Coming back up past the Knap I spotted what may have been @daio web ?
    I did give a toot of the horn, but only one trumpet works and it aint very loud
  22. Like
    GPSguru reacted to Josh in 29th June southwest   
    Too good a Saturday forecast to miss saw me towing to Cornwall Friday night.
    arrival around 1ish launching at daylight meant couple hours sort rods unstrap pack away and shut eye for not very long but it all helps.
    first stop was bait and I was picking up some
    jumbo mackerel only close in which was great after about 8/9 I headed out.

    i stopped off on the way out around the reefs what difference the not netting of pollack has made. Well saying that Iv seen more fish in the past but compared to last year there were a few good fish back !

    Pushed out to the 20mile band it was glass on the way out which was lovely then I spent an hour or so over the slack trying for ling on this wreck. I know they’re on there I just couldn’t get them ..another time !
    dumped the chum over and waited quite a while with no wind i was moving with the tide but not a great deal.
    then I had one probably of 40lb.
    Hour or so later I had a better one round more like 75lb the boat going for the chum bag and the proper.
    i had this fish round the bait and I could wind up any more so I just hand hooked her and she wernt happy gave me a searing run. Great fun

    the Yank
    The run 


    curious blue

     I ended up with another one so 3 in total
    Had to pull the hook in again by hand to get that last one tight , rather that than deep hook. 
    food as follows

    Bangers on boat took some skin damage @JonC

    Dinner made up for it
    then I crawled into the tent 💤 
  23. Like
    GPSguru reacted to JDP in Garmin Navionics Vision +   
    I use Garmin blue chart g3 vision which has been extremely good in both 8410 and 8412, one off purchase, no subscription. I also had the simrad Navionic vision for simrad, which I gave to the owners of the commercial boat I work on at times. I also had the phone app version but dropped it after the subscription doubled. 

    I also build my own quick draw charts in areas which haven't been surveyed. To be honest though, Ive been busy on other boats and stuffed with my back for a while, so will need to get my head around using it again now, especially given the boat Ive been working has Simrads. Building your own charts and setting various colours for different depths can be very useful.
  24. Like
    GPSguru reacted to JDP in Solent, 21st June: a day of doubles   
    We tend to hook a fair few from the shore, which can be very large stubborn things to land and unhook. I have some good friends who moved to Maroochydore and my daughter is up there at the moment fishing. 
  25. Informative
    GPSguru got a reaction from JonC in garmin   
    If you want people to give meaningful answers, then pointless, stupid insults are not the way forward.🙄
    Count me out on this thread.
    I will ensure Daio has all the info he needs.
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