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  1. Axes and pick axes generally have Ash or Hickory shafts
  2. Mine are to try my very best to make the most of the few-and-far-between days of light winds, get out to sea to catch anything decent.
  3. Yes on my own I’m afraid so not the easiest to photograph nicely
  4. Thanks. It fell to a medium sized lemon back lure.
  5. Thanks. It went 14lb on the boat.
  6. The day started well with a good drive to Littlehampton and an easy launch from the slipway as the tide was up enough to keep me on the concrete. There had been patches of fog on the journey but nothing to worry about (why do some drivers insist on having their dazzling fog lights on whatever the weather?) but as I was launching a heavy fog descended, reducing vis' to about 50 metres. I decided to carry on and made a very slow and cautious trip down to the river mouth and out to sea. Luckily, as is often the case this time of year the fog was sitting in a mile wide band along the coastline and once beyond that the vis' improved to the horizon. That made the descision as to where to go easier (though in hindsight maybe I should have gone West to the Selsey area as I heard of Blondes and Spurs being caught) and i pushed the throttle forward and cruised the 15 miles to the first wreck at a a very comfortable 22kts. In total I tried 8 wrecks, 6 of which showed fish markers. Unfortunately they appeared to be of Pout and Wrasse. I did get some success at one of the more distant wrecks and landed 4 fish, one of which was a clonker. The rest were 3lb-5lb. So, overall a great day out some nice fish but, worth the fuel possibly not and more worryingly there seem to be far fewer Pollack on what I'd call banker wrecks than there were 5 years ago.
  7. They certainly did. Plenty of breaded goujons for all the family.
  8. I just ask for a donation to be made to the RNLI and buy the tackle I need/want when I can
  9. Well, until today I haven’t been out at sea since the middle of August. The weather (mainly) and work (occasionally) had conspired to keep me landlocked with no chance of pestering, let alone catching, any fish. At long last everything went to plan and I got out of Littlehampton on this mornings flooding tide. By 8.45am I was four miles off in 16m of water with the pick down on some mixed ground. Unfortunately no specimen fish took a liking to my lovely squid and lug baits though I did manage 15 nice (over 1.5lb) whiting a 4lb pollack and some straps. Most importantly the boat,engine and trailer all worked perfectly and I was able to enjoy a much needed day at sea. Hopefully we will get a spell of settled weather soon so I can get out and play again.
  10. Due to work and weather I haven’t been out, until today, since the middle of August.
  11. That’s good she’s got a good home. Have you got another boat lined up?
  12. I hope you have many happy trip aboard her and plenty of fish over the gunnels
  13. Well done and congratulations on getting such great bait. The cuttle also make great eating, though not to everyone's taste.
  14. Greetings All and a Happy New Year. It's been a while since I posted as the fishing, though frequent and productive, has consisted of nothing worthy of note. Unfortunately this Sunday's trip was the same. My eldest son and an old friend of many years joined me for the day. The tow down to LA took longer than normal due to the threat of the presence of black ice so we didn't get on the water until 8.15am instead of the planned 7.40am. Still with the tide flooding there were no time constraints to launching. As we were prepping to launch plenty of charters and private boats headed down river to fish, which is always good to see. My plan was to go to an area of light mixed ground ot the west of a small bank 4 miles out. The mark doesn't look overly fishy on the sounder but, as the sea bed is made up of a mix of sand, mud and flint/chalk lumps, it holds lots of food such as small crab species and shrimps/prawns. I've had plenty of success here in the past with catches of up to 8 cod in a tide so was hopeful. On arrival there was a well known charter right on my numbers so i had to pop the anchor down to the south of him. With great anticipation we sent down 3 sets of downtide gear rigged with strong 5/0 pennel rigs to 80lb nylon and 2 uptiders similarly rigged, all baited with a mix of squid lug and cuttle. After a quite first 20 minutes we started to get bites and a steady stream of small Witing, Dogs and Straps kept us busy. Disappointingly no Cod. The tide turned and we decided to change 3 of the rods to size 1 hooks to 30lb nylon, baited with single lug or strips of squid, to see if some of the bites we were missing were from dabs (a possibility at this mark). Suprisingly, those rigs attracted Witing to 2lb, a 7lb Thornback and a 20lb Conger, along with the usual Dogs whilst the big baits were only attracting rubbish fish. I could understand that if the sea were gin clear but it was like milky coffee with zero visibility! And that was it for the day with no Cod showing were headed back in at 3pm to ensure enough water would be over the bar. So lesson learnt, mix rigs and baits to find what works on the day. Until next time, wishing you all light winds, calm seeas and tight lines. John
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