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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. When you stop for 5 mins on way home from sharking….
  2. No high sticking, I think the blank must of taken a knock at somepoint. Totally agree on the bent butt, easier on angler too… The other 2 were a lot smaller so it’s amazing the different classes of fish that are running at the moment. Hopefully they hang around for the weekend…
  3. Awesome! We don’t get any up here but I’d love a crack at some 🙂
  4. 105 inches of shiny loveliness…. Snapped the rod after 30 mins, so the lucky angler kept going on tod and got it to the boat… Stand up Stubby Style 🫣🫣
  5. Nice work, plenty about 🙂
  6. I’ve heard about that….. intriguing!
  7. 700-800lb…. Better pics to follow, 18 hour day, got to get to work for 8am tomorrow…. The power of skittles and red bull keeping me going at the moment 😂 (all released as in the water next to boat as I didn’t have the phone number for John Smith and I don’t think his cans were big enough 😂)
  8. Was a bit better today… another 3 in 2 hours, rest of time on sharks, 10 blues to 100lb… bit of a special day
  9. 1 of 2 and a few blues today we ride again at dawn….
  10. Odyssey


    I’ve not been out with Chris on Channel Explorer, but he seems to find the fish 🙂 there is also a local tackle shop in the marina for bait etc.
  11. Odyssey


    If you travel to the west then Channel Explorer out of Portishead offers a great range to trips, sole, bass, rays, cod etc. A bit different to the south coast but maybe something to consider
  12. queues already forming for Oasis tickets, apparently you just got to roll with it and not look back in anger….
  13. Nice day out, crisp winter morning, sunshine, pot noodle in hand (I’d prefer a bacon sandwich) and the channel is still lovely 🙂
  14. Cracking fishing…. Will make a winter in Cardiff look a bit tame 🫣🫣😮😮 Love the plaice too a right lump 😍😍
  15. Nice fishing but what the tubey stuff?
  16. Hmm more marks would of been given had my contributions to the jokes section been shown greater appreciation 😉
  17. Had Gary ( @thejollysinker) out for a trip yesterday. He was on holiday locally and dropped a line for a trip. By chance had space so he joined us for an expedition to the deeps. What an all round nice guy 🙂 was great to have him aboard! Sadly I didn’t find him a blue whiting for the species hunt was a fast drift, and a bit lumpy… (LOTS of pot holes and speed bumps in the sea on way out and back in again, but cat bashed her way through) Gary did manage one blue…. Took a while to get it in. I did learn some new colloquial phrases from Devon that apparently aren’t safe for social media… but I can’t blame him when this little smiler popped up next to the boat after a heavy 35 min scrap 🙂 Top work that man, expertly played, tagged and released… 🙂 Another 5 finished off the day nicely 🙂
  18. We get quite a few, especially on the surf beaches. Inshore is very quiet at the moment, so maybe that is why we are picking more up 🤔
  19. Need to recalibrate the compass, you basically drive round in a circle slowly while in calibration mode, have a look on YouTube it’s much quicker than the manual to understand! for the radar check the connection at the Radome and clean it up, they are prone to water ingress, msg need to quick clean ti getting it up a d running. if all else fails, I’ll give you a tenner for it 😉
  20. Get the surfboard out in the meantime 😍
  21. Sure have…. Its inshore of the stark grounds but I may have a spare weekend in the diary so may try a recce trip inshore to see if any others hiding out
  22. You can apply for a small ships license here…. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/spectrum/radio-equipment/online-licensing-service/ this will give you the MMSI number to allow DSC operation on your VHF. The RYA course is the VHF SRC. It’s a one day course with a simple exam at the end. It’ll take you through operating channels, pan pan vs mayday procedures and other useful information. That along with a Power Boat Level 2 gives you a good basic understanding of boating. A lot of centres do a deal if you look to complete both. At the very least read the RYA VHF handbook…. So you don’t end up saying “over and out” in real life 😉
  23. Westher looking good for weekend 🙂 hopefully it holds for us all
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