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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. This is Pippa the Skipper…. She runs the boat really 🤣🤣🤣 Some lovely hounds there 🙂 Od advise 6in of wire if you’re after tope. 60lb won’t last long at all… or go for 200lb mono if you want to avoid wire
  2. Odyssey


    Guys, I’d love to get you to wales for a weekend…. Have a think you’d be more than welcome. I’d even make sure I’d get a new joke book just for you 😉
  3. Odyssey


    @DickyWe were allowed to target them 1st August. However the season usually starts early/mid Sept. I knew had been seen so I took a punt, got a crew and went hunting…. Can’t wait to get back out there! If the weather holds hopefully it’ll get even more numbers of fish…. a few more pics ⬇️
  4. Odyssey


    First recce on the tuna today…. Safe to say we succeeded 🙂 520-540lb tuna safely measured, tagged and released…. Had another on until the spreader bar gave way, looks like a dodgy crimp…. Wasn’t impressed to be honest so debating where to get a new one from…. Did an hour on bait as well but only a 100lb blue shark… Nice to get the welsh Tuna season started. It’s usually later than down south but if the weather holds we could be in for a good season
  5. I’ve heard some shark anglers in south west use them as live bait…. Personally I don’t as too hard to find and I’d want to eat them
  6. Whoop 🙂 glad you got a toothy critter at last 🙂
  7. As I said on my snakes post…. I need to go fishing 🤣
  8. Sounds like you just need to do a calibration. Mine has been correct for 5 years then 3 weeks ago was out by 30deg. Quick google search, put it into calibration mode for the heading sensor/flux gate compass, you basically do a big circle at low speed and ta-da sorted 🙂
  9. Make sure get jam on the scones the right way round, don’t want you causing a riot down there….
  10. A snake walks into a bar……. ……… bartender says how did you do that….. I need to go fishing 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Great report and pics 🙂 plus points for balancing fishing and pub, sounds like a good few days 😁
  12. Sounds like need a bigger freezer 😁 I
  13. And now you see your son with a different girl on each day of the school holidays 😉
  14. Right! This is a point close to my heart…. Milford haven Tesco, 200l petrol into cans no problem. 5 miles away Pembroke dock Tesco, 5l max…. Rather frustrating when Tesco Milford was once 5p/l cheaper… local independent…. 240l into cans in back of truck. Explained UN type approved and what the use was for, happy days. Pay at pump can be a pain, they hit you with a £100 limit on your card so it’s hard to get lots of fuel without having multiple cards…. Best thing to do is pop in and ask or speak to an independent or use pay at pump and max your card. @GPSguru is exactly right about storage vs transportation of petrol. There are different rules on diesel which is why you can get an IBC delivered of the red juice but not petrol
  15. After being stuck ashore for nearly 3 weeks I saw a weather window, got a charter crew together and the plan was made. Sadly Derek the weatherman got it wrong…. Windier than forecast meant a sloppy 2.5m swell at a period of 5s for the run out…. 40miles later we started a drift…. Went for an hour and I wasn’t happy with our pattern so a quick move, reset and back at… 10 mins later first run…. But inexperience cost us a fish with first time sharking letting line go slack…. 1 hour later first blue appears about 80lb. Shortly followed by an 80-90lb porgie for a shark virgin. He was well chuffed! another 80lb blue appeared so all charter at least had a shark each…. wi d getting up, was just about to call time, rachet goes. Lovely tussle for 20 mins. Air turning blue we see the fish, he takes one look at us goes back down… 10 mins later and a VERY happy angler with a 180lb porgie. He’s been after one for ages so I was well chuffed for him 🙂 tough run home in truck swells but dolphins and puffins kept us company. A minkie whale appeared 1/2 mile off St Anne’s head crashing in the now rather challenging swell (wind against tide causing lots of turbulence) but a bit of careful driving and in the haven heading home 🙂 I wanted higher numbers of fish but given the conditions was ok… crew were happy which was good… just waiting for next weather window….
  16. The Bristol Channel can suffer from sudden onset of fog, you can be sat in baking warm sunshine and then a fog bank jusr rolls in and it’s like pea soup… In the below photo it can give an idea. It’s of a fog bow, 2 mins after it was taken visibility went down to less than 100m…..
  17. Welcome to the mad house 🙂 Ask away on questions, there are lots of different experiences on here and still ask questions 🙂 Just watch out for @JDP catch reports…. He’ll soon make you want to leave our shores and head to Aus!
  18. Sounds like you’ve had a great weekend 🙂
  19. Wow you did well with a wrasse up there 🙂 Ive heard of some nice sole coming off the foreshore, only 4-5ft of water, need a lot of rag though as lots of rays and conger about….
  20. Not just car transporters….. WAFIs and shifting sandbanks
  21. Sounds like heading sensor is out…. I’ve got same issue, need to look at mine to get it sorted
  22. Nah that’s a Hardy 24 that was converted to twin outboards, he’s based in CBYC
  23. Great report 🙂 nice hounds, flat seas a bass and a cute woof what’s not to like 😍🎣
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