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Posts posted by Odyssey

  1. 13 hours ago, GPSguru said:



    Unless you are regularly going to venture out in conditions of poor visibility, then radar is just an expensive toy, and this comment applies to the majority of small fishing boats for recreational use. Personally, I don't go out if the visibility is less than 1nm, or forecast to be 1nm or less, I am recreational, I don't need the hassle, it can wait until a better day. If you understand weather forecasting, then you will never get caught in fog or sea mist. FFS, the CG gives regular weather forecasts on ch63 (usually) and imminent means within 6 hours, so you have plenty of time to feck'off home.

    Those on here that have said it is good for night navigation are not going to pass any advanced RYA seamanship practical exam's by using radar. Navigation on a night passage must be done by understanding ALL lights and their meanings / identification. Most skippers fail miserably in the identification of various types of vessel and their orientation 🙄. Also, no pleasure boat skipper who understands 'responsibility', would not purposely venture out on a night passage of poor visibility.

    Also, it is worth noting that AIS has its downsides, in that the GC can see your location and ask you to assist another boat by calling you using DSC. It has happened to me 4 or 5 times in the last 4 years.

    AIS also gives your fishing position away, unless you have a transit inhibit switch fitted. I can set AIS transmit to 'off' but still receive all AIS traffic at the flick of a switch.

    AIS is also good for when you are at anchor. It clearly transmits your MMSI and the relevant info, i.e. speed =0,  Course=0, update time every 6 or 8 minutes,

    An upside of AIS is that unlike radar, it can effectively 'see' around corners, I use this to good advantage when steaming close inshore past areas like Berry Head, where there could be hidden traffic coming out to sea on my port side from Brixham, however, all these 'aids' are exactly that and a focussed lookout watch must be maintained at all times.




    Radar is now an integral part of RYA YM…. You need to be able to use and depth to navigate blindly…. (I.e. not with GPS) in simulated “fog” (a coat thrown over your head). 

    it’s only useful at night to demonstrate to your examiner that the red and white lights are actually a car on land and not a lit buoy that is not charted…. (It’s a long story…) Turns put it was the local dogging spot next to the sea so would explain the flashing lights 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Needless to say YM examiner was a bit embarrassed when pointed out he was wrong….

    Agree on the AIS, you send your mates a catch picture, then you’re surrounded as the buggers have found where you’re fishing! So no catch reports unless I’m back on land 😉 

  2. You’ll be looking at a 4G Simrad radome and most likely an NSS evo 3 9 inch plotter. Alternatively…. 

    look at this…. 


    Itll happily run a 3G radar, fully networkable… 12 inch screen. Old be still excellent. Will also take an AIS input on NEMA2k. 

    or bid quick on this…. It’s the updated version with touch screen. Again fully networkable. Or just buy both and have a networked system 😉 



    Garmin boradband radar will be good too, I’ve used the latest Garmin and Raymarine gear, all excellent. As GPS advises I’d steer clear of Lowrance, it’s a lower cost Simrad stuff. 

    im a Simrad fan so somewhat biased…. But cactus Nav is an excellent place to get electronics from 

  3. I’ve got both, both have their uses. Radar is great for navigation, collision avoidance in daylight and fog. If you e lost your GPS signal I can tell you’ll be glad to have radar on board!

    I’ve got Emtek AIS transponder and a separate splitter. I take the NEMA2k output and it goes into my SIMNET backbone which is also NEMA2k just a different connector….

    If you’re going Radar route, learn how to use it…. Learn how to use it in good conditions and when fog comes down you know what to do… 

    Things like a variable range marker is invaluable for me as worh high level of commercial traffic in Milford Haven I can set a marker as the as to how close to get to vessel. One glance at the screen and I can tell if helmsman/helmswoman is getting too close…. 

    It’s also useful for secondary navigation, I can take a bearing off a cardinal marker and a range, and cross check on my GPS… useful for then your GPS packs up (I lost my puck signal twice so yes it can happen….)

    AIS is easier to use, there is a little boat icon on your screen, keep clear of it 🤣 but everyone can see where your fishing….

    If if were me, I’d go Radar and then AIS but not my cash….

  4. Nice lump 🙂 

    They have arrived early out of wales so can’t wait for free time/weather/tides to come together and get on the offshore reefs 🙂 

    I see Dan Hawkins had a porgie…. Won’t be long before I’m heading offshore to hopefully find a few 🤩🤩🤩🤩

  5. 9 minutes ago, JonC said:

    You know full well that they are all going to try to get you spending thousands of pounds on the gear. 

    Yeah, especially @Andy135 he’s loaded as he doesn’t have a boat to steal all his money 🤣

  6. Hi all,

    Ive been looking at this new fangled SPJ mullarky and looks like a lot of fun…. 

    Im looking for a cheap setup that I can have a play with on the reefs in west wales. I’ve got a spinning rod and fixed spool reel, is that ok to get me started? Or do I need to pay lots of money? I’m basically looking for a light setup to play with while (hopefully) the paying customers fill the cool box with fish… 


    I’ll still be using feathers/shads when after bait but having a bit of fun on the pollack on a reef trip sounds like fun…

    Not long before can get started, pollack are already in on the reefs so roll on nice weather 🙂 

  7. 17 minutes ago, JonC said:

    What sweets are in the old flare boxed? I’m guessing you have gone digital nowadays with flares?

    I carry pyros as LED are not accepted by MCA…. Hopefully they will be by time I need to renew…. Else have to pay for new ones and disposal costs 😡

  8. Collision Regulation Rule 30 Part A:

    (a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:

    (i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball;

    (ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level that the light prescribed in subparagraph (i), an all-round white light.

    So you maybe displaying a marker buoy for your warp but this not a legally accepted means of displaying you are at anchor. However most people would keep clear…

  9. 2 hours ago, mike farrants said:

    Sadly no anchor ball - just a big old anchor buoy off the bow - but nonetheless - he shoudn't have been dropping pots that close to us if we were drifting or under way - he would have even less clue about our course/intentions.

    they knew full well we were anchored. 




    I’m not defending him…. Sounds like a quiet word would be useful and if it happens again, a nlbig knife to get your anchor back and goodbye pot string…

  10. 6 minutes ago, JonC said:

    I thought that also, then I read another post on Facebook about them. Seems not many bother. I put one up when it’s busy especially when all the sailing boats are around. 

    The reason I say that is he could claim he was unaware that they were anchored…. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Saintly Fish said:

    You can make the SLT a few ready for our trip!! 👍🏻

    All part of the service 🙂 rigs and rods supplied, you can bring your own but need to be up to the job 😉 

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