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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Because if it’s less than 1 ton load capacity HMRC will not say it’s a LCV and charge me a huge amount of company car tax…
  2. Off the list… some of these kitted out ones don’t have a 1 ton payload… and Em likes blue 🤣
  3. I prefer the Hilux but Em prefers the ranger… it’s going to be daily driver so she needs to be happy with it else it won’t ever happen 🤣 I’ll only get to use to to get fuel and chum down to Milford or bringing (hopefully) lots of fish back…
  4. Twin cab pickup with a 1 ton load is classed a light commercial vehicle… So if it’s a company vehicle won’t pay BIK tax and buisnss can cover cost of fuel. Would also make a good tow vehicle for future as well. Got a VW T5 camper so not after another van
  5. Anyone on here own a double cab pickup? Looking for honest reviews of Toyota Hilix vs Ford Ranger vs VW Amorak. Any real life experience of things like fuel consumption, reliability etc welcomed 🙂
  6. Be careful not to reflect off any guard rails… this is why I’ve got a spot light right on the bow, saves this issue 🙂
  7. I did my sea survival training a few weeks ago…. Was quite a sobering experience and that was in a swimming pool. Certainly made me think… sad times and condolences ti their family. The sea can be so kind and so cruel
  8. Top end of channel got lots of cod. Channel explorer from Portishead had 15-20 fish yesterday…. Safly I think you need to burn done diesel to find them and head up the top end, Well done in getting one though 🙂
  9. There’s a lovely Pirate 21 come up for sale in Alderney, only a few years old…
  10. Odyssey

    b /c

    That’s a lovely haul 😍
  11. Great report 🙂 Nice to see numbers of mackerel, can you send some to Wales?
  12. One of my favourite shore marks is called witches point. Only it’s a slog up and then down a hill to get there…. It’a called heart attack hill for a reason! Fair dos for taking on that slog 😮
  13. It’s Sunday night snd I’m working away all week so I’m trying to be cheerful but these retired folk are there to bring the rest of back to reality 🤣
  14. Fitted speakers today, sound great 🙂 Was hoping to coppercoat as well but too cold sadly so that’ll have to wait. Seacocks are done so busy day! Stunning in the marina, sun was out (was cold) but gives a hint that the winter will end 🙂 New bigger liferaft in, bilge is clean, new gas bottle, can’t wait to launch and get out on the fish! Pippa is struggling with this concept of catch and release. She can find her shark no problem, but is too attached to it to let it go…. More training needed!
  15. He has Celtic Wildcat whixh is a monster. He used to fish 4 for sharks but you can fish more. He reccomends max 8 for wrecking but if it’s your booking I guess you can choose numbers 🙂
  16. Looks like a good mix 🙂 I’ve heard a few pollack around the west wales reefs, hopefully an exploratory trip in a few weeks to see what can find 🙂 Never Met Kieran but he seems to work hard to find the fish 🙂
  17. That looks ideal! I’ve tried there in the past and not had any success sadly so looks like they updated the range. Good price too. However, big shout out to our resident engineering and boat building expert @Geoff for offering to make me one. A very kind gesture and much appreciated but looks like there is an off the shelf version available but I really appreciate the offer 🙂 Id best get up on a few church roofs as I’ve got a very busy summer planned 🙂 exciting times 🙂
  18. It’ll be fine, just close the breather or remove the tank at end of trip.
  19. Nice thornie, beautiful markings. Certainly a double figure fish 🙂
  20. It’s the same for all popular boats…. Breaksea boats is 18-24 months to get a build, Swiftcat similar, warrior the same…. I guess keeps prices high Anyway, hopefully @Dicky gets a new boat soon and we can all ogle over boat pics 🤩
  21. It’s over priced to my mind…. Lack of electronics means you’ll need to kit it out sadly 😞 Then again there is one for 63k + vat but I think it’s got a license too…
  22. Shout out to @Saintly Fish sorted me some speakers, hopefully get them wired up when I’m next on the boat 🙂 Not long and I’ll be back on the water 🙂
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