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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Other option is to not cotton reel it and try and move the braid accross the spool faster so that the braid crosses itself and then it doesn’t dig in as much
  2. Not enough tension…. Braid needs loads to sit on the spool, it’s still fine to use as-is mind
  3. Was already fitted as boat was previously coded. However it’s a lot of work for not much reward… a 4000GPH pump is much easier 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Gavin is a good guy, got an excellent reputation 🙂
  5. Todays fun was new bilge pumps… I did have 2 and a manual back up pump but now I have 2 auto, one on a manual switch and manual hand powered one… All working and bilge is now clean and dry… However I feel like a broken person after sitting in cold stinky water in a cramped space with a head torch on… Find a teenager to do it next time as they are likely to more flexible, smaller and happy to be paid less 🤣🤣 Nearly ready for relaunch 😁😁😁😁 picture of work in progress….
  6. That’s my boat and yes that’s Gavin he did the service on my engines when I was in Cardiff
  7. I’ve not changed them before… so not sure what to do and don’t want to cock it up
  8. I heard that there was a section for posting about blanks but @Andy135 closed it down as he was the only one posting in it and everyone was too busy reading about the fish that @mike farrants @Saintly Fish @JonC and yourself were catching that he felt too left out and closed…. 😉
  9. Quick Q… When do you know they need doing and any tips on getting it done? Struggling to find someone in west wales willing to help….
  10. I’ve fished there on springs and been fine. If you head down further west to Selworthy sands you can get a hell of a tide run so not suitbable for springs but in blue anchor it’s mainly coral and some lovely big cod come out of there… Worth sticking a rod out with small hooks as you can get whiting around there and make great livebaits. If you fish with larger fish baits use heavy mono (200lb+ or wire) as should be spurs about there too
  11. @mike farrants I have serious turbot envy….. a lovely dustbin lid you had there 😍
  12. Looks the dogs danglies 🙂 Microwave motors make good motors for drying motors as the RPM rate is quite low. Other option for a rod wrapping motor is cordless drill motor& gearbox, but looks like you’re sorted with what you’ve got 🙂
  13. No fishing for months yet… Looks like weather window on 2nd…. MSG see if any charters got space for a day on the cod 🙂
  14. Cracking cod and congrats on the record 🙂
  15. Come on then guys and gals, best catches of 2022! Not always the biggest maybe the most memorable? Get some pics up 🙂 Memorable parts for me: Mad spaniel appeared… Skate to 199lb, porgies to just under 300lb, blues to 140lb, BFT to 400lb, pollack to 9lb and for first time in years….. lots of mackerel 😍😍😍 Had a nice huss of 18lb 5oz, couple of cod, pouting, wrasse, rays, conger, blue whiting, spur dogs and off course everyone’s favourite…. LSD… Been a good year, roll on 2023 and hopefully some better autumn weather! However…. Hats off to @mike farrants for the great reports. Given me a kick up the bum to diversify 2023…. Need to doend more time on the lures…. Oh and to catch a stone bass …
  16. Merry crimbo you lot. I’ve just finished widening the chimney for Santa to stick a new boat down it 🙂 however I think only boat gear im getting is new Jerry cans 🤣🤣🤣
  17. 35mm csa minimum, maybe 50mm if you can bend it. They pull a lot of current so bigger area cable will give you less voltage drop from your battery, especially if it’s a long run.
  18. If it’s any consolation I heard the fishing has been crap…. But would of been nice to try at least 😞
  19. I’ve got sacrificial boards to protect the gelcoat. Been down for years and still ok. Obviously don’t look as nice as gel cuts but given a load of chain rattling on them I’d rather looking a bit naff instead of knocking out chunks of gel coat
  20. I’ve got a lewmar, it’s mounted midships so no need to get up on the bow. Works well, spares are easy to come by, plenty of power in it. I’ve got the vertical mount, I had a horizontal mount on my old boat as you need less drop with those. They ain’t cheap but will last. I’ve attached a pic, you can use the gypsy to haul rope or or the windlass on tope to haul rope.
  21. Thanks for offer but already got plans. Was a mates boat up river. Saturday looks warmer! Will spend day get boat fixed up me thinks 🙂
  22. Trips cancelled…. Mate decided to hit the beer instead…. Just as I bought my bait as well 😞
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