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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. If steering is stiff check the steering cable, it can sieze up and if steering is lost it’s not a great feeling…. As for the squidding, good work 🙂 Nice to see someone out and catching, it’s been too quiet on here….
  2. Odyssey


    As the saying goes….. How to start an argument in 2022: Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina….. Then get the popcorn as everyone gets into an argument 🙄🙄🙄
  3. Nice 🙂 Hope it all goes well and you get back on the water soon
  4. Tight lines, id stay in off Cardiff on the banks or foreshore, been some nice cod off there recently
  5. I’ll have a look… I’m after a set of American tackle blanks but they I don’t think there is a U.K. supplier outside of niche suppliers…. May need to go to them but long leadtimes and with 4-5 rods to build not offering much bulk discount….
  6. Hi all has anyone got any experience of importing gear from the USA or Australia? I’m not sure on where to find the rates of import duty, as I suspect I’ll need to pay this and VAT if not VAT registered…. Im after some rod blanks whixh are not via the normal tackle shops, aim to get them built by a local rod builder
  7. Im a bit torn here…. I find fish a bit soft for mash, boiled spuds or roasties go well but I’d worry the textures would all be the same… However, looking at your pictures it does look good!
  8. Well done to the better half 🙂 Sounds like quite an achievement and win or lose a good excuse for a few beers 🙂
  9. First aid training for me…. That’ll be a fun day out 😐 I guess that I’d best not say suggest that the best way to deal with cuts/bleeds is to use the blood for shark chum… may cost me a few marks 🙄🙄🙄
  10. So when are you getting the new boat then 🙂
  11. Next…. Is avoiding curtains on the boat…. already talking about another boat in a few years…. But no little ones
  12. All went well 🙂 Emma looked great, turned up, said yes, didn’t run away, no-one seemed to argue too much 🙂 was a small do and no cake sorry @JonC You wouldn’t of liked it as no pot noodles anyway….
  13. I hear those voices too… I’ve been toying with changing for 2 years and going diesel… but I think im keeping mine, maybe code it and put it work… maybe that’ll save me a few ££ to put towards a nice cat 🙂 Hope it all goes well either way, buying boats is exciting yet scary 🙂 depending on how much you want to spend 😂😂😂
  14. 2 years? Where did that go?! 😬😬😬 here’s to a few more and hopefully a few catch reports…. I’ve seen a slot on the long range weather forecast so still a chance yet to get out 🙂
  15. Just heard from a mate…. Boat years is full I’m the last one in…. Next free slot looks like Late Feb… glad I got in when I did 😬😬😬
  16. So….. I got married 2 weeks ago…. We go given a box of celebrations…. This is apparently my share of the box… 4x bounty (yuck) 1x Twix (ok) 3x Mars (ok) 4 x snickers (not as bad as bounty) 1 x Mikyway (yuck) NO MALTEASERS 😮😮😮😮 if this happens again at Xmas it’s going to be a short marriage 😂😂😂😂
  17. Grim reading about the longest recession in a century, interest rates rising, Ukraine crisis, nuclear war, no fishing due to weather and other bad news it’s grest to see something so positive…. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63497187 Fantastic news! 🥳🎉
  18. Looks good! One to try but have to get rid of that broccoli…. Horrible stuff… only use is as a tree on a kids model railway set!
  19. So it’s time I started eating my stock of pollack but before the in-laws find it and eat it all before me! any good recipes for pollack/cod? Obviously I’ll have to knock up some beer batter at least once, a bit of pan frying with home grown spuds is on the cards. Any good fish curries? I’ve not had much success as find it can be a bit flaky, anything else to try? Im trying to lose a few pounds (should be easy now it’s maintenance time but it’s the lbs not the ££ I want to lose!) so some healthy ideas welcomed 🙂
  20. You have the advantage on being able to get out most days too… 🙂 Id rather save my holiday for warm summer days afloat drifting in the warm seas catching big fish….. then again I live in Wales, I need to retire and move down south to do that with you lucky buggers 😂😂😂😂😂
  21. The issue is getting a slot in the boat yard… the boat yard is not big enough for everyone so there is always a scramble for places… I’ve got some house renovations to do too so it’s a struggle to fit it all in…. February/March can bring a nice run of whiting and herring so I’m hoping to be back in for that. Main issue is id be stuck in the haven as flat days with no wind or swell are few and far between! Next year I maybe in Cardiff or Plymouth so hopefully more fishing…. Depends how exams go 😬😬😬😬😬
  22. Boat lift out booked so that signals the end of my season 😞 Not the finish I’d of wanted with crap weather! Boat coming out on December 8th so at least it’s out for the usual December, January, February storms…. New coppercoat, sea cocks, engine service, polish, maybe a new deck paint at least this time round, maybe a few extras… Its been a good year 🙂
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