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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Nice to hear of someone fishing…..
  2. It’ll be an MCA coding survey so Inwas thinking it’s about £25-30 a foot… which is probably about right on what you have suggested…. at least I’d get a valuation at the same time I suppose 😬😬😬
  3. How much does a boat survey cost these days???? is it still price per foot or something else? 🤔
  4. I’ve got a small induction pot… 500W and just keep topping it up and it’s dead easy 🙂 Need to get back in garage and make some more this winter as my stocks are getting low sadly! Quite satisfying looking at nice load of shiny new leads 🙂
  5. 😃😃😃😃😃😃 im retiring on a high now 🙂
  6. Odyssey


    Else I’ll be toast…. 😬😬🤣🤣
  7. New boat 😁😁😁😁 we all love a find XXX a boat thread 😁😁😁
  8. @LostPiker https://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/engine/2011-yamaha-75hp-2-stroke,-$amp-90hp-commercial-spec-2008----2011----three-left,-call-now-8103546/ here you go…. 🙂 no need to change the carbs but that would outlast most of us on here if looked after 🙂
  9. It’s a fantastic concept… but like all things too complex to be reliable. if it’s looked after by a ndd ad on dealer who knows what they are doing you got a hope… but 2 commercials I know who had them took them off, put on Yamahas (300hps) Speak to Chris Smith at North Tyne Marine. He may have spare parts or a suitable 2nd hand engine. or look on findafishing biat. You may get a commercial engine with high hours cheap. The benefit of this is that it’ll have been looked after and likely low revs…
  10. Got to be in to win it! My issue with flying solo is helm is in cabin… can’t fit through door harnessed up 🤣 then when you leave your gaff in there too…. (Should of gone to scouts). Weather crap next week…. I want ti sunny but windy next Saturday as I’m a bit busy getting wed but after that hopefully get back out there 🙂 looks like you had cracking conditions… next time sure you’ll find one 😄😄😄
  11. I was going to say when was the next travel Australia advert coming 😉 Epic fishing! Looking forward to the next instalment 😁😁😁
  12. Bit of a busy day as was flying solo…. But 15 fish that include the word blue in them. No PBs but still a fun day… was a looooong day… left home at 4, left Milford at 6am out in dark and fog, back in at 8pm in dark, home at 22:30…. Work again today at 6am…. I’m too old for this…. (As he looks at weather forecast already planning next adventure…. 🤣🤣🤣)
  13. Down to 1.3m…. Jerry cans refilled… chum ready…. Just need to wake up on time 🤣
  14. Problem is weather windows are so small this time of year I don’t have much notice…. Charters who are out 7 days per week operate knowing they’ll get out 30-40% of the time…. Which is tough… factor in I’m working full time it don’t give me much notice to get out sadly 😞 It’s not even certain I can get out… need this swell to die down…. 2.5m at 5s period is not pleasant
  15. If anyone can get to Milford haven for 07:30 tomorrow you can jump on 🤣
  16. Solo trip tomorrow (crew let me down) so off to see what beasties are about 🙂
  17. I’ve got a video of me heading out l but can’t post it on here… else i cns rummage up a picture of a dogfish for Andy…
  18. Yeah was only one dogfish all day…. I mean that’s poor fishing for @Andy135
  19. Tried to get offshore on Saturday. I had a call from my charter boat skipper mate… “Luke I’m down to 10knts…” a nice 2m swell at 7s meant I spent the day inshore. Yes I could of been beaten up for 3 hours on the way out but it’s not much fun… Pollack to 9lb, pouting to 2lb, tope to just under 20lb oh a doggie (been a long time since the last one) No pics as someone left his phone in his car all day…. 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Its getting quiet inshore now, 2-3 weeks left on the wrecks and outer reefs and probably end of my lure season. Hopefully running offshore until late November and then call it time until April… (Boat out, boat training and a garden makeover to keep me busy over the winter)
  20. Patents are great though….. I mean you can patent any original idea, it doesn’t need to work…. It’s quite amusing when I’m doing an IP review for work and some of stuff that people have patented that just will never work is amazing…. if I win the lottery I’ll buy a pair for Odyssey and let you know how I get on 😜😜😜😜
  21. To be fair a lot of prop design is done via CFD. You will conduct a full flow analysis of the prop before you even cut metal… Given the R&D budget that Yamaha, Merc, Suzuki have to deal with and the time they will spend looking for every percentage point of economy improvement in their engines it makes me wonder why none of them have thought of this… As long as the concept has a patent on it they can publish results to back up the claims…. Just seems a bit like snake oil to me….
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