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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. I’m worried that it’d get shredded by sharks… I need to get sea cocks changed and a new coat of copper coat so I doubt the funds will cover a new paint job too so it’ll be polish as best I can and leave it for a year or 2….(not sure on seacock replacement cost yet…)
  2. Lazy enjoyable time sounds perfect 🙂
  3. So Odyssey will out the water for some quite extensive maintenance this winter… Obviously the engines will be serviced but also new seacocks and copper coat. I’m also toying with getting the blue part of the hull sprayed up with 2 pack paint. The hull is commercial quality but the gel coat has some scratches from sharks rolling against it, chum buckets etc. There is a patch near the door which will never polish out (was there when it was run as a charter). So not sure whether to spend 12 weeks with a polishing mop or get it sprayed up with 2 pack. I’ve got a mate whose fully trained in this, has done super cars etc and says it’s the way to go… but just looking to hear of any experiences of doing something similar…
  4. Well 3-4 trips on the doggies is hardly stressing it 😉 On a serious note line is always a personal choice… main thing is to look after it. When I was shore fishing I would use a higher quality mono as it was nicer to cast with but not so much of an issue on the boat. Not used J braid but the spectra is good. Hercules braid which is also on eBay is not as good and I wouldn’t go with that again. Main draw back with spectra is that not many colours so when everyone uses it on the boat it makes getting out of tangles a bit more a challenge but nothing a knife can’t sort out 😉
  5. I just use it by diameter and not look at breaking strain, it’s a lot cheaper and I know a lot of charter guys use it 🙂
  6. If he’s still looking for a rod let me know, may have one stashed in back of garage I don’t use. Not sure on make but it’s maybe some kind of Abu… welcome to it for postage costs 🙂
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125299733756?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=crc_jvygqio&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Iv78hwFDRlC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY works a treat 🙂 look around as done sellers have different prices for same stuff. Use it for 90% of my fishing in different breaking strains
  8. Some love it, some hate it but was on there when I got the boat so I’ve stuck with it 🙂
  9. Box singular? Oh no, I have far more than one box… I mean these cushion covers for the boat are a work of art 🙂 Im just finishing off my toilet roll cover for the loo. needs the top sorting out but getting there…
  10. Good skills 🙂 love the line “My wife has been visiting her twin sister so I have had time to fish my heart out” A like minded individual 🙂 nice to see a good variety of fishies 🙂
  11. Black to match the black rod and blue to match the blue rod 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Taken a bit of saving but if looked after should hopefully outlast me 🙂 1100yds of 100lb Hollowcore, needs a 150yd 100lb mono topshot but need my splicing needles first…. I’ve used standard braid in the past but was given a spool of Hollowcore that someone didn’t want as it’s not suitable for common skate apparently…. 🤔🤔🤔 Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth 🤣
  12. I’m keeping busy in the garage as the weather ain’t too great this weekend…. Looking forward to going back to school Wednesday. A weekend away camping for bank holiday (I’m sure a spinning rod may get added to campervan for some luring…) then it’s all systems go… Got to love late summer into Autumn 🙂 Just got to find my splicing needles now…. 😬😬😬
  13. Mine is copper coated so it’s a quick hose down once per year…. Got to add a new coat this year as old stuff been on for 10 years now so best get it topped up. Won’t be cheap but hopefully last another 10 years… A lot of work for one tide and in waders…. I’d of filled them up with sweat in that heat 😬😬 at least all done and back to fishing now 🙂
  14. Was a 20 min run to the reefs, 2 hours of a mixed bag followed by a chill out in tbd sunshine makes a nice change of the 2 hour run out to the deeps for the big stuff… especially in 35deg heat… Couple of nice wrasse, a small cod, loads of scad sadly no mackerel but still good fun 🙂
  15. Day 2 of weekend was mucking about in the water as Em had her mate down so no fishing but with mid 30s and sunshine it was g too hard to sit there and enjoy a welsh summer with friends Pippa the dog had a great time chasing a ball in the sea 🙂 So pics are of my anchorage post fishing, the fry up that Em and her mate cooked up 🙂 and pan fried pollack with harissa new potatoes and mixed veg 🙂 more pictures of cute dogs and Pembrokeshire scenery on request 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Safe to say there are lots of pollack about. We (Em mainly) filled the cool box in a few drifts on Saturday. Some lovely eating fish in the 4-5lb class. Quite a few smaller fish of 1/2lb. It was like 2 classes of fish out there. Silver dreams doing the business. Lots of scad snd a wrasse too so a good day out in the sunshin. Followed up by a bit of kayaking where I tried for a bass but nothing doing on the shallow reefs. Weatger not looking great but back out on sharks now… Also hopefully Tuna crewing so a fun autumn planned 🙂
  17. Algae bloom will get worse due to the weather. It’s improved slightly but still pretty bad. It’s not great out of west Wales, but still blues to be had if you want them. 5 a rod is pretty average, good day maybe 10 per rod but only small stuff at the moment up to 100lb. Hopefully bigger ones in a few weeks time 🙂 Well done on getting out 🙂 Nice to hear of BFT 🙂
  18. Nice to see someone can catch fish around here 🤣
  19. Lots of blues, flat seas sunshine snd a massive e amount of rope that went round my prop while on the drift…. Easy untangle so brought it home
  20. Sounds like my office at work… add in grumpy colleagues…
  21. Weather looking good in wales and I’ve got Monday off work. I’ve already been told my Emma that we are on boat… with hints she wants to go sharking… Hopefully a trip offshore another inshore on the reefs or tope and maybe a day drinking a cold beer in the sunshine somewhere nice 🙂
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