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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Running ledger with a short dropper off your main snood and one higher up… will sketch something up in a min… works great for flatties and bream. What are the rules? Most species? Biggest fish? How many rods you allowed?
  2. I can’t… was only a few months old then 😉
  3. I had a 4-8oz version, sold it as got a TDU410, same league. You got a bargain there, lovely rods 🙂
  4. Odyssey


    I do…. But as there are moans about which way round they are posted I’ve not put them up….
  5. I would say great report but you set a high bar so I’ll give you 7 out of ten due to lack of pictures 🤣🤣🤣 @Andy135 gets 10/10 for his reports that do t contain a dogfish as it’s so rare it happens…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. Commercials don’t use paper charts anymore, nor do aircraft yet the RYA still insists on saying you need them….
  7. https://www.yachtingmonthly.com/news/admiralty-paper-charts-to-cease-88829 Interesting to see what happens at RYA and their courses…
  8. It’s an AIS receiver. So you should be able receive AIS signals to your chart plotter. If you look on your chart plotter you should be able to look at NEMA0183 inputs and one of these is likely to be your AIS from local vessels
  9. I can pop down to have a look sometime if you want?
  10. Odyssey


    It’s been a while…. So I’m back to my old tricks 😉
  11. 18in Radome would be fine for around our patch. AIS is not as much use up our end as radar as no-one seems to have it… radar picks up everything so I used to use radar more. Now I’m further west more have AIS so I use both. It maybe you got a broken cable or similar, hopefully it’s a cheap fix!
  12. Odyssey

    Rod test

    Nice fish 🙂 Just need the mod to sort this picture thing now…. 🤔🤔 #NotOverlyOptimistic 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Some friends of mine are getting married tomorrow… didn’t like this suggestive their first dance…. can’t see what’s wrong 😑 🤔🤣
  14. JD and coke is only to be drunk at events where the intention is to get pissed as drinking that much beer means you spend most of the evening emptying your bladder…. Im with @Andy135 a good malt is to be enjoyed on its on, no water, no ice and definitely no coke 😂😂😂😂
  15. A blank on the boat is a better evening spent in front of the TV! Personally I went to the gym but would of rather done my fitness training by pulling in fish 😆
  16. Where do you find this stuff out?
  17. I’m happy to take offers on any of my rods for £12000, you too can take the award for most expensive fishing rod 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Be interested to see what it’s like… some of the most expensive rods can sometimes not be that nice….
  18. Last minute dot com day off (think 11pm Sunday night!) and had the day off the next day…. So a plan was formed to head to Celtic deeps for the last of the porgies to see if they were around…. They weren’t… Tally was half a dozen blues to 70lb so a slow day. That’s it for the shark trips until September earliest. Had a good run. Circa 20 porgies to 280lb (maybe a bit more) anf 40-50 blues to 160lb. Time to save a bit of fuel money by staying inshore on the lures before maybe an exciting autumn… just depends if Welsh Gov get their CHART program off the ground…. Im not allowed to get my boat in the scheme but hopefully getting in on the training and working as crew in hopes that next year I’ll be in first place to get a license for my boat….
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