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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Ah ok I will do that next time 🙂
  2. It’s a 90l box. too big for my catches but perfect for 2 blocks of chum, a few cool blocks and bait for myself and crew 🙂 Makes a good seat as it’s the right height to sit on while jigging 😆
  3. I personally feel that starmix are excellent choice, tangfastics do have their place, they preferred for car journeys but Starmix has the fried egg… a thing of wonder 😍 Both far exceed supermix which has a saving grace of milk bottles…. Yesterdays choice was the humble fruit pastel. They have changed the flavours so I was disappointed with my choice. Back to haribo or maybe some squishies me thinks
  4. It was one of those productive, laid back days that remind me why I own a boat. Nothing amazing but a nice batch of fillets 🙂
  5. Dunno what happened to the photos 😬😬😬
  6. Sounds like a good day out 🙂 What haribo did you consume? 🙂
  7. Took Ian out on Saturday, plan was an inshore trip to see if we could find any porgies…. No-one really targets them so on short we didn’t get any but there was a run…. What it was from I don’t know but I suspect porgie… Spent a bit of time on the lures while on the drift, a nice bucket of about 20 pollack (all 1-3lb) a cod, gurnard and pout. Pippas first proper trip out, she seemed ok. Wasn’t keen when it was choppy but didn’t howl/cry/shake just sat on my lap while I was at the helm. headed in mid afternoon as wind has for up and cloud was out but was lovely and warm in Milford so I stayed the night, fixed my radar, fitted a stereo so now have tunes and had a few beers with Rhondda Dive Club. Turns out they only dive inshore but want to get out further so my best plan of getting info on secret wrecks was scuppered… at least I had a free pint 🤣 Back to work tomorrow… roll on retirement, 29 years to go!
  8. I’m skipper tomorrow 🙂 Myself and Ian are doing an inshore trip with a bag of chum to see if can find some toothy ladies… but will be trying for pollack too, see if can get some fillets to bring home. I’m also hoping weather will allow me to get out on Sunday for tope but I’ve got Pippa with me both days so depends on how well she gets on Saturday… Hopefully have a report for you lot on Monday
  9. @LostPiker if you fancy a trip on the sharks and a bit of instruction on what I do to catch(rigs, chum, shark handling etc) drop me a PM 🙂 Id be happy to help out 🙂
  10. I’ve seen some very tasty looking Eastern Europeans as well as Western Europeans before 😆
  11. Bloody hell! Andy Truelove on Broadside charters is £170 per head out of west wales. Rob Rennie will be about £200 per head from Milford haven. That’s rod hire and chum all in for a 12+ hour trip. You’re getting a bit late to get places but Rob may have individual spaces left and is an excellent skipper. Dan Hawkins out of Ilfracombe on Reel Deal offers sharking trips, he has 2 boats and does well, he’s a bit cheaper at about £160 for a blue shark trip and should have dates still. These are guys I’d charter with no problem. Can’t comment on others as don’t know them well enough and others I do only take full boat charters.
  12. Sounds good 🙂 Im 40 in 2 years and did have similar thoughts about a holiday away somewhere warm that had some fishing….
  13. Tuna and sharks out of Algarve but it’s not fantastic… could catch them from Cornwall if you tried hard enough but I think that’s due to the demand, I’m sure if you pay more money you’d get a better trip but big game fishing is ££££ What about South Africa/Namibia? Same time zone, big sharks from beach etc?
  14. Great report, you had fun, main aim of any trip out 🙂
  15. I’ve had loads of conger but would love one over a ton… only that’s nigh on impossible these days… maybe a mid channel wreck out of Plymouth or something but going to take a lot of doing. Shetland islands may hold a large halibut but it’s a lot of work and you’d need a bunch of guys to give up a week to try for them solidly which won’t happen. As for the sharks…. We’ll who knows what lurks out in the Celtic Deeps. That’s my best chance of a Mako and possibly a thresher on my own boat is doable
  16. I reckon I’ve got another 40 years of chasing big stuff in me, so should give me some time to find one 😆😆
  17. Lovely place, long way, rains a lot, nice views, a few barn doors… @Josh has given the appetite to get the chum out, gloves on and find a things with teeth. Best of the bunch at 186, only managed one day of fishing due to weather. Mako, Thresher, Conger, 6 Gill, Halibut to go before angling retirement!
  18. Mooring is £2200 per year for me. Fuel is biggest cost by far but that’s because I do mad trips offshore or a few days away…. Agree that bait is expensive, worm is £18-20 per lb now which makes cod fishing not too tempting and one of the reasons I’m not in Bristol Channel this winter… There is a nice Arvor 250 in Cardiff up for 37k. Last year that woukd of been 45k at least
  19. Baiting muppets? That’s good fun on Internet forums 😉 On a serious note, I’m hoping to be out of Oban on Saturday 🎣🎣😁😁
  20. Nope he’s just in a Ghille suit and a rifle ready to take pot shots at Andy… can’t hide the ears though.
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