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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Take mine out and fish St Govans stack… good for bass around there 😉 Bit early for Foreland and Nash on the bass… have to be slack water over E/W and fish in tight off Portishead during the main flow see any in close or cod….
  2. Bugger…. going to a wedding that weekend so unless the Bride or Groom calls it off I’m out. I coukf try and get a cardboard cutout of myself sorted instead… anyone know a good supplier? 😉
  3. I’d it just me or do you think boat prices are in decline? Looking at a few adverts it looks like prices have flattened off or even dropped on some. Given the price of red diesel going up (same price as petrol in my marina) I guess it’s only a matter of time before people call it a day….
  4. Easy, he’s posting the pictures….
  5. He’s been a bit quiet too… maybe hes keeping a low profile from the angling paparazzi camping outside his boat….
  6. You should ask for it back autographed by our celebrity angler 😁😁😁😁
  7. I was hoping someone would compliment me on my Egg-Shell-ent pun on a Friday 🙂
  8. Best way sadly…. As soon as you word gets out an armada arrives…. Is that Joe with the nice cougar cat? 🙂
  9. I had to make a come back after @Saintly Fish was trying to steal my crown 🤣🤣🤣
  10. 18000km is bit a trek for a few pout…. I think you’re best off closer to home 🤣
  11. Nope…. Maybe it was the other way around 😮🤣
  12. Not mine it’s been “borrowed”
  13. Odyssey


    I was suprised at the swell as I was watching closely at the weather charts etc… wave buoy peaked at an average wave height of 2.7m so not enormous but frustrating… Beats working though!
  14. It’s ok, just follow @Dicky and you can steal all the bass off him instead 😆
  15. Odyssey


    Weather looked great so loaded boat with chum and light gear to try for a shark while hunting early pollack. Headed out and the lock guys said it was bit bumpy out there… it’ll be fine I thought… Stopped at the lollipop on the heads to try for herring…. It was a bit lumpy, lost sight of land in the swells, but wasn’t too bad only maxing out at 2m… Went round the corner, tried a drift but loads of weed and wind ans swell now peaking at 3m so gave up 😞 Back into Haven, dogfish central but a few nice whiting so headed in early, refilled boat with fuel and fixed my radar issues. Ready for reefing and tope in Early May as weather looks rubbish on weekend and then off to Scotland for skate on Bank holiday. So the dogfish will come in useful for that at least 🤣
  16. Right whose cocked the weatger up? Looks well breezy now 😡🤬😡🤬 Wibd not even offshore so may not be able to get in surfing…. Always the same 😢😢😢
  17. Foils already in use on swiftcat charters. Gives a boost on fuel economy
  18. Maybe Saturday too but a nice swell coming in so maybe a cheeky surf instead
  19. Friday…. Tope or pollack or huss or dogfish or porgies… not sure yet 😬🤣🤣🤣
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