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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Hi, looking for recommendations for teak oil or similar. It’s for my internal woodwork, it’s looking aged so looking to tart it up and get her looking lovely again 🙂
  2. Tides dropping off this week too…. Get out there 🙂
  3. Had a birthday curry (takeaway) 🤣🤣 Was due to be on reeldeal from Ilfracombe but blown off too strong easterlies.
  4. Odyssey


    Turns out I’m already doing it 🤣🤣 I do this a few times a summer season…
  5. Whoa 😳 @Malc you need to dedicate a thread to this sounds like a lot of crazy stories here 😃😃😃😃
  6. Odyssey


    I don’t know…. Nothing obvious that I can see… now it’s 12 months down there I’ll do some looking.
  7. Odyssey


    Ouch…. Any tips on how to flush on a pontoon? 😬😬😬😬 when I was in Cardiff it’s ok as engine is hot and it’s freshwater in the bay so gets a good clean. But in Milford it’s salt water marina…
  8. Great news Ian 🙂 Hopefully if you’re fishing you won’t have as much time to drag up anti-Welsh jokes 🤨😃🤣 Hoping to be out on weekend…. On a charter…. Will be strange having someone drive 🤣🤣🤣 Just hope the forecast improves.
  9. My boat is copper coated. No fouling issues, lasts years. I may need another coat next year but it’s been on there for 6-7 years now… advantage is that there is no scraping needed, just whack another coat on top of you’ve already got copper coat. some say it’s useless but I’ve had no issues in fresh water in Cardiff or salt in Milford
  10. https://www.walesonline.co.uk/lifestyle/fun-stuff/26-things-you-should-never-23315912?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar @GPSguru I reference the last point…. 😉
  11. I’m after foam for my seating area and to improve the bed as well as a cushion for cool box, I’m not paying £90 for an iceytek official one!
  12. And good foam suppliers for cushions that people can recommend? I’ve not got all my jobs done and cushions is one of them to make sleep more comfortable….
  13. 3.5m on the wave bouy. Yesterday was 1-1.5m so an easy run. Did get some cross wind chop for 30 miles but the other 70 was ok 🙂 Strong offshores blown main swell out today and massive tides mean surf is crap sadly
  14. 3.5m swell out west here, it’s dropping fast so I’m out tomorrow, hoping to head all the way west 🙂 Nesrly time to dust the rods off again after a winter off….
  15. So I had a clear out of general crap on the boat on the weekend. I managed to find an old Fusion head unit that I was given as was told wasn’t working. Powered it up, all came ok. I had forgotten I had it so just need to get it installed now 🙂 No NEMA2K but I can just use the head unit itself and not the plotter so happy days 🙂
  16. Odyssey

    Short trip

    To be fair I did used to make a few ££ selling bass and golden grey mullet to the local pub, digging worms and selling them on and the fishing off kayak for mackerels and selling them in campsite… Not sure my folks woukd of liked me buying a boat at that age 🤣
  17. Odyssey

    Short trip

    At 13 I was beach fishing for bass, founder and mullet…. I’m not jealous at all 🤣
  18. Oh dear…. Maybe Wales will bring a bit of shine to things but I’m not hopeful
  19. He’s keeping his, he’s bought a campervan now
  20. Agree 🙂 Just when I’m doing long trips (2-3 hour steam) it can be nice to have something on in the background. However given that inflation is rampant and costs are going up looks like I’ll use the funds to keep the boat going… hopefully fuel prices drop again soon but I find it unlikely given what Putin is up to
  21. I’ve had a bit more of a look, lots of options out there… Will do some further investigation but it prob won’t happen as I’m too tight 🤣
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