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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Good point…. Unless get a Bluetooth DAB receiver? 🤔 not cheap but would be nice… 🤔
  2. Anyone got one? I’ve got a Simrad NSS Evo 2, which should be able to drive it…. im looking to upgrade my music system as it gets boring on those long trips by myself and be nice to get some Spotify on….
  3. Odyssey


    @JDP as long as you’re ok 🙂 I understand the break from social media!
  4. Welcome, nice to see a fellow welshie on here 🙂 Even better it’s an Evans 🙂
  5. Fingers froze from the cold…. Wind was 80mph+ and sideways hail.. A few people were in danger of losing boats as didnt tie down properly so sorted that out as it’s not just their boat that get damaged but also the neighbours
  6. All ok for me. Rescued a few boats on Friday where owners hadn’t tied the lines properly but mine was fine. Just need to get out now 🙂
  7. Was a tad breezy when inch’s Jed my boat, think sideways hail….. 😧😧😧
  8. There’s a few sheltered spots in west wales… Friday looks a little too windy but Saturday first thing maybe an option
  9. I’m going surfing…. Nice big swell to get a few sheltered secret spots going so should be fun 🙂
  10. I can plot on paper… however I have 3 plotter, 3 GPS sources. If I lose 12V supply as I stop and my engines won’t work… It comes to something when the navy don’t carry paper charts but the RYA still insist you do… Don’t get me started on tidal height calculations for secondary ports
  11. Lovely bit of kit. was tempted to take my boat down there with some others from Cardiff but love west wales peace and quiet and it’s cheaper 🤣🤣🤣 Nice to see another boat with a proper engine. None of this smoky diesel rubbish 😉
  12. I don’t have it yet but I’m about to order… I’ve got the full system with tensioner and reel Mount where you connect your cordless. Amazing how many people want their reels filled once they find out you got one 😂😂😂
  13. July August September for sole, ragworm best. Also you’ll get bass doing the same 🙂
  14. Looks good, very similar to the bees knees one I’ve got 🙂
  15. I tend to fish sully bay, good for cod and blondes. Castle rock off Porthkerry beach is good for hounds and rays Rumney River in shallow for sole Goldcliff in very shallow for sole
  16. Weather is crap @GPSguru so make sure you get better for when it improves 🙂 I maybe out Friday, maybe doing the run west. It’s 100 miles so need decent weather and I’m not sure it’s good enough 😬😬😬
  17. I think I’ll stay 12 months TBH… I’ve barely been out in winter and I’m keen to see what it’s like down west…
  18. Afternoon welcome to the mad house, I’m a Cardiff boy but off back to Milford soon. Not been out since before Xmas. Nice to see your reports etc 🙂
  19. Essential fishing items you mean 😉 Most of my fishing is on the drift over reefs or im uptiding so I agree with the veiw… Its also worth noting, it’s a computer generated assumption based on the charted data…
  20. Rope will twist a treat… Get a massive landing net or tail it with a trailer if you want to land it 🙂
  21. You get the relief shading if your plotter supports it. Mine does but I just use sonar charts, catches me plenty of fish when I can get out….
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