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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Muppets on end of a small pirk works well for cod or used to in north east. I used baited muppets for whiting when sharking. Also jig them over reefs for pollack work well. They seem to have gone out of fashion to a degree
  2. Boat is out on Friday for annual service so she won’t be out for a while until then it’s pitched battles over the sofa 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. It’s only a walk down the pontoon and sit on deck, no moving etc. just see how she reacts to water. So far it’s walks in same place, same route. All about routine… then meet a few new people slowly etc.
  4. Energy? Nah she’s asleep next to me, until I open the biscuit jar then moved faster than speed of light to get there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Shes fitting in really well. Not so keen on other dogs in the park and needs to understand it’s my coffee not hers apart from that she’s doing amazing. Trip to boat tomorrow, the acid test…..
  5. I saw a Penn slammer on Facebook for £70 earlier, tgey seem good coffee grinders for the money. I used to use an Aerelex 8000 years ago, see them on eBay etc, nice reels 🙂
  6. Head down the beach/harbour/playing field and try on dry land. It’s simple when you get used to it but a rocking boat can add further complications. It just comes down confidence and ensuring it’s smooth 🙂
  7. Sl20sh you can get them for £40-£50 if you thick oil, keep the line level low it’s a great reel, last for years and is good on boat too
  8. Good read this 🙂 I plan to try and do some more lure work around the west wales reefs with a spinning rod to pick up the bigger pollack and maybe cod. Feathers works well but once got some fillets I’m keen to try something else to see if can pick up some bigger ones/have more sport 🙂
  9. She is, before she finds every single puddle and steam in the park 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. She likes belly rubs, walks and doesn’t mind car or water so hopefully she’ll like the boat and not want to jump overboard 😬😬😬
  11. No agression, just an overgrown pup who wants a cuddle. Can pick her up, she walks well on lead, house trained, got recall…. Smells a bit as needs a bath, at least we got that in common 🤣🤣🤣 But a well mannered pup who needs to continue her training and in a bit go to the boat and see what she does 🙂
  12. She’s an 18 month old roan blue working cocker. Travels in car a treat, just wants love. How anyone could wa t fo put her to sleep for being too much hassle is beyond me….. Vet called a friend of a friend who took her, rang my mate up as a temporary foster and I got a call for a meet and greet… I was told she’s really timid so you may need to meet her a few times… She came out, sat in my lap, followed me around, it was a done deal 🤣 Some cruel people in world. Wasn’t looking as it was a bit soon but when you see one as lovely natured as her it’s hard to say no 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Hi all, I was unwanted by my last family, they threw me out Xmas eve. I had a holiday with 2 other friends but it was only temporary. But their Dad knew someone who had lost a close friend. So introduced me. I sat on his lap and went to sleep. He seems a bit of a fool for four footed furries so life should be sweet, I’ll soon have him under the paw… Apparently he is still sad about his last furry angel but sometimes we pop in peoples lives to make them happier. Ill pop in and say hi soon. For the moment I’m going to get my paws on the sofa and get this daftie under my spell…. Back soon, Woof woof 🐶 Love Pippa 🙂
  14. Odyssey

    Just joined

    Welcome aboard. I can see you’ll fit in well 😁😁😁😁
  15. I’ve not been out at all, COVID fatigue and weather have stopped that. It’s back to Milford once engines serviced… it’s gone a bit rubbish out of Cardiff by sounds of it! Fingers crossed for your wrecking trip!
  16. Anyone got any adventures planned for 2022? Any new boats we should be aware of? Target catches? 🙂 Im hoping to catch a skate, I want to do a 2 day trip on Celtic deeps and fish through the night but depends if @headlightwill snore all night and scare the sharks off? 🤔🤔🤣🤣 Other than that I want to see if I can find some more bass, maybe a bit of wrecking and get some travel in! Thinking maybe a road trip to SE Ireland for the bass etc….
  17. Thresher is on the list for this year. Mako maybe more a fluke! As for conger there are less and less big ones around sadly 😞
  18. New addition to the team today…. Just need to fit new transducer (or mechanic can) when boat comes out for engine service and that’s the last of the majors done… Im leaving the heating until next year as I’m not sleeping on board until spring. New lights all work, nice to see what I’m doing in the dark now… useful for overnight shark trips 😁 Roll on spring, I’m fed up of winter gales… want some clear water for reefing, wrecking and sharking now!
  19. Well Whenever I look at fishing reports it’s like a fishing Nirvana full of monster fish every drop that’s all 🙂 I thought it was the place where they got bored of 20-30lb cod and were hoping for a doggie 🤣🤣
  20. Nice Halibut but Norway is cheating 😉 Besides I prefer warmth do it’s be a marlin or something… I could do with some warm sun, a cold beer about now 🤣
  21. Awesome 😎 Get out there and get a bend in it now 😁😁😁
  22. Power through as you have right of way….. Great in theory, but when some feckin idiot who doesn’t have a clue sees you going for it and follows it makes issues…. I take the veiw that you consider every single vessel as an idiot (apart from ships/ferries/lifeboats) you’ll not go far wrong 🙂 That said I still want to do PB2 with my deckie. Hopefully they’ll have a bit more confidence so I can let them do some is the work while I drink coffee and rig up fishing rods 😁😁
  23. No Makos around… I have a hit list of fish over 100lb that can be caught in U.K. waters, bonus points if I do it from my own boat but that limits where I can fish! As far as I am aware it’s: - blue shark porbeagle thresher mako BFT common skate Six Gill shark conger halibut Six Gill is not really done easily, but thresher is a possibility, mako you never know… as for Halibut, that would be Shetland and a lot of waiting around… Conger, hard to find big eels
  24. I’ve seen that, going to same place (Oban) so hopefully find some 🙂
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