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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Nice session with good company followed by a pint, very well played sir a lovely day out 🙂
  2. Hi all I’m off to Scotland skate fishing in April. It’s over May Bank holiday on the Saturday so enough time to make a long weekend of it. There are spaces available as of yesterday. I’ve not booked the whole boat but if anyone is interested let me know and I can pass on the skippers details. Fingers crossed I get one over a ton to cross off on my ton up list 🙂 Mako, conger and Six Gill shark maybe a challenge but a thresher is potentially possible….
  3. The one I did was the shore based theory…. What is my course to steer if you are running at 6knots…. I had to explain that I run ar anything up to 30 knots. You try marking a paper chart at that speed…. To which I was told I was reckless running at that speed…. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  4. I did my YM but not the exam was in CBYC. Most of it was plotting a course on paper and tidal calculations. I use none of it… I use modern electronics. I was the only one on the course who had not run a boat aground. It also happened that I was the only one who had a power boat…. Ive also done the VHF course and Radar course. Both are excellent but these were through commercial training centres. Ive not done PB2 but tempted to do it Portishead with Bristol Marine Acadamy. I’d also like to do advanced powerboat. As it can be commercially endorsed but it’s best part of £300 a time plus time off work… To my mind there is a lack of courses aimed at power boaters linked to things like: - Anchoring (I’ve seen so many people who can’t anchor propwly….) - Boat handling in swells… how to out run a swell or cross a bar? - Setting up a tow/rescue etc. Man Overboard is obviously useful but if you got someone going to “help” who has no clue then it dna make a simple breakdown worse!
  5. Is the RIB yours or a charter? mid be interested to hear about the outboards 🙂
  6. Where you find the cod? looks lovely! I’m out maybe new year day but weather keeps changing
  7. Fishing or surfing on Xmas day is awesome. Got a choice of uncrowded spots 🙂
  8. Whose out then? 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Merry Christmas you reprobates. Drink too much, eat too much then fish too much 🙂 Hope Santa is kind 🙂 share your fishing gifts pics. I’m not sure my chimney is big enough for a Swiftcat but you never know 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  10. Kenzaki or Greus are nice rods. Im old schill. TDU410 best ever made 🙂 I’ve also got a Twin Power 4-10. Suverean are lovely. 10oz is quite heavy mind…. That’s a lot of lead….
  11. NSE12 x2 so not sure if they have updates available… Anyway, I’ve added another NSS7 to the collection that’s got built in GPS as a back up. I can always use GPS of my AIS…. I’ll keep an eye on it, hopefully was a blip
  12. Just seen that Simrad/Lowrance have put up their prices…. By about 20%! I had an email from Cactus Nav who said if you’re ordering electronics order now as prices will shoot up in new year due to part shortages etc. Worth bearing in mind if you’re looking for new kit
  13. New transducer on order… Totalscan 3 in 1. Im hoping I can get it delivered before boat comes out the water for annual service and I can get mechanic to fit to hull while boat is out of the water. Once it’s through the transom I can run the rest of the cable and wire it in 🙂 Hopefulky identify a few fish holding features and having temperature is going to be useful for shark hunting
  14. I’d just like to pass over my crown to @jonnyswamp….. 😉
  15. You made the right call 🙂 Im not out for a while, may try east up near Portishead…. Depends what weather does..
  16. DPD man was due to bring me a new wiper motor today, but he didn’t turn up and had the cheek to say I wasn’t in…. I was hoping it’d be delivered before Xmas so that I could fit it… Why not go to chandlers, they must have one in stock surely? 🤔🤔
  17. Happened once on Thursday once on weekend, power down reset fixed it. Im adding to my electronics collection so I’m not too worried as I’ll have a 3rd source of GPS soon which is internal to plotter so worst case I can use that as my primary navigation and the others as radar/sounder… just annoying but hopefully it’s just a software crash
  18. Kim Jong Drakeford in our socialist workers paradise, that’s why there are so many defectors coming over the channel to escape 😬😬😬🤣🤣
  19. Nah, we just help you know where the fish are 😉 Look out else we will blockade your ports from Cardiff 🤣
  20. Hi all, I lost position on my plotter the other day. It’s a Simrad NSE 12 so the GPS is an integrated heading sensor on a NEMA2K bus. This is currently providing GPS to the MFD. I can probably select the GPS input from my AIS transponder which should also be on the bus…. My question is what else maybe they issue outside of: - NEMA2k bus crash - Dodgy gps signal - Dodgy connection from GPS Any further suggestions? If it’s the GPS I can use the AIS GPS until I get a new one… if it’s the NEMA2K bus dropping maybe more of an issue to fix…
  21. Whoa! He was on the English side, as can be seen we’ve had a lot a fun poaching their fish…. Have to leave one or 2 for the landowners 😉
  22. Cracking cod 🙂 I’ve not been up east as it’s been slow but good to see some about 🙂
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