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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. She’d been good for a few weeks, started going back down hill a month ago, but then over past few days struggled to stand and she’d been through so much, wasn’t eating, just wanted a cuddle and slept all day 😞 Was quick but was for the best sadly
  2. She went back downhill again after plateauing after the summer. Was the kindest thing for her…. But not great when you have Covid and don’t get to hold her little paw when she went 😞
  3. Hopefully weatger forecast holds for next Saturday…. It’s freedom day abd itd be nice to catch a cod to celebrate 🤣
  4. I knew this would happen.. im laid low with Covid, nice weather and lovely cod
  5. Yep….. Boiler is in a boiler house that I used as store for spare DIY materials, the frodt sensor had been knocked so anything less than 10deg meant it kept the pump running…
  6. Sealskinz are awesome but don’t do fingerless and are ££ Marigold gloves are good to keep hands dry as usually when you’ve got wet hands that when you freeze…
  7. It did look promising…. Not any more 😭
  8. Next Monday looks promising… just a shame about the tides….
  9. I’ve heard good things about them, but I tend to keep busy as that keeps out the cold… best cure is a big cod…. Takes your mind off the cold a treat…. Sound like I should ask Santa for some as I ain’t going to get a cod 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Nice fishing 🙂 I wanted to get out yesterday but work got in the way (again) nice to get some fillets there 🙂
  11. Odyssey

    Few prawns

    Gower prawns…. Not been out for a few years but very tasty
  12. Nice fishing! I couldn’t get the day off work sadly to get out and now weather looks grim for a few days or weeks…. Time to work on boat and think about going back west. Cardiff is a waste of time but maybe there’ll be a few mackerel and herring around in winter. Water is very warm despite the cold snap
  13. It’s a lump, shame it wasn’t me 😂😂😂
  14. Mid 20s off Minehead but slow otherwise…
  15. Need I say more 😮
  16. We keep on learning…. I look at my shark set up now from when I first started and its changed completely… from rods, reels, chum mix way I dispense chum, rate of chumming, bait size, bait type, hooks, T bars…. Only thing that have stayed the same are boat and angler…. It’s all been refined and improved and hopefully keep on improving to boost catch rate 🙂
  17. I’ve heard of some good whiting out on the outer fair way, oxwich should have dabs, you may get bass on the banks too :)!
  18. I’ll ask around see what can do. I’m sure I could get a few Welsh skippers on board (there’s only 4 of us left who target sharks now… a few part timers who do odd trip but Celtic deeps going to be quiet in 2022…)
  19. Nope I didn’t…. Sorry my bad! Feb ain’t great for me and it’s engine service time so I think I’ll need to pass as it’s an expensive month usually!
  20. Who we got so far? What’s the plan? Same place (Poole) or another?
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