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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Odyssey


    Welcome 🙂 nice to see another Jack on here! Im Cardiff based in winter Milford summer but I’ll do a trip back to Swansea to get on the bream. If you’re after unicorns, CBYC cod comp is on a week Sunday… drop a PM for details 🙂
  2. That is my suspicion too…. I was chatting to a boffin yesterday and it’s hard to state that you are catagorically targeting them unless you’re trolling. Apparently the trolling was put into practice as this would reduce the chances for Dolphins to take the bait…. Hopefully a sensible approach is taken to the whole thing…
  3. Looks like you had KRAKEN time 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Great report 🙂
  4. What?! Was that yesterday?! I was out crewing on a science trip out of west wales, was lumpy as hell…. The boffins were looking green and couldn’t stand up…
  5. Bristol Channel is winter abs I’d guess you don’t want to join us then as it’s cold 🤣🤣🤣 I tend to agree with @Andy, see how Poole works out? Or try Weymouth? Marina looses good and @mike farrantshas the fishing sorted 🙂
  6. I’m hoping we may hear some more news soon…. My sources tell me there is a lot of campaigning going on in the background. Itll either go into a recreational fishery with the correct gear and a license system or they’ll step up the enforcement to another level with loads of boardings, patrols etc
  7. Oh commercial tuna fishing, I’ll open a sushi restaurant to help eat it up. I turned down the contract for John West 🤣🤣
  8. https://www.saltwaterboatangling.co.uk/2021/11/04/what-next-for-bluefin-tuna/?fbclid=IwAR0o0Nqdfra0VaNrCDHDmcYk2VWKuZYN2La0HlyUCUNAtwscjM3L7I_wTiY
  9. Yeah I sea trailed one today…. New buisness opportunity to make the most of these tuna….
  10. A more changing these days….
  11. Well now that you say it…. 🤣🤣🤣 It all depends on work. I’m investigating a few ideas that allow to more exclusively from home which then allows me to flip house and move elsewhere
  12. And it’s a 4am start to get to Milford tomorrow…. Fingers crossed I find something shiny 😉
  13. Yep that’s my point, I’m too far out to organise sadly 😞
  14. I’ll be in west wales… maybe a bit far for most/all of you?
  15. No pics allowed…. It’s hush hush research at the moment… fingers crossed to it shows what we already know…
  16. Yep sure does 😉 as an engineer it’s all about solving problems. I always tell my engineers that the best inventions come from lazy people as they will find the quickest and simplest way to do something…. 😆
  17. 3ft snood, 60lb mono, 4/0 hooks mounted Pennel style. Use it as a running ledger or a bolt rig and it’ll be fine for rays/cod 🙂
  18. I’m back 🙂 Jusr under 4 hours end to end… Bit of fun when the locks broke in Milford for an hour and no way to get in or out… Now for those cod! But first a cheeky trip out on a CHART boat after I was given an invite to fill a space all expenses paid so it’d be rude to turn that down!
  19. My mum has UC and had had it for nearly 23 years. Started when I was 15 so although I’ve not got it myself I can understand the issues it’s causes… Its more common than people think. It’s one of those “invisible disabilities” that can easily get overlooked… Hats off to you guys for keeping on going and getting out on boats etc. Takes some determination to not let it get you down!
  20. That’s great news 🙂 The weatger does indeed look good but I’m working sadly…. Im bring boat back to Cardiff today but the temptation for a last trip to Celtic deeps was strong…. However 14 double figure cod caught between 5 boats in one day off Cardiff is pulling me back…. The channel is starting to fish well and I didn’t get out last season, the one before was cut short due to illness so time to hopefully feel that nod nod of cod. Grest that you have a good consultant and are looking after you. At least no chance of Covid out on the wrecks! Hope the fish have missed you and are wanting to say hi to your lures 🙂 or baits for the bigger ones!
  21. Just seen pics of one of the guys in CBYC with a 15lb cod along with a few other nice ones….. #fingerscrossed 😬😬😬
  22. I need to get to the boiler house….. I need to climb over an old floor and clear out my timber store but that’s on my to-do list after work as I was wondering if there was something like that as there was a ground frost here last night and it’s still cold now Thanks for the tips chaps, much appreciated! @JonC see, thee guys can be nice 🙂
  23. So after looking every few hours for a weather window Friday looked perfect, big spring tide behind me I was dreaming of a fast, flat ride home and maybe a few hours on the cod when I got back…. Neptune has other ideas and is starting to huff and puff according to the forecasts…. It should still be ok but as the saying goes, once bitten twice shy…. Fingers crossed it holds 😬😬😬😬
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