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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Hi @Andy_B wekconebgi the forum I’ll give you a bell about the 24th. If you fancy a winter cod trip let me know I’m back in Cardiff soon 😀
  2. You’re more than welcome to join to the bait party 🙂 I’m thinking prob night before, need to check what time we’re heading out… 🤔🤔🤔
  3. It’s a Blyth cat for this trip? 🤔
  4. Just had 30 rolls of frozen blacks delivered. Squid I’ll order in 10kg boxes next week… more and more cod appearing up here so tempting g to bring boat east but a last crack at the bigger fish needed then maybe come back as struggling to get a lift out in Milford 😡😡😡😡 At this rate will be getting mechanic from Swansea to drive to Cardiff to sort out service….
  5. Ok cool 😎 I can sort out frozen bait then and keep it in storage as I’ve got loads of room 🙂 Ragwoem is farmed rag as we have the ragworm farm down the road bur hopefully local is best 🙂
  6. Ok so 10kg of squid is about 2lb of squid each and 12kg of mackerel gives 1kg each which is about 4 packs of blast frozen…. I don’t know how much bait you guys usually take or if we are chasing big stuff or small stuff…. I’d welcome your thoughts before I order so that I’m ordering enough for a trip as well as my winter cod fishing 🙂
  7. I’ve got mackerel too…. 12kg boxes £2/kg im going to get my winter squid order in next week so I’ll prob get 20kg. Then if people need squid I can bring a big block, same with mackerel if you want to split a block I can do that too 🙂
  8. I can get an order from online baits delivered to my house for 10kg. That’d last all of us and it’s about £65 all in?
  9. I’ll keep hoping for a weather window but sunrise was stunning 😎
  10. I needed Chuck Norris with those swells…. 2.5m swell out there, then the wind got up… gave up after 3-4 miles was down to 8-10knots that’s 4-5 hours to get there… Dropped the anchor in The haven, few dogfish 2 mackerel and bacon sandwich. Back in Marina now so time to clean boat
  11. Well I’m on the boat I got enough chum to get a slick going to Ireland just need this wind to do one…. see what can find tomorrow:)
  12. Good post Pete! It’s a new part of the world for me so keen to hear what you pros are doing 🙂
  13. You’ve met @headlight then? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Chuck Norris has a secret nephew. He has ginger hair as a family trait but he’s a techy nerd who only catches dogfish so they’ve not spoken in years….. @Andy135 Chuck Norris had a son. He was raised in IOW, but the fish were too scared of him and all swam away so the U.K. government sent him to Australia. He now wrestles kangaroos in the bush, drags sharks ashore with his bare hands and out fishes any Poms he meets. He lives under cover but rumour has his name is…. Jon Da Pom 😮😮😮 ( @JDP) The fish still haven’t come back fully as they are too scared so the U.K. blame it on over fishing to protect Jons identity
  15. These are real facts I’ll have you know! Chuck Norris is such a legend that Ghosts sit around campfires and tell Chuck Norris stories
  16. Facebook took down a Chuck Norris meme a few days ago…. ……. Chuck Norris took down Facebook 😮😆
  17. I heard that Chuck Norris once hit a guy so hard that his grandchildren were born bruised Death once had a near Chuck Norris experience! When Chuck Norris goes out, the covid virus wears a mask.
  18. I used to use a pulley pennel when fishing from the shore for distance. 2 hook flapper for the smalll stuff Running ledger for inshore bassing. Instill use a 2 hook flapper for whiting and bream, no need for complex stuff.
  19. Uptide or downtide same rig for me…. running ledger 3-4ft snood most likely a Pennel hook set up. (That’s for “normal” fishing)
  20. Oh for sure it won’t work but beach fisherman can often get distracted by the amount of bling they add to rigs etc…. I sometimes wonder if we just use good quality bait and keep it simple if our catche rates would drop at all…. 🤔
  21. Worth a read https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1021144/2021-SD2-MAIBSafetyDigest.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2THk_W9W2SywREYLnEXR0fBuFSJG9OBEgxUTnV2Or5h1aFWYcUPldRO-g
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