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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. https://fishingbuzz.co.uk/very-interesting-braid-to-mono-knot-rated-strongest-in-the-world-but-much-easier-than-the-fg-knot/
  2. I know….. I wasn’t best pleased! I need to dig into it. It’s an “on the water” job but no rush as no-one really uses the loo… Mechanic is due to become a Dad anytime soon so only taking bookings from mid oct which is fine. So hopefully that’ll pass ok 😑😑😑 Then the long slog to Cardiff
  3. Anyone got an electric toilet? My flush pump is playing up, basically it was stuck on despite me pulling the switch off… there is a short somewhere so I’ll need a rummage in the bilge to see the damage (there was quite a lot of smoke and pump kept running)…. Basically I’m looking for best supplier for spares, or wondering about ripping it out and fitting a manual version but that maybe an issue as the flush feed is via the pump that needs fixing…. Fun times ahead I’m sure… that’s if I can get a marine mechanic to call me back about getting engines serviced…. (Don’t people want business 🤔🤔)
  4. Looks good 🙂 I know who to look out for in the locks now when I’m back in Cardiff 😀
  5. Half will be eaten, rest for bait. Half filleted on the boat, heads and guts were going to come home to be made into chum but a potting boat looked very envious in the lock so he had them for pot bait so nothing wasted at all, all put to good use 🙂
  6. No pollack on reefs, water was cloudy. Tuna are appearing and a few blues about so hopefully get a few. Im sure Fen will find some fish, I don’t have the patience for trying too much…. I prefer to sit back and not jig lures all day 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Mommy way back in, abour 80 mackerel best going 1.5lb 7 wrasse but no pollack. Flush pump on my toilet went up in smoke…. Slightly worrying…. So that needs looking at 😬 Nice day out but back to work tomorrow so early lock in 🙂
  8. Anyone got a supplier for frozen black lug? Im after about 200 to cover my winter fishing. Or I go to local ragworm farm and see if I can store them long term (not sure how effective this is). Anyone stored ragworm long term in a fridge or tanked them? 🤔🤔🤔
  9. @Scotch_Egg2012 sounds like a great trip 🙂 Singer a lovely surprise 🙂
  10. That’s why the weather is good 😉 if you can keep it in tomorrow as well that’d be great as I’m out tomorrow 🤔😄😂
  11. I’ll prob blank but my crew mate will fill the boat with fish and remind me on a very regular basis…. 😑
  12. The boss has already tried to get me to work…. I sent him a screen shot of the weather forecast…. His response was… ”Holiday or sickness, I guess you’re not in work tomorrow as you’re fishing….” He’s well trained and knows what I value between career and fishing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. I’ve got a few days off this week to use up holiday…. With a west he forecast like this be rude not to head out 🙂 Plan to fill freezer with fillets in morning and see if I can bag a late season tope in afternoon…
  14. I don’t have 20-30lb class gesr…. Only 12-20lb and uptide gear 😬😬😬
  15. Vass aren’t the best…. Gary Evans (Cardiff & Newport) stock Guy Cotten. 100% waterproof but not breathable. However used by commercial fishermen. Also look at Grundens, not cheap but excellent quality
  16. It’s also not worth £150k…. More like £110-120 max…..
  17. I know of a 10m Cougar cat up for sale….. it’s with a mate. He’s already tried to convince me to start a charter business on the sharks…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Would be a nice boat for @headlight😄😄
  18. Odyssey


    There are a few on the inshore reefs around here, the wrecks are fishing well too…. My shark informers are telling me that they may end the season early due to the algae bloom. It’s been a nightmare on south coast too…. But I’ll be back early season for some porgie action. I had hoped for 200 to 200lb but it went bigger but in less numbers…. So not complaining too much 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Odyssey


    Back east for the cod 🙂 a few sessions on reefs in order pollack and bass wanted 🙂
  20. Odyssey


    Went sharking was poop couple of small ones. Trolled for Big Mac, none around. Nor much else to say! May be last trip out on sharks this year not sure yet 🤔 143 to 240lb this season so not too bad hopefully on the early season big girls next year 🙂 Will start planning a few new marks to try 🙂
  21. Drop a PM for more details, all welcome 🙂
  22. Hi @jonnyswamp Ive got Avet SXs for uptide and downtide fishing. 40lb braid for uptiding is fine. They do left hand versions too, Not cheap about £170-180 on Facebook from Steve Hatton. I use LX on the blues no issues for blues and porgies. Nice reels well built, hopefully will last 🙂 Drag is excellent on them and I think will land most things up our end of the channel and work well out on the reefs/tope fishing out west
  23. I was tempted but maybe next year…. Will be looking for electronics upgrade in future maybe…. So always nice to see what’s about 🙂
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