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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. ???? Nope, drinking a beer making more shark rigs…. Tuna are in soon as are the blues in numbers, 103 sharks to 260lb so far, need another 97 to hit target 😬😬😬😬😬
  2. Is your boat perfect? If not sell now and wait for a perfect boat. A few offshore 25s are coming up soon. On a leg but best 25ft boat ever made….
  3. Took some work friends out to the islands and a few beers at watwick. Tried to take them fishing but more interested in fish stealing seals…. I’ve heard the reefs are quiet?
  4. My apologies, another person with a similar name and geordie accent who appears to fill you tube so much filled my brain, yes I meant Jamie. He had nice pictures of those sole, I was most jealous as I love a bit of sole fishing off Newport 🙂 Only issue is low tide when you need to lift your engines up so can sit in 2-3ft water (mud) to get them! But they taste lovely 😊
  5. I’ve tried for mullet in Milford Marina, Neyland Marina and Barry Dock but when the little buggers have spat the hook, given me the middle fin all while the rest of them sit around and laugh at me I swore never to try again…. If muller were people they’d be bullies im sure of it…. Cocky little buggers 😡🤣
  6. I saw much more life out there, Dolphins getting bait balls together, gannets diving, whales out there etc. Seems like Celtic deeps is really waking up at last 🙂 I’m sure Andrew will put you on the fish 🙂
  7. I’ve heard of 90 on white water but that’s 5 guys fishing and a skipper not fishing… Id still swap them all for a Mako….. one was sighted abd hooked (but came off) out of Looe. So maybe there is a chance. BFT not up here yet, I’ll soon get distracted when they do 🤣🤣
  8. I’m a Lowrance fan (Simrad) Tbh, Garmin vs Lowrance comes down to what feels comfortable. My main worry is reliable charts, AIS and Radar as my fishing is bit different. Structure scan etc is not needed for me as I don’t drift fish. I can pick up features on a normal sounder to uptide on or check depth is deep enough for sharks…. As for charts, Navionics is great, whole of U.K. is helpful as you may want to travel and it’s useful when you upgrade your boat (it’ll happen 😉 )
  9. Always nice to see a bent rod… Most are videos, I’ll try to get some stills but the camera man was enthusiastic but not the best…. 🤔🤔🤔
  10. So on Sunday evening I was down the boat, full of fuel already, thanks to mate who sorted that out 🙂 It was pretty cold down there but nice and snug in my sleeping bag, alarm set for 06:15 as Ian ( @headlight) was due to meet me on boat at 06:30. Woke up to voices ar 06:00…. He was already there, so quickly got dressed and, called the pier head to sneak out of free flow 🙂 we were out of the marina by 06:15 🙂 A little over 2 hours later we started our drift, chum out, rods out put the kettle on and 5 mins later Ian was into a nice blue giving him the run around 🤣🤣🤣 Thats how it went all day…. Constant fish. 24 blues, best going 140lb at least 5 over a ton, most 80-90lb. If it was quiet, I mixed up some fresh chum, to boost the chum and straight away into fish. I can’t stress enough why you need regular chum and keep that chum bag releasing well all day! We could of had more as we had a few in the slick at end of the day we were sight fishing for but these we’re smaller ones, only 70lb so after chatting to the crew with achy arms we headed home. Was right call as wind got up and got a bit of sorwy coming in from easterly wind. Back into Marina just before 7pm. Long day but worth jt 🙂 Nice to get Odyssey back on the sharks, now for something a little bigger maybe 🤔🤔🤔 Pics to follow once I get them sent over
  11. Hi Dicky, I saw the report that John put on Facebook. Looks like a good haul 🙂 Sole can be nightmare to find and very patchy but at least you had a few others to keep the rods busy 🙂
  12. Roll on Monday 🤔🤔🤔😍😍
  13. I deal in cash….. Let me know if you want me to look at it, it’s 20 mins away from home 🙂
  14. £400 2 stroke, 5HP…. it’s in South Wales though …
  15. I’ve seen one…. Was noisy as hell but it worked…. How long for, I’m not sure… Id be looking for a 2nd hand motor. Some of the small yams/mercs seem to go on for years. Very simple engine work not a lot to go wrong
  16. Looks like a weather window monday….. Will it stay? 🤔🤔🤔
  17. Nice 🙂 Lovely eating fish 🙂 Keep meaning to get back on the bream
  18. Close, 1987 actually
  19. Maybe one on Monday…. But work may interfere with fishing 😢😢
  20. Still waiting for a weather window to hunt some sharks and mackeral 😡
  21. It’s amazing what you can get inshore in the Bristol Channel. This time of year the blondes appear in massive numbers and stay for a few months. Too easy for us to forget how lucky we are to have this fishing so close in.
  22. It’s a nightmare in wales, I’ve had one trip this month…. Doesn’t seem to be relenting either 🤬😡
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