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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. I think I’ve posted that before…. Got my usual response from you lot 😅
  2. Looks good! Can you not anchor for free? Ive found that when sleeping at anchor the sound of water on the hull is a nightmare if you’ve drunk a lot…. Soon makes you want to pee 🤔🤣
  3. And another…. https://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/Fishing-Boats-for-sale/bwseacat-classic-995/354885 comes with Fighting chair so Ian can drive and I can pull them in 😀😀😀😀
  4. Still looking 💩 New chum equipment on its way so I guess fill freezer and wait 😑😑😑
  5. https://www.boatsandoutboards.co.uk/Fishing-Boats-for-sale/magnum-28/356101?fbclid=IwAR1rOkdcL-zNeUSLTBCw0u1IA_E1INMjvgpteb1FifVdeh51P0UhIMI_QGM#.YQz-QbAzoGI.facebook Sorted 🙂
  6. Used these in the past https://www.force4.co.uk/item/Waveline/7x50-Binoculars/BA1 Ok not waterproof but keep in cabin. Decent range to spot boats a few miles away poaching in my chum slick as well as wildlife spotting (diving birds, whales, Dolphins etc 🙂 ) Price ain’t too bad. If you use super doooer ones you’ll struggle to focus as you’re rolling too much
  7. I heard on the grapevine that as a boy @Saintly Fish was a big fan of tractors. He’s too busy doing plumbing abs gas these days. Fitting out a lot of barrooms. With all this work he’s an ex tractor fan 🤣🤣
  8. Ok cool. I doubt Yamaha will bs too badly affected… I know that Yam engines are fine with E10, it’s just the lines and tank that worries me! But it’s plastic so no varnish to disolve like in GRP tank…. I shall see if I can get some at a reasonable price…. Bulk maybe cheaper…. 🤔🤔🤔 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Quicksilver-Quickstor-Inboard-Fuel-Tank-Stabiliser-3-78L-/193704201968?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  9. Can someone post up the correct stuff to buy please? Im hoping to be out soon and will need to refuel when I get back. As the weather is likely to get worse I want to get in the routine off adding additives to the tanks if I know im not out for a week or 2…. Just want to make sure I’m adding the right stuff as I can’t find any Yamaha equivalent…. 😬😬😬😬
  10. Yeah look similar to mine. Good enough see poachers in my chum slick or boat names to call up and ask their intentions…. Teally high magnification is not much use on a boat as you’re rolling too much. The above are good enough to pick up a fin in the slick, Whale or Dolphin identification too 🙂
  11. Last one for a while 😉
  12. Nah, Just @Andy135 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. So no fishing….. Im still alive, I hope you’re all behaving 🙂
  14. Cod from Weymouth? 🤔🤔🤔 Plaice or Turbot and id be keener…
  15. Hi all, As I’ve explained to a few of you I may need to fly under the radar for a while. I appear to have picked up some followers who are very keen to hear about me and make some interesting assumptions. 99% of which is rather far from reality. Anyway, I’ll keep reading your reports, I aim to drop in now and then to showcase a few trips 🙂 but I’ll be quieter… The awful news is that if I’m quieter I won’t be able post my most excellent supply of jokes 😉😉😉😉😉 But I’ll keep a selection ready for when I get back into open again 😜😜😜😜😜 Tight lines all, I’ll be back soon, hopefully with picture of a Mako 😄😄😄😄😄😄 P.S. to any lurkers, hope you’re doing well, dont be shy! No need to hide.
  16. Catch you later I’m off to the states 🤣🤣🤣 Or Australia 🤣
  17. Hi to all you lurkers! Don’t be shy and read our posts, drop a line, see how friendly we are. We are not as bad as we may appear, it’s all different in real life but hey, if you join the conversations you’ll soon find that out 🙂
  18. Looks painful 😞 Get well soon! Hopefully all sorted soon 🙂
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