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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Ok, back to the point in hand….. Ill start to bung some in from October as weather will be worse…. I won’t use super…. Oh and I don’t empty my tanks, that’s the problem so will need to add the additive 🙂
  2. It’s the getting super….. I can call up the Marina fuel up on a pontoon a few yards away for same fuel that’s 1p/l cheaper than Tesco’s…. Then bung in some magic juice 🙂
  3. I don’t empty my tanks, only top up so there’s always some petrol left over but with the change I’m not about to fill up with Jerry cans. Much easier to squirt a bottle in and leave it 🙂
  4. As having perhaps the biggest tanks (x2 350l) I’ll be adding additives to my tanks as I fill up in marinas. Summer I burn enough not to worry, but come September/October will start adding additives to keep it all ok. I’m not sure about winter yet, will prob still stick with normal fuel as they won’t suddenly transition over, it’ll be a time but it’s coming…. My engines are 2015 vintage so hopefully ok as being Yams they have a big following in the states. However, I suspect there will be plenty of gummed carbs in the spring!!!!!
  5. Agree…. Id be looking to do multiple short drifts, especially if you’ve seen threshers in the area….
  6. I do t know, just saw it on Facebook (so must be true right?! 🤣) As I’ve struggled to find a trailer big enough for my boat I just thought I’d oust to promote discussion. I’ll let the experts decide if it’s real… However, full marks to @Geoff for the sound advice 🙂 I see outboards bouncing in back of trailers when driving down the M4 to west wales and it makes me wince every time I see it….. 😢😢😢
  7. Make sure you check your motor is up before heading home….. (picture courtesy of IceyTek Facebook page)
  8. Other option…. Fill a watering can with water. Pour in some food colouring and pour on parts of boat. You can even do a few cans with different colours so that you can see where it’s coming in as it may take a while to seep in
  9. Odyssey


    Nor me…. It was 45 miles offshore. Usually there is at least a swell or chop as it’s exposed (next stop America). Had a few fish but it’s very slow this year
  10. RYA do a 1 day radar course. It’s very useful
  11. Odyssey


    Had a couple of blues yesterday. Was hot and slow. Nothing big but nice to be out. Not much else to say 😂 Was flat which makes a change
  12. Welcome Brian, infollow your exploits on Facebook 🙂 we don’t get skate down here in west Wales (or at least no-one thinks we do) but given there is 400ft of water in the Celtic deeps in the no fish area I think it’s worth a try on a small tide and good sea conditions…..
  13. Good fishing! Get well soon 🙂 Hope it all went ok and you’re back on the water soon
  14. She apparently had a false pregnancy, which led her to appear to have a bad back/legs. So took to the vet and then got a cough… The vet thoight it was flu but then went to an emergency vet and he wasn’t sure…. Then yesterday morning was into a 3rd vet who did some poking, prodding, ultrasound and blood test and said it was a false pregnancy which was causing a uterine infection…. Fortunately due to being on antibiotics, we caught the infection early enough to avoid emergency surgery….. So she’s off to be spayed in September. We did think about pups but not going to happen as too risky. So sorry girl, I know you get horny but no dirty weekends away for you 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. I used to use a handline as a kid. Once we hit one, we stopped and jigged vertically. abour 4-6oz lead on the end of a set of feathers worked well 🙂 These days I can’t find them 😞
  16. Well it’s been a tough few days…. (Been back and forth the vets and out of hours vets) but now all diagnosed and Daisy is on the mend 🙂 Was touch and go on weekend and bet had prepared us for the worst on Saturday night but over the worst now 🙂 So to celebrate Im off fishing tomorrow 🙂
  17. Yeah, we are watching Jaws on Netflix. Im trying to teach her that sharks are friends 🙂
  18. Hello any dog owners! Does anyone know any good remedies for doggie cold/flu? Daisy is sat looking miserable with a cold/flu and just wondering if anything I can do to help her get better quicker 🙂
  19. Yeah keep on going past Swansea…. I spent 21 years there, was bad then, worse now 😉 (Tight lines if you do get out 🙂 )
  20. First double of the year….. 😳😳😳😳😳😳🙈🙈🙈🙈 uoull make Andy jealous. He only catches dogfish 🤣
  21. Welcome 🙂 I think that Ian ( @GPSguru) is perhaps the most local. Last seen heading the horizon on his rib to pull in big pollack off the wrecks 🙂 Im more of a smelly baits person for sharks, lures are used to catch bait…. 😆😆😆
  22. With her larger cousin last week. A pair of breaksea beauties 😍
  23. So in short @Saintly Fish nope, you don’t have enough yet 🤣
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