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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. X2 big game x2 blues x2 porgies x2 reefing x2 uptiders x 1 bream…. so I’d guess it depends on what you use them for and if they get used at all 😉
  2. As I’ve said, if Boris offering a bank holiday I’m cheering England 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  3. I’m suprised at tgst. They ended up pretty close to us by the end of the day. So I know there were plenty of fish about as we had loads of dropped runs as they are still finicky due to colder water. Hopefully next fine will get more 🙂
  4. He did well yesterday…. Jammy git caught the most fish…. Obviously the skill is in the skipper making the chum and finding the fish 😉
  5. First shark on board this year… the other 39 are released in the water. Sometimes you need to bring them in unhook and untangle them. Safer for me and fish
  6. A kindred spirit 🙂
  7. He followed me out abd drifted close to us. Not sure how he did but we had 12 blues to 105lb and a porgie of about 160-170lb so a reasonable day out
  8. Cool 🙂 I’ll have to compare notes when I’m back in 🙂
  9. Looks like a rare west wales weather window so day booked off, chum ready and off we go again! Heading down tonight on the hopes I can refuel else no trip tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Report to follow…. (No burgers this time im afraid!)
  10. Agree! Used Jigabite for bees knees spoolers and bobbin knotters. very helpful and great service 🙂
  11. Sounds like a great weekend just sad I couldn’t make it (Mother in law is 60 this year and taking up too many Saturdays with celebrations 😡) Maybe can have a mini meet in the Bristol Channel or something…. See if myself and @jonnyswamp can show you southern softies some real fish 😉 )
  12. Hi all, Some of you may remember Jude (Lady Half Pint). Apparently she suffered an aneurysm recently and has obviously been in hospital etc. I don’t have many details but just thought I’d give you the heads up…
  13. Shame Iceland aren’t playing this year…. Put up some stiff competition in the past….
  14. No bun….. Served in a doughnut with crispy bacon sprinkles on top…. Was skeptical at first…. After 2nd bite was no longer skeptical 🙂
  15. So saw the weather forecast for Friday was looking good so last minute trip planned in….. only issue was meeting friends for burgers and drinks in Brecon and didn’t leave there u til 10pm got to boat at 12 then an hour to load up with food, chum fit new batteries and get to bed for 1am alarm set for 05:45 to get 6am lock…. Collected crew ( @headlight) and made way down the haven. Was a bit more choppy but soon 40 miles out. Got the drift going but was a slow day a few small blues all less than 100lb so no point in boating the babies so released in the water. water temp still quite low so will head further south next trip! No fish pics, as not really worthy of pics…. see the burger though…. Dirty as hell but oh so tasty….. #FoodPorn… Donut each side of beef, bacon, cheese…. Fries had pulled pork and mozzarella…. Family birthday do on Saturday 😴😴😴😴😴 Rather be fishing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Welcome to the club 🤣🤣
  17. I got my chest freezers from AO.com just went for the biggest I could find in terms of capacity and then made sure they fitted in available space. You’ll struggle to get them up a loft hatch though….
  18. It’s not that rocky there. Its an area known as the Ranny. Wind against tide means choppy conditions and it’s easy to hit sandbanks etc which is what I suspect has happened… @jonnyswamp rumour has it they were based out of Cardiff Marina or the smaller one up river… msin thing is they were ok! They were not the only ones to get into trouble on the weekend…. This the main entrance channel to Cardiff. Far too many people cut the corner off… this is why you don’t do it 🙄
  19. Welcome 🙂 Lovely boat by the way, help tip the balance away from these diesel folks 😆
  20. Luxury! inhve to beach mine or use a hoist (££££)
  21. I’m waiting for them from Tanya. Cheapest by far 🙂 Crazy week in work but hopefully out Friday 🙂 Just need to sort new car as well for work…. Sadly I’m not allowed a boat abd use a cycle bike for road transport 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. Nope! Batteries not turned up yet abd had to spend day car shopping….. I hate car shopping 😡😡😡😡😡😡
  23. If I’m back in Cardiff in the autumn I’lol take you out. Ive had 63 in a session…. To myself…. A fish a Chuck on the banks
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