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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Odyssey


    Saturday hiking in breeding beacons Sunday sharking..... gorgeous sea, 28knt cruise out to Celtic deeps drifted 1.25NM all day was crap, blanked on the sharks don’t want to talk about it 🤣🤣🤣 To be fair all other boats blanked apart from 2 charters who fished where I was the day before and then went 39 miles further south the next day! Some big fish about so back out trying tomorrow. Had some nice whiting on the bottom though 🙂
  2. If you’re busy it’s quicker and sometimes cheaper to do this... Especially if you’ve got to give up paying work to do it yourself... Solder and shrink wrap is prob easiest, make the join as close to the MFD as you can. Or leave someone else have to hide the cables and do the crawling in all places 😁😁😁
  3. Glad you managed it all ok. Being prepared is the main part! I always tie centre cleat first. One that is on boat can’t move much. Can then take your time setting stern then bow lines. 🙂
  4. No-no none of us are mad. We just have different opinions on things. You can say someone is mad as you may offend them and they will need help to get over that 😉
  5. Now changes to Sunday and Tuesday.... I suspect that Tuesday will get cancelled as weather will change 😢😢😢😢😢
  6. I fear it’s time to close the thread before it blows up....
  7. I found it mine(d) blowing....
  8. Friday and Sunday are the planned days for toothy critters 🙂
  9. Reading the other threads I was tempted to say I’d swap the tope for the turbo, but looking at that I would definitely have done so, looks delicious!
  10. How are you measuring the revs? Is this a digital output from an ECU or via a tachometer that needs to be configured? I speak from experience of someone who tried to reprop their boat and the revs didn’t go up as the tachometer frequency was interpreted incorrectly...
  11. It’s time to retire then 🤣🤣🤣
  12. When you’re asked when your coming home...
  13. Those talicas do look nice.... Im clearing out old gear not buying more. Realised I’ve got too much 🤣🤣🤣 Penn international 30SW 2 speed 2x Daiwa saltists 1 x Penn 535 All looking for new homes 🙂
  14. Yep but if you put in the miles you tend to find the fish 🙂 not the case in winter, tend to run 1 mile from home for cod and rays 🙂
  15. I’m keeping quiet on petrol 🤣 However, that said it’s not little and often it’s infrequent but significant 😬😬😬
  16. So..... How come Josh finds all the fish but the chuckle brothers don’t? 😉
  17. Alternatively.... get a sit on top kayak, loadsa fun and easy to paddle 🙂 not cheap or you can hire for the day 🙂
  18. Nice fishing! Where you launch from? 🙂
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