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Everything posted by Odyssey

  1. Odyssey


    Top tip for all your dogfish lovers... Make them look like a real fish 😉
  2. There a club meeting Weds? 🤔 I may pop down if there is... but I maybe in Herefordshire collecting more chum 🤣
  3. Odyssey

    Fore !

    It did raise a chuckle...
  4. Awesome 😎 Glad you found something suitable may she provide you many smiles and happy times 🙂
  5. I got sea-go at hand to grab, as well as a liferaft on the roof. My gunnels and rails are over my waist so vey high. All my life jackets are manual inflate, seago. I went for manual inflate as if I have a cabin with narrow door, May struggle to get out of it in an inflated life jacket. My boat is different to @GPSguru he is open im not so makes sense. For Geoff, either should be fine, crotch straps for sure. MarineScene are reasonably priced for this kind of kit 🙂
  6. DIY for the in-laws tomorrow.... so glad weather is crap 🤣 Nort sure about Sunday but it ain’t looking good I guess 😞
  7. Live mackerel, bubble float up a creek/reef at dusk, killer for bass 🙂 Float in the chum slick this year for me, see if any gars/mackerel about. I got a mate who catches awesome bass in the haven on float fished mackerel... something to try when weatger bad...
  8. I do a bit of float fishing. Put a few rods out in the Celtic deeps when I’m fishing for whiting and dogfish. Amazing the sharks you can pick up.... 😉
  9. John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of me Life, between the legs of me wife!" That won him the top prize at the pub for the best toast of the night! He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the Best toast of the night." She said, "Aye, did ye now. And what was your toast?" John said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life, sitting in church beside me wife." "Oh, that is very nice indeed, John!” Mary said. The next day, Mary ran into one of John's drinking buddies on the street Corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, "John won the prize the other night at the pub with a toast about you, Mary." She said, "Aye, he told me, and I was a bit surprised myself. You know, he's only been in there twice in the last four years. Once I had to pull him by the ears to make him come, and the other time he fell asleep".
  10. If you look at crap sorry, carp fisherman they do give their quarry a god-like status..... Im not sure the humble Dogfish will get such a following but you never know 🤣
  11. It may not be as exciting for anyone in England but having a pub that’s able to open indoors great in Wales as it rains so much.... Be nice to get out and socialise again :)!
  12. If you can send the mould I can always make a few and send it back 🙂 I doubt it’ll help me win but it’s nice to try 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. Sounds good 🙂 It’s only for a complete beginner to bounce shads over reefs in the hopes of bigger pollack or cod so I can try to beat Emma at lure fishing 😬😬😬😬😬
  14. Anyone one make lead heads for jigging? ive for the plastic parts but some weighty lead heads are needed. I don’t want to buy a mould if I’m not going to use many so want to have a try before investing too much. obviously happy to cover costs 🙂
  15. When a group of tourists visited a crocodile farm, the owner of the place launched a bold proposal; - Whoever dares to jump, swim to the coast and survive, I'll give you $ 1 million. No one dared to move, suddenly, a man jumped into the water and desperately swam to the shore while being chased by all the crocodiles. With enormous luck came, taking everyone's admiration at the scene, then the owner announced; - We have a brave winner. After collecting his reward, the couple returned to the hotel, upon arrival, the manager told him; he was very brave to jump, then the man said; - I didn't jump, someone pushed me! His wife smiled... Moral: ′′ Behind every successful man, there's a woman who pushes him "... 😁
  16. I’ve got Varta batteries on my boat, lasted a few years and are good kit. Tanya batteries are good, excellent price and next day delivery to your house which is helpful 🙂 To dispose of your old batteries, take them to a scrap yard. Most will give you a few quid for them. Saves taking them to the tip or worse, ATS/Halfords which charge you to dispose of them 😮
  17. I’ve been working on my garage this afternoon, got some plywood on it way tomorrow for workbenches. I was after a blue drum to hold bran and keep it dry saw it on Facebook locally and went to pick it up. Met someone with an awesome garage, wood burner going, beer on the side and rods in roof, that’s when it twigged! Ive now got a few water tanks too... starting to think about a live bait tank in the garage for tanking ragworm for the winter cod.... Sadly for Swampy I don’t have room for more but I’ll mention it to the in-laws as they maybe interested 🙂 As for a trip, you’ll have to get out around the islands to find a few fish or some tope at anchor too 🙂
  18. Great to hear you got out 🙂 It’s amazing how quick the buzz comes back 🙂 I had an offer on my boat a few weeks ago..... was sorely tempted but after a weekend of fishing no way was I giving her up! (If of replaced it)
  19. Sounds like you can have a day off after your successes 🙂
  20. Yeah I’ll do a bit before Daisy finds me and starts to eat it all 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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